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ISI moves in on changing the MQM leadership

carry on dear
Well.. long story short...this is when the whole Farooqi case got heated previously and the Rabta committee seemed to be not interested in saving dear leader. There was a meeting at a unit or someplace.. and dear leader wept over the phone and accused the members of the committee of abandoning him and conspiring against him. That inspired(in a defiance of human understanding and logic) the workers who also felt emotional.. to pick up the likes of Sattar, Ghouri, A Khan.. and beat the heck out of them. Those that were spared this(and narrated this to me) literally stood quiet and stunned. One would think that the likes of A Khan of Peeli kothi fame would not tolerate this.. but he took the hits too. In a way this is quite relevant to all claims that changing of MQM leadership is in order.. as it gives you an indication of how difficult a task it will be.
Well.. long story short...this is when the whole Farooqi case got heated previously and the Rabta committee seemed to be not interested in saving dear leader. There was a meeting at a unit or someplace.. and dear leader wept over the phone and accused the members of the committee of abandoning him and conspiring against him. That inspired(in a defiance of human understanding and logic) the workers who also felt emotional.. to pick up the likes of Sattar, Ghouri, A Khan.. and beat the heck out of them. Those that were spared this(and narrated this to me) literally stood quiet and stunned. One would think that the likes of A Khan of Peeli kothi fame would not tolerate this.. but he took the hits too. In a way this is quite relevant to all claims that changing of MQM leadership is in order.. as it gives you an indication of how difficult a task it will be.

there exists no such thing as aliens, and there exists no such thing like you told me, dear friend, don't blindly believe in gossips
making efforts for the return of Afaq Ahmad in MQM, i decided to open a thread because both newspieces were reinforcing each other.

my friend there is contraiction in what mumbo jumbo you are fed through ummat talibani paper

1) khalid maqbool is considered very close to altaf and is a very matured guy who wont do such things

2) afaq in his press statement few days ago clearly denied those rumors he was joining MQM, and even if he joins MQM, afaq is not what you have thought all along, he has never been the leader of MQM, he is one of those who joined APMSO in early stages just like farooq sattar, azeem tariq, imran farooq, at best

altaf has remained the party leader, nobody has made him one, and nobody will make another leader till altaf hussain expires

so you can believe in any conspiracy theory but even when IB and ISI played dirty roles in murdering 15,000 innocent people in karachi in order to bring down MQM, and even tried to change MQM leadership, MQM being very organised at that time, cleverly shifted abroad, this strategy worked as MQM kept its core leaders safe and MQM remained unbroken, unhurt and has grown stronger even after 3 operations and this fourth ongoing on

ISI is not the same ISI it used to be in the 90s when it made proxies and all those dirty stuff when ganja used to be the little pawn of ISI who got used over operation night jackal or whatever to over throw benazir govt, after mush, ISI got reformed, and the very presence of ganja is the testimoney that ISI has been kept away from the politics for the time being, the biggest reform is the the bald man himself, he has learned a lot from his jeddah tour and zerdari tenure, he has learned the game, the guy who used to cry like a girl when thrown in jail has become tough and strong and got matured now, the baby has grown matured, he has passed his political puberty stage

hameed gul, the bald guys are trying very hard to save the very last remnent of their proxies a.k.a TTP talibans, but guess what the time is ending, all proxies will vanish, whether it be afaq's haqiqi, whether it is TTP, jesh e muhammad, lashker e taiba, lashker this lashker that even noonies will get vanished one day because they are themselves a proxy of ISI

and this is entirely benefit pakistan's cause
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plz translate

Nothing worth reading, its source is Roznama ummat i.e a mouth piece of mullah brigade. Its talking about ISI is trying to change the leadership of MQM. It apparently claims Altaf Hussain is dying due to high intake of alcohol.:lol:

ISI playing with fire again. Trying to make Afaq group strong again. MQM Altaf and Afaq group killed each other more then Army could have done. Afaq is seen as a traitor by many Urdu Speakers. He is protected by ISI. Do you think MQM would let this scum escape justice? he and his thugs are responsible for kidnapping young MQM workers and killing them. Afaq is also supported by Jamaat Islami. Justice will be served on this mass murderer and the real traitor.
Nothing worth reading, its source is Roznama ummat i.e a mouth piece of mullah brigade. Its talking about ISI is trying to change the leadership of MQM. It apparently claims Altaf Hussain is dying due to high intake of alcohol.:lol:

ISI playing with fire again. Trying to make Afaq group strong again. MQM Altaf and Afaq group killed each other more then Army could have done. Afaq is seen as a traitor by many Urdu Speakers. He is protected by ISI. Do you think MQM would let this scum escape justice? he and his thugs are responsible for kidnapping young MQM workers and killing them. Afaq is also supported by Jamaat Islami. Justice will be served on this mass murderer and the real traitor.
whenever someone points finger at you, point your finger on the first person you see, wo wo wo hay, PPP hay, noon hay, PTI hay
pathan hay, punjabi hay, fauj hay...agar koi nehe hay to wo MQM nehe hay...did I sum it up ?
sorry but if you look facts , MQM WAS ALLWAYS THERE, even nooni league, or Zaradari party was or wasnt there?
just need eyes friend?

if any one thinks, that ISI is interested in remoging altaf, he must living in fools paradise?

