The only REAL good chance to destroy Israel is in 1948 when they are at their weakest, when a country is just form, they are always the weakest. The result is Arab fought amoung themselve and try to be the boss for one another, and let Israel Live, when you look at the 1948 Arab-Israel War, you see it's not Arab as a whole fighting Israel, but rather you get iraqi on one side trying to master trans-jordan and Syria and Egypt on the otherside try to boss around the Palestinian. Result is they all fail.
The second good chance come from the Yom Kippur War in 1973. Again, Arab fail because of the Arab are brickering each other rather forming a uniting front against Israel. It seems like the Arab are more interested on how to slice open Israel once they destoryed them, rather than Destroying them itself.....
There are no way you can destroy the Modern Isreal now, Israel gone bigger and now at its peak. The only way to destory today Israel is by using Thermal Nuclear Weapon, still there will be about 20-25% jew left behind in Israel. And that will also mean the end of the world, what good will that be if you are the king of the world when the world no longer exist??
I am not pro or against israel, I am speaking on behalf of a Military Historian.