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“ISIS” Leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi Trained by Israeli Mossad, Snowden Documents Reveal


Dec 14, 2008
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“ISIS” Leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi Trained by Israeli Mossad, Snowden Documents Reveal
July 28, 2014 by Jack Blood
The former employee at US National Security Agency (NSA), Edward Snowden, has revealed that the British and American intelligence and the Mossad worked together to create the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).


Global Research

Snowden said intelligence services of three countries created a terrorist organisation that is able to attract all extremists of the world to one place, using a strategy called “the hornet’s nest”.

NSA documents refer to recent implementation of the hornet’s nest to protect the Zionist entity by creating religious and Islamic slogans.

According to documents released by Snowden, “The only solution for the protection of the Jewish state “is to create an enemy near its borders”.

Leaks revealed that ISIS leader and cleric Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi took intensive military training for a whole year in the hands of Mossad, besides courses in theology and the art of speech.

“ISIS” Leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi Trained by Israeli Mossad, Snowden Documents Reveal : The Jack Blood Show
i have idea they make hornet nest we should nuke it once for all jihadis wipe out from eath
Did anyone really think the West and Israel were not behind these terrorist organizations? All are funded and created by them. Always think; who benefits? That alone should give an idea as to their creaters.
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Did anyone really think the West and Israel were not behind these terrorist organizations? All are funded and created by them. Always think; who benefits? That alone should give an idea as to their creators.

I think that understanding of US and israeli hand in terror hand always there. In fact they do it openly today. This is new evidence further damage their worth.
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