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Islamic State air defense using 122 mm howitzers bought from Bulgaria black market to shoot planes

Despite joint efforts from many countries including USA and Russia, ISIS is still holding grounds in Syria. The military tactics employed by al-Baghdadi are proving successful for the terror organization so far.
Despite joint efforts from many countries including USA and Russia, ISIS is still holding grounds in Syria. The military tactics employed by al-Baghdadi are proving successful for the terror organization so far.

IS breeds about 50,000 new warriors per year. Its women do nothing other than having babies.

Eventually, IS will be crushed by technology because flesh is weak compared to metal.

IS breeds about 50,000 new warriors per year. Its women do nothing other than having babies.

Eventually, IS will be crushed by technology because flesh is weak compared to metal.

Can't say anything about future but currently they are holding a large area of Syria and Iraq.
Despite joint efforts from many countries including USA and Russia, ISIS is still holding grounds in Syria. The military tactics employed by al-Baghdadi are proving successful for the terror organization so far.

They hold fringes of land, spread close to highways that they used in their initial dash and little more. As for holding ground, they have suffered consecutive reverses in Iraq and only manage to hang on in Syria because the SAA is fighting against too many enemies to count. If they were able to turn their attention exclusively to ISIS, I suspect that they would not see the end of coming summer. As for airstrikes, never in history has ground been captured through airstrikes, you cannot drop bombs and then claim the land, at the end of the day, air support can soften up the target for you but its the ground forces that will have to march in and raise their standard.
If it were back in the days of WW2 when thousands of bombers dropped bombs on Berlin and killed millions of German civilians, ISIS would have been crushed long ago. These days they have to worry about not harming civilians.

soon this shit will be hit by any aircraft. these uneducated goons are good to be killed or kill innocents
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