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Islamic extremists set up ‘Sharia zones’ in UK

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Shariah was and will remain valid for all times that is why:cheers: people of west are coming to Islam

A lot of Muslim youngsters in Europe are in fact turning away from Islam.

Like Anjam, they drink, do drugs, have sex outside marriage, gamble and do other unislamic things.

So you're being a bit too optimistic about the demise of Europe by extremists.
Then this should also apply to other religions and Muslims should stop blaming Christians, Jews and Hindus based on the activities of US, Israel or Gujurati Hindus as every Christian, Jew or Hindu doesn't subscribe to the activities of the former.

Most certainly -- Such generalizations are the language of fear and bigotry - and again I would point out that ascribing to the set, Muslims, the attributes and comments of a a minsule subset, Lunes, as defining Muslims or any other, is not just faulty, it's irrational

I dont know of your travelling experiences but here in the UK i cant see people coming to Islam. I think we need to get a reality check and with respect your statement is slightly deluded and is wrong.

His world view seems a bit out of pace with reality. I even met Muslims here who ate pork.
His world view seems a bit out of pace with reality. I even met Muslims here who ate pork.

His words are a bit far fetched but with respect i think yours are too. Ive never met A pork eating muslim...
His words are a bit far fetched but with respect i think yours are too. Ive never met A pork eating muslim...

Actually I did, but my statement was a bit off. It shouldn't have been in plural form, cause it was only one.
I dont see liberal Muslims from Britain try to stop these maniacs !! if they dont try they dont have the right to complain against Islamphobia !!
Shariah was and will remain valid for all times that is why:cheers: people of west are coming to Islam
I dont care two hoots for sharia, and will never be in a country that follows the same. thanks god india isnt one of them
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