یار سچ بتاؤ تم نون کے ہو یا جماعتی ہے۔۔۔۔؟؟؟؟؟؟
there exists no such thing as aliens, and there exists no such thing like you told me, dear friend, don't blindly believe in gossips

You may be the MQM mouthpiece here. But you clearly need to know a lot more about the party :-)
2) afaq in his press statement few days ago clearly denied those rumors he was joining MQM, and even if he joins MQM, afaq is not what you have thought all along, he has never been the leader of MQM, he is one of those who joined APMSO in early stages just like farooq sattar, azeem tariq, imran farooq, at best

First of all this is JI's wish that Afaq the terrorist can lead the MQM ... Takeh in k khapay ka bhi kuch intezam ho jaye ... Secondly Afaq was not joined APMSO in past ... He is not founding leader of MQM ... Afaq & Amir both had joined MQM in 85/86 after formation of MQM ..................
Regardless of the source posted. the establishment has still a lot of push into what the MQM does. This link was renewed during the Musharraf era... The simple reason being that the MQM is the only party that has the demonstrated potential to provide a bullwark against religious extremism in Karachi. While the PPP is also quite moderate in its views, its influence in karachi is very limited as compared to MQM and it does not have the will power to take on the elements of the Taliban. While ANP is also opposed to the Talibanization of Karachi.. its power is less effective. The major force pushing in extremist elements into Karachi are the Islamist parties in the JI and the like. Their support and influence in promoting intolerance with religion and promoting the drug trade to finance the Taliban has been so bad that longtime rivals ANP and MQM have joined hands at certain times to tackle them.
In a rare case of letting go of ethnic divide.. the past elections features alliances between the political workers of ANP and MQM to boot out JI. In one rather humorous incident.. yours truly was witness to an incident involving political workers of the MQM and ANP arguing near the Clifton Traffic police office with the polling station...there were some heated slogans involved till a JI contingent showed up.. and they pushed and kicked aside some MQM workers.. which led to a sudden turn from arguing to a common punch and kick throwing spree by the ANP and MQM folks at the JI group. In less than a minute the JI workers were on their heels running from that approach to the polling station. What followed next was something out of a cartoon.. within the narrow lanes of that location...was a mob of 50 or so MQM and ANP workers running around from spot to spot at any sign of a JI worker who kept trying to get in but were chased away or if one was caught.. beaten up.
All this was watched merrily by the Rangers, who were too busy looking out for the privileged class coming in to vote for PTI..(who were escorted into the polling room with only PTI workers who in blatant violation of election rules were alone in the room..and to top it off, were casting votes themselves based on just names..but that is for another day).

About time we stop relying on political parties to enforce law and order. We need to strengthen our security forces instead and and limit political party activities to politics and governance.

MQM has immense potential. It's quite organized, got a well-established base and very resilient. But it needs to get rid of its mafia wing.
You may be the MQM mouthpiece here. But you clearly need to know a lot more about the party :-)

i know a lot, and u know nothing, and i tell u you shouldn't believe in gossips and no im not a mouth piece, i think you need to take up dictionary and learn meaning of mouth piece, i just support MQM thats all

im not an expert but i can easily separate facts from fiction when it comes to MQM
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But it needs to get rid of its mafia wing.

It couldn't be possible completely due to Karachi situation ... Almost all parties working in Karachi have such wing ... And now TTP is also existed into the city .............
First of all this is JI's wish that Afaq the terrorist can lead the MQM ... Takeh in k khapay ka bhi kuch intezam ho jaye ... Secondly Afaq was not joined APMSO in past ... He is not founding leader of MQM ... Afaq & Amir both had joined MQM in 85/86 after formation of MQM ..................

in any case Afaq was nowhere the leader of MQM, if he was anything close to even top tier of MQM he wont have defected with the help of agencies

About time we stop relying on political parties to enforce law and order. We need to strengthen our security forces instead and and limit political party activities to politics and governance.

MQM has immense potential. It's quite organized, got a well-established base and very resilient. But it needs to get rid of its mafia wing.

and u will be the last MQM would pay head looking up for advices, thanks but no thanks?
i know a lot, and u know nothing, and i tell u you shouldn't believe in gossips and no im not a mouth piece, i think you need to take up dictionary and learn meaning of mouth piece, i just support MQM thats all

im not an expert but i can easily separate facts from fiction when it comes to MQM

I dont belive in gossip. I believe in first hand accounts and my own eyes and ears. Tell me, how many units are there? What is the administrative structure of these units? Who is who in the Rabta committee?.. when is it being dissolved? ... If you support MQM, then you should know all about the Party.. everything that goes on it. ..people in it. After all, whats the difference between you and a PML Supporter or PTI supporter if like them you dont know the ground realities in the party and why you support them,
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