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Israel Air Force and Missile Defense of the Future - Share your opinions


Oct 25, 2013
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Aircrafts :

F35 I - Israel currently ordered 33 F35 A jets with Israeli modifications. Those modifications include - Cyber capabilities, armament, EW, plug in app for software modifications and more.
Israel intend to buy more 40 B models in the near future.


F15 I - US adds F-15 to $38 billion military aid package for Israel - Israel, according to several official sources in the Israeli goverment, requested new F15 I for the Israeli Air force.
"In a surprise move, Rice added to the F-15 to the mix of weapon systems on the agenda for the 10-year aid package, perhaps reducing funds available to purchase Israel’s planned complement of 75 F-35I Adirs.“This additional funding will allow Israel to update the lion’s share of its fighter aircraft fleet, including the acquisition of additional F-35s and F-15s,” she says."
Source: https://defence.pk/threads/israel-is-interested-in-new-f15-i-aircrafts.452313/page-2#ixzz4LrM5YZ2T

Old F16 netz fighters ? F35-I intend to replace the old F16's in the Israeli inventory in the coming decade.
What would be the consequences of such move?

Drones :
Israel currently operate many drones, from Skylark UAV that can be carried around by soldiers in the field and give the commanders a real time intelligence to bigger and more sophisticated UAV's in form of Hermes 450 and Heron, or newer versions - Hermes 900, Heron TP and Super Heron.
According to multiple sources Israeli UAV's are capable of carrying armament but decline to publish it


Israeli-British Watchkeeper (Hermes 450) carrying missiles.
Israel also has "Killer drones", but for the matter of the discussion we'll focus on it's bigger UAV's - Heron and Hermes UAV's.

“The IAF commander has defined doubling the squadron in terms of order of battle, personnel, missions and capabilities, with the overarching goal being that this strategic squadron will be relevant to all operational theaters and every [mission] area,” the officer said.

Ofir added that by 2020, the White Eagle squadron should triple in size, while existing systems are slated for upgrading.

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/israel-air-force-to-double-heron-uav-squadron.425772/#ixzz4LrP3eKqR

Israel is said to be working on a stealth UAV, and it came to light lately that Japan and Israel are working on developing a new UAV, but only future will tell us if the mission will be successful.

Missile "Shield" - Israel's Interceptors:
Israel is fielding and developing a missile shield, in form of multi-layer defense systems.
Starting from the futuristic Iron Beam, to Iron Dome goes to bigger interceptors like David Sling, Arrow 2 and 3, Israel intend to defense it's infer structure and citizens by intercepting incoming missiles.


What according to you, Israel Air Force will look like , and what modification it should perform in order to become more advance.

Trolling Isn't allowed, this is a technical thread and not political one, so reply accordingly.

What version of F15 will Israel procure?
How many F35's will Israel integrate in the near future?
What will Israel future air defense capabilities will look like?
What will be Israel's capabilities in the unmanned world?

@Penguin @500 @Natan @Archdemon @GBU-28 @F-15I @mike2000 is back @Blue Marlin @Mountain Jew @Adir-M
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