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ISI "toying" RAW.


They forget Afghanistani president talking about ISI ....
Russia talking about terror camps ??

Terror attack in China ???


Israel talking about India's relation with Iran??
China talking about RAW agents??
Sri Lanka talking about Indian military support to Tamils ??

They forget Afghanistani president talking about ISI ....
Russia talking about terror camps ??

Terror attack in China ???

Afghan president talking about ISI? What next, are we going to care about your neighbourhood pet dog's opinion on ISI? Who cares what Karzai thinks? Not even people in Afghanistan don't care.

Russia and China have only made isolated claims once or twice. In no way are their views like the stereotypical view you're trying to portray.
So US and Bharat dominate the world? :lol:

I am not even going to bother arguing against that, even you know that's BS... but, look at what your fellow bharati said:

"Whole world" does not mean a few countries may or may not dominate the world. It literally means ALL or nearly all the countries of the world.

Yes,U.S sells even propaganda successfully and example is iraq n A-stan :lol: ....
and this is their ability that rest of the world follows them even after knowing reality :wave:

and you too mentioned about powerful europian countries too..

and what u have got? ...Even suffering 40000 in War on TError and 80 billion $ as loss,you still called as terror sponsoring country..

so i m right :D

They forget Afghanistani president talking about ISI ....
Russia talking about terror camps ??

Terror attack in China ???

And Indians forget......... ISI is "toying" with RAW.

But i guess, Afghan president is more important than any one in India. :rofl: :rofl:
I wonder what will happen to Indians in Afghanistan, once U.S pulls out. :azn:

HINT: ISI!!! :lol:

Going by the countries interested in Afg - Russia, China, India the US - sending talibannies and mujaheddin into Afg days are over for ISI.
Yes,U.S sells even propaganda successfully and example is iraq n A-stan :lol: ....
and this is their ability that rest of the world follows them even after knowing reality :wave:

and you too mentioned about powerful europian countries too..

and what u have got? ...Even suffering 40000 in War on TError and 80 billion $ as loss,you still called as terror sponsoring country..

so i m right :D

You're not posting anything relevant, except where you claim everyone views us as a "terror sponsoring country", which is of course BS - only bharat views us like that. Which, to us, is as important as my neighbourhood pet dog think I am a criminal.
Afghan president talking about ISI? What next, are we going to care about your neighbourhood pet dog's opinion on ISI? Who cares what Karzai thinks? Not even people in Afghanistan don't care.

Afghanistani only care about terrorist taliban and their supporters :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Russia and China have only made isolated claims once or twice. In no way are their views like the stereotypical view you're trying to portray.

Why only your country ???

not any one else
Afghanistani only care about terrorist taliban and their supporters :rofl::rofl::rofl:


What are you trying to say? Make some sense.

Why only your country ???

not any one else

Uh.. "not anyone else"? You heard of Afghanistan, Chechniya, groups within their own country? And again, you can say all you want, they don't view us with the stereotypical view you're suggesting they view us withl
You're not posting anything relevant, except where you claim everyone views us as a "terror sponsoring country", which is of course BS - only bharat views us like that. Which, to us, is as important as my neighbourhood pet dog think I am a criminal.

You dint get my point at all..

I want to say that these countries can sell their propaganda even but you cant even convince world about your own losses and still they call u terror sponsoring nation and image of the pakistan is tarnished.

Its not bharat view only,so u think that alone india tarnished paksitan's image all over world? U.S dominates in manipulating views...like it or not...doesnt matter..
What are you trying to say? Make some sense.

Afghanistan only care about Taliban not their president ???

Uh.. "not anyone else"? You heard of Afghanistan, Chechniya, groups within their own country? And again, you can say all you want, they don't view us with the stereotypical view you're suggesting they view us withl

Afghanistan because of Taliban .... we all know who create them

Chechniya groups only fight against Russian they never spread terrorism in other countries
Afghanistan only care about Taliban not their president ???

Afghanistan because of Taliban .... we all know who create them

Chechniya groups only fight against Russian they never spread terrorism in other countries

Afghanis are our slaves buddy. Our politically correct province
Indians have sort inferiority complex... 90% of their population cries about ISI while same number of Pakistanis associate RAW with food :rofl:

They even made rahul gandi as agent of ISI lol ..munni be ISI ki wajja se budnaam howey :P

This mental disease ISI-PHOBIA is common among indians
Shame on us Pakistanis for making fun of the Indians and their professional security agencies like police or even RAW. How dare we do that? Below is one example which shows the Indian security agencies exemplary vigilance in the face ofa serious threat from Pakistan:

4:33PM BST 28 May 2010
The white-coloured bird was found by a local resident in India's Punjab state, which borders Pakistan, and taken to a police station 25 miles from the capital Amritsar.
The pigeon had a ring around its foot and a Pakistani telephone number and address stamped on its body in red ink.
Ramdas Jagjit Singh Chahal, a police officer, said he suspected that the pigeon had landed on Indian soil from Pakistan with a message, although no trace of a note has been found.
Officials have directed that no-one be allowed to visit the pigeon, which police say may have been on a "special mission of spying".
The bird has been medically examined and was being kept in an air-conditioned room under police guard.
Senior officers have asked to be kept updated on the situation three times a day, according to a report from the Press Trust of India (PTI) news agency.
Mr Chahal said local pigeon fanciers in the sensitive border area had told police that Pakistani pigeons were easily identifiable as they look different from Indian ones, according to the Indian Express newspaper.

Source:© Copyright of Telegraph Media Group Limited 2012
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