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ISIS declares ‘caliphate’


May 21, 2006
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BEIRUT: Islamist militants fighting in Iraq and Syria announced on Sunday the establishment of a ‘caliphate’.

In an audio recording distributed online, the Islamic State of Iraq and Al Sham (ISIS) declared its chief Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi “the caliph” and “leader for Muslims everywhere”.

“The Shura (council) of the Islamic State met and discussed this issue (of the caliphate)... The Islamic State decided to establish an Islamic caliphate and to designate a caliph for the state of the Muslims,” said ISIS spokesman Abu Mohammad al-Adnani.

Blog: Political Islam: Theory and reality

“The jihadist cleric Baghdadi was designated the caliph of the Muslims,” said Adnani.

Baghdadi “has accepted this allegiance, and has thus become the leader for Muslims everywhere”.

“The words ‘Iraq’ and ‘Al Sham’ have been removed from the name of the Islamic State in official papers and documents,” Adnani added.

Also read: The gates of hell

Published in Dawn, June 30th, 2014

Here is your new Calipha guys...lolz...now everyone bow down....
Caliphate cannot be declared by a group of terrorists.
The basic requirement of Islamic Caliphate is that it should have control of Makkah and Madinah,

So this guy can claim whatever he likes....

actually , he and his flower declared that they want to destroy kabbeh and prophet grave ... some of Al idiot ( al baghdadi ) said this in twitter

I would never accept a fat caliph. By the way, doesn't a caliphate need to hold the majority of muslim lands including the most important, mecca.

for sunni , yes ... khalifa is just a title that they gave to who have authority in most of their land and hold mecca and medina


for shiia :

Khaliphe should be chosen by Allah and his prophet then he will choose his own successor ....
people can't chose khalifah because the heir of prophet should be chosen by Allah and prophet himself ...

so shiias don't believe in any fat *** , lust full , tyrant sultan/Malek who called himself Khalifa ( and that why almost all sultans and so called khalifa were eager to hunt down shiia ... )

A Sunni armed group which controls large areas of Iraq and Syria has announced the establishment of a "caliphate" straddling the two countries, urging other groups to pledge allegiance.

In an audio recording released on Sunday, the group formerly known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant declared its chief, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, "the caliph" and "leader for Muslims everywhere".

The group announced that it was now called the "Islamic State". An official document was also released, in English and several other languages.

According to the statement, the new caliphate stretches from Iraq's Diyala province to Syria's Aleppo.

"The Shura [council] of the Islamic State met and discussed this issue [of the caliphate] ... the Islamic State decided to establish an Islamic caliphate and to designate a caliph for the state of the Muslims," said spokesman Abu Mohamad al-Adnani.

"The words 'Iraq' and 'the Levant' have been removed from the name of the Islamic State in official papers and documents," Adnani said, describing the caliphate as "the dream in all the Muslims' hearts" and "the hope of all jihadists".

The document on the announcement describes Baghdadi as "the sheikh, the fighter, the scholar who practices what he preaches, the worshipper, the leader, the warrior, the reviver, descendant from the family of the Prophet, the slave of God".

It urges Muslims to "gather around your caliph, so that you may return as you once were for ages, kings of the earth and knights of war."

Al Jazeera's Imran Khan, reporting from Baghdad, said that a caliphate was effectively an Islamic republic led by one leader, regardless of national boundaries.
With the announcement, the armed group is declaring that it is now a legitimate, "true Muslim state", he said. However, Sunni groups which have fought with it in Iraq have yet to pledge allegiance.

The announcement might cause problems with other Sunni fighters in Iraq, who are fighting the central government of Nouri al-Maliki and not for the caliphate, our correspondent said.

The group's announcement came as Iraq's army pressed its offensive to recapture the northern city of Tikrit.

Troops backed by helicopter gunships began an assault on the city on Saturday, while tanks and helicopters were sent to areas around Tikrit university on Sunday, security sources said.


The offensive is the first major attempt by the army to retake territory after the US sent up to 300 advisers, mostly special forces, and drones to help the government.

On Sunday the deputy prime minister for energy, Hussain al-Shahristani, one of Iraq's most senior politicians, criticised the US for not doing enough to bolster the country's military, just hours after Russia delivered five Sukhoi jets.

"Yes, there has been a delay from the Americans in handing over contracted arms. We told them, 'You once did an air bridge to send arms to Israel, so why don't you give us the contracted arms in time?'" he told al-Hurra TV.
Sunni rebels declare new 'Islamic caliphate' - Middle East - Al Jazeera English
actually , he and his flower declared that they want to destroy kabbeh and prophet grave ... some of Al idiot ( al baghdadi ) said this in twitter

for sunni , yes ... khalifa is just a title that they gave to who have authority in most of their land and hold mecca and medina


for shiia :

Khaliphe should be chosen by Allah and his prophet then he will choose his own successor ....
people can't chose khalifah because the heir of prophet should be chosen by Allah and prophet himself ...

so shiias don't believe in any fat *** , lust full , tyrant sultan/Malek who called himself Khalifa ( and that why almost all sultans and so called khalifa were eager to hunt down shiia ... )
How many Caliphates have there been according to your definition.
does it mean a new nation? Is it a religious or something declaration of a new country?
It would help if this new caliphate made a public statement as to what they want their *final* borders to be.
for shiia :

Khaliphe should be chosen by Allah and his prophet then he will choose his own successor ....
people can't chose khalifah because the heir of prophet should be chosen by Allah and prophet himself ...

so shiias don't believe in any fat *** , lust full , tyrant sultan/Malek who called himself Khalifa ( and that why almost all sultans and so called khalifa were eager to hunt down shiia ... )

They sounds legit.
BTW, the ISIS expansion towards the West seems like a possibility.

They won't be getting through Saudi Arabia, Iran and Turkey...but I think Jordan is the weakest link over there...and they would have to put up a big fight.

If, God forbid, they get through Jordan, then they can wreak all havoc in Africa.
How many Caliphates have there been according to your definition.

only Imam Ali Ibn AbiTaleb and the Imam Hassen Ibn Ali and then Imam Hosain Ibn Ali and his son and descends ( technically , our 12 Imam are rightful khalifa )

and all of them are from Quraish and have closest blood relationship with Hazrat Muhammad (Pbuh)

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