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ISIS, Cults, and Religious Extremists: How Mind Control Really Works

The flag is a symbol of our country, The Islamic Repubic of Pakistan, which is a place where we can make choices, vote and it is OK to be different. This is a country where a higher power thinks we are. Our country will always be together and strong because of that. Our country makes sure people are free and people are treated fairly. I promise to be a good and loyal friend to this country – The Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

Will saying this over and over really matter?
"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Pakistan, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
Isnt the National anthem a form of pledge? When I was in school we sang the national anthem followed by a prayer so both god and country were incorporated...Isnt that done in Pakistan?
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Isnt the National anthem a form of pledge? When I was in school we sang the national anthem followed by a prayer so both god and country were incorporated...Isnt that done in Pakistan?


No--it is not----.
. .

No--it is not----.
I guess we found 1 part of the problem...Lack of drilling into people's minds the worth ....Many countries in Europe have national anthems with the central theme circling around land, country and people....
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I use to play "Assassins Creed", the concept of this game is based on Hashishins (An order of highly skilled and elite Assassins) indoctrinated by Hassan-ibn-Sabbah. His method of indoctrination draws some parallel with the topic of the OP so I thought I post some info on Hassan-ibn-Sabbah and his cult.

Hasan bin Sabbah - businessman, scholar, mystic, murderer, ascetic, and political revolutionary - was born in Persia (Iran) around 1034. As a child, the man who would one day claim to be the incarnation of God on earth (probably just another way of saying he was Enlightened) was a diligent student of theology. Supposedly, Hassan was schoolmates with Nizamul Mulk (the future vizier to the sultan of Persia) and Omar Khayyam (the great poet/astronomer/mathematician). These three future luminaries made a pact whereas, if one of them reached a position of power and influence, he would assist his companions

While searching for a permanent residence, Hassan found a secluded fortress high in the mountains of Qazwin. This castle, called Alamut ("the eagle's nest") was the ideal stronghold for Hassan's new sect, the Nizari Ismailites (who later called themselves the "Hashishins"). Alamut was positioned in a central location, and so was an excellent hub from which Hassan could spread his propaganda (brain washing and mind control).

Artificial Paradise

Within Alamut, Hasan built the legendary "Garden of Earthly Delights", which would play an important role in the initiation rites of the Hashishins (also called the "Assassins").

The garden lay in a beautiful valley nestled between two high mountains. Here he had imported exotic plants, birds, and animals from all over the world. Surrounding the garden were luxurious palaces of marble and gold, decorated with beautiful paintings and fine silk furniture. Streams of milk, wine, and honey flowed throughout this earthly paradise, while fountains gushed with wine and pure spring water.

The initiate, after being knocked out by a powerful potion mixed with hashish, would be carried into the garden. When he awoke from his slumber, he would be greeted by a host beautiful teenage girls (hoors), who sang and danced and played lovely instruments for him and fulfill all his wishes. No wonder Hassan could demand absolute loyalty from his followers, no questions asked . . .Moreover it was shown that the brainwashed TTP operatives were also kept in rooms with scenic depiction of a Paradise etc.

The Hashishins persisted for over 100 years after Sabbah's death, but Alamut was finally sieged and conquered in 1256 by Halaku Khan, grandson of Ghengis Khan. His chief minister was ordered to write a complete history of the Assassins (based on the records in the Alamut library) and this is where most of the historical data about the order comes from.

If you want to read more about Hashishins, I have posted few links below:


Assassin’s Creed: A Multi-Cultural Read
Schoolgirls pray for Pakistan's child activist Malala Yousafzai in Mingora in Pakistan's northwestern Swat Valley on Nov. 10. The teenager was shot by the Taliban for promoting girls' education.

I don't know why people keep promoting her. Is this not the same Malala our Government/WE paid for her treatment in the UK, and when she regained consciousness, she started bad mouthing us? She is just another snake who got what she wanted; ASYLUM in Christendom.

I don't believe when she says she was shot for being a woman in school. If that is true, then how come the terrorists are not targeting 000's of schools and Madaris for girls?
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