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ISIS kills its own fighters who try to disjoint militant group

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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ISIS kills its own fighters who try to disjoint militant group
Beirut- A recent report from British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights has revealed that the atrocious militant group, Islamic State, shows no mercy even to its own militants and executes them if they try to return home.

According to the report, nearly 200 foreign fighters who joined the ISIS from different parts of the world were executed by the militant group when they showed their will to return to their native place.

“We can confirm that 120 fighters have been killed by ISIS, but from our sources on the ground we believe that over 200 have actually been killed,” Rami Abdurrahman, the director of the group was quoted as saying by The Independent.

Although the nationalities or ages of the militants who were targeted by the ISIS remains unknown, the monitoring group suspects most of them were Europeans.

In a United Nations report obtained by The Guardian in October, it was stated that around 15,000 people travelled from 80 countries to Syria and Iraq to fight alongside ISIS and other similar extremist groups.

Some recruits have also revealed that they joined ISIS to support its fight for jihad but were made to do lowly tasks like cleaning toilets and doing the washing up.

The ISIS has so far carried out massacres in Iraq and Syria and has beheaded several detainees.
Highly doubt that to be true and even if they were, there would be an internal struggle between the group and we would surely notice that.
When it comes to money and power everything is possible, we have seen in the past and have no doubts will see in future and basturds like Isis are no different.
Highly doubt that to be true and even if they were, there would be an internal struggle between the group and we would surely notice that.

Because you want to avoid internal struggle, you have executed the opposition. With a strong leader at the top and majority of IS, this must be a daily task. So it is possible.
Because you want to avoid internal struggle, you have executed the opposition. With a strong leader at the top and majority of IS, this must be a daily task. So it is possible.
I don't support ISIS but I find it hard to believe that they would do something like this at a time when they are retreating at all battlefronts. Also ISIS consists of several other tribal militias and several of them only joined them because of their initial success.

They would rather just let them go and after a few months (or weeks) come out and say that they have "sent" their "Mujahideen" to Europe to carry out attacks against Europeans or Americans.
I don't support ISIS but I find it hard to believe that they would do something like this at a time when they are retreating at all battlefronts. Also ISIS consists of several other tribal militias and several of them only joined them because of their initial success.

They would rather just let them go and after a few months (or weeks) come out and say that they have "sent" their "Mujahideen" to Europe to carry out attacks against Europeans or Americans.

I think a villain would do just that. At a time when you are retreating, and they see their own team is in the run (a chunk if not all), they will execute them. RUssias fired at their own retreating army against first German assult and these bigots can do much more than that.

As far as sending militias to other countries to plan and execute attacks, you need like minded. Not the ones willing to return home after seeing the terror or other reasons.
I appreciate ISIS activity this time, for reducing 200 idiots from world population...
Leave the lady alone, we don't want our very first female user to leave because people are creeping up on her.
i always visualized you as a female,plus there are loads of female users,AWKWARD yet surprising.
i always visualized you as a female,plus there are loads of female users,AWKWARD yet surprising.
You visualized me as female, click on my avatar and you will see the word "Male". I haven't seen any female users up until now.
Highly doubt that to be true and even if they were, there would be an internal struggle between the group and we would surely notice that.

ISIL commands absolute authority.
we shouldn't be shocked to hear them killing off its own fighters who are showing cowardice and lack of resolve for the caliphate and it's Master Baghdadi.

these Western terrorists bite off more than can chew.

wish they only had the balls to turn there weapons on their leaders and run.
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