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Islamists destroy 15th-century Timbuktu mosque

Not insane. What Breivik did was not out of random neurons firing through his brain. It came from a deliberate dissertation of facts that he gathered for himself, that he knew that under the current laws he lived under that what he wanted to do is criminal, that it would be morally abhorrent to most, and that he would either go to jail or die for it, in other words, he viewed himself as a martyr for his cause.

I think the latter. If it is per incidence, there would be much more of these acts. There would be no suicide bombers because each mission is effectively a one-way affair and we want to maximize as much benefits in the afterlife as possible, right? Further, if it is per incident, we would have serious cases of jealousy in the afterlife because there would be the inevitable unequal dispensation of benefits. Who is to say there are no jealousy now because some suicide bombers killed more infidels than others but get the same amount of benefit?

Yes but he was declared insane you know that right? What is to say these so called Islamists aren't insane as well? We both know that they no show no empathy towards their victims, are fearless, don't feel guilt, and are manipulative to the core (that is how they get followers). That is the very definition of psychopathy and has nothing to do with religion.

Really gambit I would think that at least you wouldn't feed the stupid troll who has done nothing for this thread except for that one sarcastic comment. :disagree:
You know guys when you have a senior member and an elite member bickering on a thread like children it really devalues the forum on the whole. :hitwall:
Obviously the religion per se is not at fault but why doesn't mullahs world over and make some denouncements so that people who are about to get indoctrinated or is on the borderline can be saved ? I have hardly seen mullahs denouncing these cave men like behavior..

ITs because the Media namely the west tend to distorted, divert and withhold information about the situation. Its the sole reason why these Mullahs don't denounce and I can't blame them ....how could you criticise others when your own house(western media) are not in order.

ABout the situation...

THey are not attacking the Mosque but the shrines...its Unislamic to have shrines its Shirk in Islam
THey are not destroying the Mosque as it been mention thats a complete fabrication.
WHat really amazes me are the injurious people who had conjured such lies to fabricate another culture and the so-called intelligent people who have believed as facts and spewing all around like mad gossiping idiots women without getting the facts. Really amazing... never seen how IQ have dropped in a shortest time period. But believe in the crap.
ITs because the Media namely the west tend to distorted, divert and withhold information about the situation. Its the sole reason why these Mullahs don't denounce and I can't blame them ....how could you criticise others when your own house(western media) are not in order.

ABout the situation...

THey are not attacking the Mosque but the shrines...its Unislamic to have shrines its Shirk in Islam
THey are not destroying the Mosque as it been mention thats a complete fabrication.
WHat really amazes me are the injurious people who had conjured such lies to fabricate another culture and the so-called intelligent people who have believed as facts and spewing all around like mad gossiping idiots women without getting the facts. Really amazing... never seen how IQ have dropped in a shortest time period. But believe in the crap.

Are you really Israeli? :blink:
Pakistani morons can justify any stupidity around the world with Babri mosque. I think they are trained to think that way.

And that too in a thread in which they are justifying pulling down ancient shrines because it is haram...

if mental gymnastics was introduced as a sport in Olympics, Pakistanis would defeat the rest of the world combined by a mile..
Yes but he was declared insane you know that right?
You asked for MY opinion and I gave it to you. In my further opinion, the fact that the psychologists' divided diagnosis/opinion is a sign that Breivik's mental state of mind, regarding moral justification, is just as mysterious as yours and mind for what we do and what we believe.

What is to say these so called Islamists aren't insane as well? We both know that they no show no empathy towards their victims, are fearless, don't feel guilt, and are manipulative to the core (that is how they get followers).
So what if they are? Does that mean they should not be pursued and prosecuted?

That is the very definition of psychopathy and has nothing to do with religion.
But you cannot deny the reality that they hold emotional and psychological security in a religion and the tenets in that religion contributed to the moral justifications of their acts.

Really gambit I would think that at least you wouldn't feed the stupid troll who has done nothing for this thread except for that one sarcastic comment. :disagree:
I criticize and mock all religions. But for Islam, I find it telling of the religion that of all the enticements to induce conversion and to keep adherence, the most base of impulses in the human nature -- sex -- is necessary. And not just mere sex but sex with virgins at that. Even more base than the Christians' enticement of palaces and land of milk and honey in their afterlife.
ITs because the Media namely the west tend to distorted, divert and withhold information about the situation. Its the sole reason why these Mullahs don't denounce and I can't blame them ....how could you criticise others when your own house(western media) are not in order.

ABout the situation...

THey are not attacking the Mosque but the shrines...its Unislamic to have shrines its Shirk in Islam
THey are not destroying the Mosque as it been mention thats a complete fabrication.
WHat really amazes me are the injurious people who had conjured such lies to fabricate another culture and the so-called intelligent people who have believed as facts and spewing all around like mad gossiping idiots women without getting the facts. Really amazing... never seen how IQ have dropped in a shortest time period. But believe in the crap.

No wonder you guys bomb your sufi shrines day in and day out.
I personally dont agree with the term Nature of Islam which has been used here, but lets not forget that we muslims have established a pattern of intolerance and destrution of othe poeple's holy places.

Sir please open ure eyes.
Where you think Muslims got this idea that by destroying others' places of worship they are doing God's work ?
Where did they get this inspiration from ?
Don’t Muslims burn churches and synagogues? Don’t they insult the deities of Hindus?
Didn’t they demolish the statute of Buddha in Bamian? You may say that those Muslims who do such things are ignorant, but what about Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam?
Didn’t he insult the Christians' belief of trinity, which he did not even understand?
Didn't he insult and eventually destroy the icons of the Quraish?
What right did he have to ram into Ka’ba and smash the icons that people held sacrosanct?
That temple belonged to the Pagans. He had no right to confiscate it and destroy their idols.
You may say, but Muhammad did this because he was right and others were wrong.
Isn’t this what everyone thinks about his own belief?
Should anyone who thinks he is right kill those who disagree with him and destroy their houses of worship?
Don’t you agree that the reason Muslims have caused so much havoc throughout these centuries, destroyed thousands of temples, libraries in Iran, India and elsewhere and killed your and my ancestors is because they followed the examples of their prophet?
He set the example for other Muslims to follow.

I know you wouldn't agree with me, majority of Muslims won't. But this the truth, you would realize it if you think about it.
Look at the arguments that these people give after destroying other places of worship, you will figure out the source of the hatred and intolerance.
Any one with a little interest in history will know where Timbuktu is. What I cannot believe is the inherent need for you guys to defend the action.

I have no interest in Timbaktu's history along with most of the other folks on the forum. I really don't care what they do in Mali, nor do I have any reason to defend or condemn alleged acts whereby certain structures were destroyed.

What they do in Mali has no bearence on my life.
Blaming this on saudi wahabi is a joke. Honestly destroying Hindu / Buddhist temples was carried out in India over many many centuries. Far before Wahhab was even born. Those idol breakers are considered great heroes in places like pakistan and places and weapons are named after them even today.

There is a fundamental problem, of supremacy and dominance. Wahhab is only the current popular manifestation.

All religions have some faults, lets not try to find lame excuses.

Abdul Wahab only established it as a religion. This extremist ideology existed centuries before. You can look at Ibne Tamyeh. Ibne Tamyeh used to do the same to destroy the shrines etc. You can further go back to Kharjis.
And that too in a thread in which they are justifying pulling down ancient shrines because it is haram...

if mental gymnastics was introduced as a sport in Olympics, Pakistanis would defeat the rest of the world combined by a mile..

If shytting bricks was a sport in the olympic games.... u indian would be the winners and the only contenders...u low life troll.
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