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ISAF (NATO) Killed 3 Pakistani Soldiers @ Pak-Afghan Check Post (Again)

So what response do you suggest ? It's very easy to roar like a lion when you are sitting behind a screen but it's a totally different ball game when you are representing a nation of 180 million and their interests.

You know nothing about my back ground...so chill out Mr. Since last three generations my family is serving Army, cant explain you further.
Pakistan halts NATO supplies to Afghanistan after attack

NATO's answer:

GEO Pakistan
Nato helicopters again violate Pak airspace Updated at: 1402 PST, Thursday, September 30, 2010
PESHAWAR: Nato helicopters have once again violated the airspace of Pakistan, Geo News reported Thursday.

According to the sources, the Nato helicopters pounded Pakistani border area Pashu Kandao area of Kurram Agency.

It should be mentioned here that Nato helicopters shelled at a security post in Pak border area, killing three security personnel and injuring as many others.
If you think about it, lets say your a border guard on the Afgan/Pakistan border, your going to likely be a local, have family there, your most likely kin to some of the Taliban, if you dont do what they want they are going to kill you and your family, or you are on their payroll along with the goverments.

For all practical purposes there is no border security. If the US pulls out of Afghanstan because of Pakistan, Pakistan is of no use to the west any longer. It will just be considered part of the Taliban Empire. Matter of fact this might just be the excuse the USA and NATO are looking for, pull out of Afgan and blame it all on Pakistan.
Matter of fact this might just be the excuse the USA and NATO are looking for, pull out of Afgan and blame it all on Pakistan.

Won't be the first time. They ve been blaming Pakistan ever since they invaded Afghanistan.
Pakistan halts NATO supplies after border attack

By Zeeshan Haider

ISLAMABAD | Thu Sep 30, 2010 5:22am EDT

(Reuters) - Pakistani authorities blocked a vital supply route for NATO troops fighting in Afghanistan on Thursday, angered by a cross-border NATO airstrike that killed three Pakistani soldiers, officials said.

Trucks and fuel tankers for foreign forces in Afghanistan were stopped at Torkham border post in Khyber tribal region near the city of Peshawar, hours after the raid, the fourth reported by Pakistani authorities in recent days.

"Yes, the NATO supplies have been stopped. It has been done locally," a senior security official told Reuters on condition of anonymity.

A spokeswoman for the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force in Kabul, however, said none of its helicopters had crossed into Pakistani airspace and the incident was under investigation.

Pakistan is a crucial ally for the United States in its efforts to stabilize Afghanistan but analysts say the move to disrupt the supply route underlines the tensions in the relationship.

The bulk of military supplies for NATO troops in Afghanistan moves through Pakistan.

Early on Thursday, two NATO helicopters from Afghanistan attacked a border village in Pakistan's Kurram region, the Pakistani security official said.

"The helicopters shelled the area for about 25 minutes. Three of our soldiers manning a border post were killed and three wounded," he said.

But ISAF spokeswoman Major Sunset Belinsky said the helicopters targeted militants in Afghanistan's eastern Paktia province, opposite Kurram, and they did not cross into Pakistan.

Pakistan military officials had informed ISAF that their border forces had been struck in the attack, she said in a statement.

"ISAF is working with Pakistan to ascertain if the two events are linked. The matter remains under investigation," she said.

WTH Army is doing ???? again

Updated at: 1402 PST, Thursday, September 30, 2010 (News around 2 PM again)

PESHAWAR: Nato helicopters have once again violated the airspace of Pakistan, Geo News reported Thursday.

According to the sources, the Nato helicopters pounded Pakistani border area Pashu Kandao area of Kurram Agency.

It should be mentioned here that Nato helicopters shelled at a security post in Pak border area, killing three security personnel and injuring as mnay others.
Won't be the first time. They ve been blaming Pakistan ever since they invaded Afghanistan.

Now its enough...... Pakistan need to make sure that nato leave afghanistan soon,

one thing is for sure USA cannot take Pakistan as another enemy...... if Pakistan is no more usefull for west then i think west is not usefull for Pakistan as well .... so no more supplies and no more trade...

then dont start crying if Pakistan start helping your enemies :azn:


WTH Army is doing ???? again

Army is doing strong protest (whatever the hell that means)!

Can any one explain WTH is a strong protest?

I always thought an army's strong protest would be a missile up someones you_know_what!!
Now its enough...... Pakistan need to make sure that nato leave afghanistan soon,

one thing is for sure USA cannot take Pakistan as another enemy...... if Pakistan is no more usefull for west then i think west is not usefull for Pakistan as well .... so no more supplies and no more trade...

then dont start crying if Pakistan start helping your enemies :azn:


works both ways
maybe China would like to buy 4 billion a year of Pakistan shirts.
Can any one explain WTH is a strong protest?

I always thought an army's strong protest would be a missile up someones you_know_what!!

It doesn't have to be a retaliatory attack. As a first step, the NATO supply has been blcoked.
Govt - work - PROTEST
Army - work - RETALIATE

in Pakistan

Army and Govt both only doing (Protest) and a protest about whom PUBLIC OF PAKISTAN NOT TRUST nor WANT TO THINK OR LISTEN because WE NEED IMPLEMENTATION!

We are paying tax Why Pakistan have world's 5th Largest Army Why we are paying Taxes etc ?? if they are not capable or not interested to PROTECT US!

Generation preception in Public is "We are not trust on such news about "NATO Supply halt by Pakistan" because we saw such protest and such things ... but nothing implemented for just time being silent/down public anger".
It doesn't have to be a retaliatory attack. As a first step, the NATO supply has been blcoked.

I don't think anyone has enough guts to take this action on a long term.

The blockade news is either just a news to calm down ppl or a very short term blockade.

If our ruling class had such guts, NATO wouldn't have dared fire inside our borders in the first place.
I think this time it is for real... NATO supply lines have been halted at the moment... But this is only a temporary step and we need to wait and see how serious the Pakistani military is about these ongoing incidents... Finally some Generals are waking up to the realization of the word dignity... They need to completely block NATO's supplies... America should not be allowed to remain in Afghanistan and should leave before they get humiliated even more...

The only thing they seem to be doing is to protect their corrupt puppet Karzai...
Hak... not talking about the Mr 110 Percents and Generals like Busharaf and political leaders like Nawaz Badmash... our people do have guts... they are just ignorant and sometimes do not care about the affairs of others... If our Generals in the Pakistani Army realized that foremost it is their job to defend our land and the people of our land then they would get into motion...

The only person unaffected by these affairs would be someone who has his head in the sand like an ostrich...

Come on O' Generals of Pakistan... Take a stand and be firm... Serve the people of Pakistan and have no fear of America... The whole nation will support you!!!!

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