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Islamic Inspirational Quotes


Jul 25, 2013
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This thread is meant to spread any motivational statements from Islamic source (Quran, Al-Hadist, Ulama quotes, leaders quote etc) for Muslims. The first step to elevate the Muslim world is to work on its Ummah mentality.


Fatir verse 10

"He who desires might and glory/ Izzah [ought to know that] all might and glory belong to God [alone]. Unto Him ascend all good words, and the righteous deed does He exalt. But as for those who cunningly devise evil deeds - suffering severe awaits them; and all their devising is bound to come to nought."

My analysis:

Mental strength comes directly from Allah. Dont rely our psychological strength from wealth, fame, our nation glory, etc, useless.

Most powerful persons in this world have already become powerful mentally before they get wealth and fame. Become powerful first mentally by believing many belief given in Quran and Al-Hadist and then comes the contribution on politics, economy, science, etc (Jihad), depends on what we are very good at and our passion. Understand the difference between conscious believer (Muslim) and subconscious believer (Mukmin). Be humble and act just as we all know that the power actually comes from ALLAH.
nice thread but it is a fact that today majority of the "educated" pakistanis don't like to talk about these things and if you mention such things you will be labelled as" moulvi" or extremist but don't get frustrated and continue your effort as the Quran mentions that the people on the right path have always been very few.
This thread is meant to spread any motivational statements from Islamic source (Quran, Al-Hadist, Ulama quotes, leaders quote etc) for Muslims.

This thread is also meant to violate PDF rules banning religious threads. :D
"Gossip and backstabbing a fellow muslim (SAW) is like eating a carcass" - prophet Muhammed

"There's no sword like the scythian sword and ali has got one"
Quran (Ali Imran): 110


"You are now the best people brought forth for (the guidance and reform of) mankind.You enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and believe in Allah. Had the People of the Book believed it were better for them. Some of them are believers but most of them are transgressors."

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