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Islamism ???

I am thrilled to have my name in the subject line. NOT!

Start here and tell me which definition you follow. We'll go from there. Thank you,.

Islamism (Islam+-ism) or Political Islam (Arabic: إسلام سياسي‎ Islām siyāsī, or الإسلامية al-Islāmīyah) is a set of ideologies holding that "Islam should guide social and political as well as personal life".[1] Islamism is a controversial neologism, and definitions of it sometimes vary (see below). Islamists can have varying interpretations on various Quranic suras and ayahs.[2] Leading Islamists Mullahs and Ayatullahs emphasize the implementation of Sharia (Islamic law); and pan-Islamic political unity;

Islamism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The guy who started this $hit philosophy was Jamaalud Din Afghani. But poor guy didn't know that Mullahs will get a hold of it and make a mockery of Sharia and Islam.

Anyways do some study and we can discuss more

peace to you

p.s. @Azlan Haider you may want to add more thoughts before this thread turns to $hitfest and mods shut it down :D
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Detailed answer please.

look around please. open your eyes, listen please,.

All the death and destruction.

Will you ask me similar questions like

1. What's wrong with polio
2. What's wrong with AIDS
3. What's wrong with small pox
4. What's wrong with malaria

Would you?

Would you ask for more details

or simply look at the immense pain and suffering due to all these diseases. and then do everything in your power to avoid contact with anyone spreading these diseases.

Would you not denounce anyone who would knowingly spread these diseases.

knowingly spread human suffering?

would you

would you not?
just curious
look around please. open your eyes, listen please,.

All the death and destruction.

Will you ask me similar questions like

1. What's wrong with polio
2. What's wrong with AIDS
3. What's wrong with small pox
4. What's wrong with malaria

Would you?

Would you ask for more details

or simply look at the immense pain and suffering due to all these diseases.

just curious
You're not answering my question.
now you are refusing to read

if this was going to be the strategy for you, then why open a new thread?

So you're trying to say that it's a disease.

Shariat is already implemented in KSA. It is doing great there.

Just because the Taliban are misusing our religion, we should denounce it ???
So you're trying to say that it's a disease.

Shariat is already implemented in KSA. It is doing great there.

Just because the Taliban are misusing our religion, we should denounce it ???

it is not Sharia, in Saudi, Who mislead you on this? Who did?

oh my dear madam

it is King's law, monarchy wrapped in green cloth, with kalima written in it.

Saudi kings do not get up every morning and read quran and implement laws.

They implement laws like any king would do 1000 years ago. ,

Please study your subject before posting these arguments. you are apparently not well versed with Islam, jurisprudence, and monarchy.

Thank you

p.s. let's make sure to give each others thumbs up. That way mods will know we are having respectful conversation :D
it is not Sharia,

it is King's law, monarchy wrapped in green cloth, with kalima written in it.

Saudi kings do not get up every morning and read quran and implement laws.

They implement laws like any king would do 1000 years ago. ,

Please study your subject before posting these arguments. you are apparently not well versed with Islam, jurisprudence, and monarchy.

Thank you
Try me.

Just because you say that it's the King's law, it doesn't become one.
Try me.

Just because you say that it's the King's law, it doesn't become one.

I say?

Oh madam

you are so innocent about Saudi ARabia. So innocent.

you have any idea about the process of law making?

in 2014?

How many societies and which societies allow a king to make all the laws with no say of individuals and no freedom for them to speak against and discuss the law before it is implemented.

Do you have any idea about MODERN jurisprudence.


Which modern school of jurisprudence do you follow?

please let me know

p.s. and do give each other thumbs up :D to make sure mods would shut this religious discussion down Thank you
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