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Islamic Jihad: Arab world on brink of new Sykes-Picot


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States
JERUSALEM (Ma'an) -- Negotiations with Israel will put the issue of Palestine on the bargaining table, Islamic Jihad leader Ramadan Shallah said Tuesday, warning of regional division.

"I think that the Palestinian leadership is aware of that and I hope that they don't fall into the trap, especially since the Arab World is on the edge of a new and more dangerous Sykes-Picot agreement," Shallah said, referring to a 1916 agreement which divided the Ottoman Empire in the Middle East into European spheres of influence.

"Our enemies are trying to divide the already divided land and exchange the conflict with the Zionist with a religious and a sectarian one," Shallah said during a public speech.

The Jihad leader said that the Sykes-Picot agreement, the Balfour declaration, the Nakba in 1948 and the Naksa in 1967 had been the key historical events contributing to the plight of the Palestinians, and the region at large.

"We must admit that the situation of our nation today is the worst it has been in all phases of history," Shallah said, blaming division and sectarianism in the region.

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