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Israel bombs new school, 20 Palestinians killed...dozens others injured

There are 8 years that Gaza is under siege. Even if Gazan fishers go to see for fishing Zionists will shoot them!

BTW guys do not drail the thread. and I hope off topics get deleted.
excuse me? Firstly bharti this is a Pakistani forum. It should not concern you what we do here. What should concern you is the lack of toilets in ur country where women are raped and degraded on a daily bases. Rape capital of the world. You will always bow down to ur zionist masters its a common trait along all of you curry munching islamophobes.

curry muncher really? Living in Australia dont make you white :D

Please delete offtopics mate.
curry muncher really? Living in Australia dont make you white :D
new zealand u curry munching rapist lol
curry muncher really? Living in Australia dont make you white :D

White from the inside.
RIP. :(

Indian members defending Israel killing soo many innocent children, Seriously there is something WRONG with you guys.
India's official position fortunately is quite clear. It has supported UN resolution condemning the full scale massacre by Israel. Normally,a state should represent the majority,isn't it?
do terrorist issue n pakistan concern u..
do shia sunni bloodbath concern u..
do killings of ahmadis in.pakistan concern u...
do killings raping and converting of hindus and christians in.pakistan concern u...
do ethnic cleansing of shias and christian by ISIS concern u...
do killings of thousands of innocent muslims in syria concerned u....
do the poor health and education problem killing thousand in ur country on monthly basis concerned u...
do the killings and abduction of innocent by boko haram concerned u....
do the civil struggle in egypt concerned u....
do the sect killings in sindh province concern u....

i guess not... never saw u all opening threads and condemning all these act... but a moment a hindu , zionist, christian shows ur hypocrisy ..... u are up to kill him atleat on this forum...

why isreal is having less casualty ... is not like hamas is nt attacking them... they are trying to kill every israeli out there ..but the technological edge protecting them... isreali are too retaliating but hamas do not have that edge..so people are dying.... why dont hamas accept the truce and talk...
if they are nt ready to talk then why cry... i though kurbani is essence of islam... those who are dying will go to heaven.. so, they are directly going to heaven without enduring much suffering of this world....
You are implying as if the issues listed out in your post have not been discussed in this forum? Do you really go through the threads? I guess not. Since you have shown such a mind-boggling ignorance, replying to the rest of the matter in your post would be utter waste of time and bandwidth.

Your last paragraph clearly exposes your Ziondian mentality and how you see the tragic loss of life as Qurbani (it is not kurrrr, learn to pronounce correctly, its not that difficult). For you Ziondians, Muslims are nothing but animals who should die as such.
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My prayers and thouhts are with all the victims of palastine and israel.....by the way some of these Indian members in this thread are fucking sick in the head.
Hamas is God's blessing on earth.
Really? :woot: :rofl::omghaha:

If Hamas is God's blessing on Earth then I'm Santa Claus!

Man you really need to see a shrink. :crazy:
You seem to be an egoistic delusional rhetorician inebriated with the exuberance of your own verbosity. What do you think you are? A great Mughul monarch of the East? Jeeez!

You're just a non entity out here. Who the fook cares about your registration on this forum? Now go play marbles outside with your adolescent friends and stop bothering us here on PDF. You've started sounding pretty silly.

LOL, you think I take your rants seriously. Fortunately, I aren't sick in the head as you are. Poor guy, going insane that Israel is exposed all over the internet. :lol:

Enjoy your vacation soon. :D

This is a sign that Israel is being exposed(largely by me) on this forum. Which is why I'm getting attacked by many Zionists/Extremist Hindus/Christians.

I bet all the hasbara members here became unemployed after I registered on this forum.
you are the biggest extremist.... You just have islamic love... yesterday you celebrated on Israel Soldiers death... largely by you.... lol... who gives a $hit about your claims... look at your posts...one side you are insulting Israelis death, celebrating their deaths... showing blind love on Hamas... When we are supporting Israelis stance on self defence... you are abusing us???/ what a double standards.... you can feel free to support Hamas no issue with it, why you are getting butt hurt and abusing us, when took Israelis side... get over your extremism mind dude... no wonder, all banned terrorist org are Islamist extremist group...
oh god this is getting out of hand.i cant seem to understand why the muslim world being too cool about iraq,syria,palestine.they could at least negotiate a peace deal...
My prayers and thouhts are with all the victims of palastine and israel.....by the way some of these Indian members in this thread are fucking sick in the head.

Indians happen to be some of the most socially degenerate people on earth or simply have the most hatred on earth. Can you tell me?

I know a few Indian Americans that don't resemble these ones. Why is that so many of them are extreme and support Israel's actions?
You are implying as if the issues listed out in your post have not been discussed in this forum? Do you really go through the threads? I guess not. Since you have shown such a mind-boggling ignorance, replying to the rest of the matter in your post would be utter waste of time and bandwidth.

Your last paragraph clearly exposes your Ziondian mentality and how you see the tragic loss of life as Qurbani (it is not kurrrr, learn to pronounce correctly, its not that difficult). For you Ziondians, Muslims are nothing but animals who should die as such.
really.... how many threads opened on isreal and how many opened on other issues i mentioned... just look at the discussion that follow there ... how many members 5, 10 15 at max... how many on israeli issue...lol.. the whole ummah will join in... why u people nt giving refuge to those displaced soul... now u won't do that... all ur ummah love suddenly disappear in thin air... hypocrisy bunch of people ...

lol learn what... kurbaani speaking course.... i am neither interested in kurbaani procedure nor in its spelling.. like i give a damn...
its u people u want to go heaven so badly and enjoy ur 72 special treats thats turning others life hell in this earth... and u are accusing me of not respecting life... hypocrisy huh...
u accuse me of seeing muslims as animal...lol... whereas u people like to treat the whole world as animals.... just go and look into ur govt. books and curriculum ...read what it says on other religion... just look into ur isi journals and research papers on intelligence and war... what it think of its enemy.....
its kind of funny all these words coming from a citizen of a nation which is dubbed as heaven of t______t ..
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