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ISIS ‘executes’ Iraqi man by drowning him in ‘dettol’


Feb 21, 2012
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ISIS ‘executes’ Iraqi man by drowning him in ‘dettol’

ByWeb Desk
Posted on January 6, 2017

MOSUL: A global militant outfit Islamic State (ISIS) released a new video appearing to show them executing an Iraqi man in Mosul by drowning him in a disinfectant detergent liquid ‘Dettol’.

Syria’s independent press agency ARA News reported that the militants also broadcast a call between the man and an Iraqi radio station while drowning him in Dettol, a widely-used disinfectant.

They said that the victim supported “the government’s campaign to restore Mosul and said that the city needs to be cleansed with Dettol detergent.”


“This infidel has been supporting the Iraqi regime to take Mosul,” one of the militants was reportedly heard saying in the broadcast. The militant added that the city needs to be cleansed of “such infidels with Dettol”.

The number of ISIS suicide attacks reached 1,112 operations in Iraq and Syria 2016 alone, where 761 targeted the Iraqi armed forces and Peshmerga, 153 targeted the PKK, 133 of them the Syrian regime forces while 83 hit Syrian opposition groups and Turkish forces.
Isis punanies , what else to expect all their imagination allows is how to kill the next person
ISIS- Israeli Secret Intelligence Service.

When was the last time ISIS targeted/threatened Israel, and I dont mean the cursory lip-service you would expect from them, I mean like really went after Israel and Jews the way they go after other Muslims? Muslims are by far the greatest victims of these animals.
isis accomplished unifying iraqs sunnis and shias more than ever since the 2003 war.

As long as Saudi and Qatar keep exporting this ideology and have Sefa and Wesal TV running there will always be gullible recruits.
In war torn area where people cannot get basic medical supplies and food to eat..where the hell did so much dettol come from ??
How dare someone post negative about jihadis kharjis most people view them as heroes
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