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Featured Islamabad Security Dialogue (March 17-18): A Paradigm Shift in Pakistan's Strategic Posture

Great initiative to kick-start Pakistan's messaging and strategic positioning on security matters on a regional and global scale....

.... Seems to me to be the brainchild of Dr Moeed Yusuf...

The smartest guy in Imran Khan's government...

Those two are circus clowns... This is for the the big thinkers... The Trailblazers... Not for sideshow amusement

Don't give your current leadership so much credit. It's all a circus.
Exactly this will go along way. A very important step in the right direction. I hope this continues. We need to strengthen institute.

Institutes are irrelevant when a.) they have no real experience or exposure to how special ops / intel / etc actually works and b.) the GHQ still monopolizes decision-making power.
I hope that is a joke. The only contribution Orya can make is a hadith about sultans of India being put in chains. As for Zaid, they should have left him in Saudi Arabia.

How is your present leadership any better than Zaid Hamid? Just curious.

You're into this defensive stance that doesn't raise the cost for India for any of its negative actions? Good to know.
I hope that is a joke. The only contribution Orya can make is a hadith about sultans of India being put in chains. As for Zaid, they should have left him in Saudi Arabia.
In a country where traitors like Major General (retd) Mahmud Ali Durrani can become National Security Advisor who had a role in the assassination of a major leader in 80s,talking about zaid hamid and orya is all deflection.. deflection from actual traitors who escaped punishment.
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