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ISIL and the Taliban MUST watch for Pakistani


Apr 23, 2006
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Not sure if its been posted but here a great documentary.
Skip to 5 mins in and you see a ISIL militant , admitted to have been trained by LeT and joined the Taliban and then ISIL. Thats BACKLASH!
I just found this documentary to be very insightful.
Sorry its on Youtube, but if any other link is available please post other sources.
Is anybody surprised ? These Talibans are now gone freelance and will work for anybody with cold cash !
Is anybody surprised ? These Talibans are now gone freelance and will work for anybody with cold cash !

Source: ISIL and the Taliban MUST watch for Pakistani
Exactly. But the double standard is appalling. Anti India LeT is pro Pakistani and their boys are termed Patriots by PA Generals. But these same thugs are now pointing the guns the other way under a different umbrella.
Knowing this, lets hope PA, and the bloody civilians have realized what the British had known for centuries about the NWF province.
Exactly. But the double standard is appalling. Anti India LeT is pro Pakistani and their boys are termed Patriots by PA Generals. But these same thugs are now pointing the guns the other way under a different umbrella.
Knowing this, lets hope PA, and the bloody civilians have realized what the British had known for centuries about the NWF province.

These are free-lance terrorists. If you have access to your RAW's HQ, you should confirm how many of these bastard terrorists work for them too. ISIS, Talibans, LeT, BJP, Shiv Sena, RSS, are ALL religious terrorist organizations. Some belong to Islam, some to Hinduism!!!! Some kill for money, some for fame, some for their religion and some.....SIMPLY because other minorities eat BEEF!!!!

Can I explain more to you how these religious, inhumane nut cases in Indo-Pak work, whether Muslims or Hindus?? Organized religion forcing for protests, violence and all, should be treated as a universal crime, be it India, Pakistan, Afghanistan or elsewhere!!
These are free-lance terrorists. If you have access to your RAW's HQ, you should confirm how many of these bastard terrorists work for them too. ISIS, Talibans, LeT, BJP, Shiv Sena, RSS, are ALL religious terrorist organizations. Some belong to Islam, some to Hinduism!!!! Some kill for money, some for fame, some for their religion and some.....SIMPLY because other minorities eat BEEF!!!!

Can I explain more to you how these religious, inhumane nut cases in Indo-Pak work, whether Muslims or Hindus?? Organized religion forcing for protests, violence and all, should be treated as a universal crime, be it India, Pakistan, Afghanistan or elsewhere!!
They are ugly bastards who have nothing to do with any religion. They are trash of humanity who are too brainwashed for any redemption.
Wipe out taliban and LET and you have wiped out a major Islamist source.
Wipe out taliban and LET and you have wiped out a major Islamist source.
Even if you do still other groups will rise they can be only stopped when issues like Kashmir and Palestine and Afghanistan are resolved and Muslims are not killed inside India. The issues which are giving birth and breathing space to militancy have to be resolved as soon as possible.
Muslims all over the world are somehow convinced that they are always the victims and they need to stand up (and do it violently). They are the reason why the right wing of otherwise secular countries is gaining traction.
Wipe out taliban and LET and you have wiped out a major Islamist source.

Source: ISIL and the Taliban MUST watch for Pakistani
Taliban is movement of good "Islamist" according to some pushtoons. So you have to alienate the groups from zealots to mercs and one way to do that is pay them to fight some one else or not fight you. This is exactly what has happened with the Taliban. The Pakistani army had payed Taliban commanders NOT to fight Pakistani forces and the result was that some commanders took the money and went back to Afghanistan to fight and kill there. The ones that didn't take the pay out fight now against the PA. It may be that the Taliban prefer softer targets like PA and civilian rather than NATO forces.
LeT is banned but its other facade and other side of that coin is JuD. They are difficult target. Much like the RSS, the JuD is civil society movement meaning helping poor and educating ie... indoctrinating and influencing and front for funding terror although from my perspective and comparison its highly uncivil. Although the RSS is a lot less militant and more thugee culture mixed with idiologs. Hence the difficulty in apprehending them for quick justice, also a job for the police rather than military.
Another note from the video. Hafiz Saed is mentioned with links to Daesh in Afghanistan. Most likely the funding the groups targeting Indians in Afghanistan.
Even if you do still other groups will rise they can be only stopped when issues like Kashmir and Palestine and Afghanistan are resolved and Muslims are not killed inside India. The issues which are giving birth and breathing space to militancy have to be resolved as soon as possible.
Actually watching the video I realised that how difficult is the life for common Afghanis. But also a feeling that govt of Afghanistan cannot fight ISIL. This is the same both Iraqi army and Afghan army trained by Americans are no match for their superior proxy ISIL. Only Taliban have the skill and the motivation to fight ISIL.

Taliban is movement of good "Islamist" according to some pushtoons. So you have to alienate the groups from zealots to mercs and one way to do that is pay them to fight some one else or not fight you. This is exactly what has happened with the Taliban. The Pakistani army had payed Taliban commanders NOT to fight Pakistani forces and the result was that some commanders took the money and went back to Afghanistan to fight and kill there. The ones that didn't take the pay out fight now against the PA. It may be that the Taliban prefer softer targets like PA and civilian rather than NATO forces.
LeT is banned but its other facade and other side of that coin is JuD. They are difficult target. Much like the RSS, the JuD is civil society movement meaning helping poor and educating ie... indoctrinating and influencing and front for funding terror although from my perspective and comparison its highly uncivil. Although the RSS is a lot less militant and more thugee culture mixed with idiologs. Hence the difficulty in apprehending them for quick justice, also a job for the police rather than military.
Another note from the video. Hafiz Saed is mentioned with links to Daesh in Afghanistan. Most likely the funding the groups targeting Indians in Afghanistan.
You just take your utter bullshit somewhere else
Call back RAW from afghanistan and you will see the results

Source: ISIL and the Taliban MUST watch for Pakistani
Your a fuking idiot. RAW does NOT need to operate from Afghanistan to cause civil unrest in Pakistan. They are not interested in Afghanistan on the same level as PA was. The anti Pakistani elements in Afghanistan is the end result of Pakistani behaviour towards Afghanistan. IE BLOWBACK.
No ISIL and Shiv Sena are the most dangerous. First eliminate them. then the rest.
just curious, how many do you think shiv sena killed in Pakistan or any where in the world. or they calling for jihad.
Actually it is the fanatic shiv shena hindus who are creating hatred and poison everywhere and especially on PDF with their constant lies and disgraceful acts.
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