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Is the USA at war with pakistan?

I appreciate Mr Taji Mustafa views that let the people of Afghanistan and Pakistan decide their destiny , US and their agents in both countries should quite ASAP.
je crois que les USA sont en guerre contre tous les pays musulman!
i think that USA is at war with all muslims country!
US is at war with itself.

yes right now US is at war with itself, no doubt. but i think attacking afghanistan, prolonging their stay, increase in troops, spending huge amounts of money and losing their or allied forces soldiers points to some bigger incentive. dont you think?

may be this is only place in the world where 4 nuclear powers are joining borders and by sitting here they can keep an eye on china, russia, pakistan and india (especially china, emerging super power). moreover, they can also keep an eye on iran another islamic country (which can be the second islamic country to go nuclear capable). this all can be my imagination because i do not have any prove of it but if you see a map of US and indian airforce bases (this map is present somewhere in this forum, in the airforce section, made by one of our members) you can easily see the resaon of US sitting here.

they can easily surround Pakistan and iran by keeping their bases in afghanistan and with the help of india bases and do not forget they have some bases in kuwait and they can use help from their aircraft carriers by keeping them somewhere in the india ocean as well. on the other hand they have japan, south korea, india (recent ally, may be not as strong as the first two) which are their allies and with strong defence force and can keep a pressure on china as well.

as i have siad before this can be my imagination and i hope it is. but my opinion is that US is in afghanistan and is there to stay.

this does not mean that i do not trust my country s defence capabilities and i know US will think twice before doing something foolish but right now i think they are preparing for a bigger chess game then it looks like.


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Conspiracy theory coming up

The US is there to
The effort is directed to undermine Pakistan's Military forces. To change its focus from conventional warfare to another kind by forcing it to accept that India is not the primary foe. Create a boogey man out of Pakistan's Nukes.. and remove that capability entirely. Since that is still a deterrent to an overwhelmingly superior and better equipped Indian Military.
Weaken Pakistan entirely.. adulterate Islam all over the world with both secularism and extremism. Then give Israel the all clear to wage its war to reclaim the original Lands of Israel..

But.. this is just a theory.. I'm sure its all just the usual Pakistani paranoia. :)
Any body read, Confessions of an Economic Hitman by John Perkins?
Of course the US is at war with Pakistan. That is why the US is giving Pakistan $4 B this fiscal year. Now if Pakistan would only give up, the US would give Pakistan $40 Billion in aid. Ooops, make that $36 Billion for Pakistan and $4 Billion for Mr. 10%.
lol, why do most threads revert to being an Indian conspiracy? And yes that's a rhetorical question. You have Indian conspiracies, U.S. conspiracies, Jewish conspiracies. Did I miss any? People who constantly cast blame onto others. usually do so becuase they have a victim mentality. they refuse to accept responsibility for their own actions. If you look hard enough at a situation you can usually find something to twist and warp to meet your own view point. But that doesn't make it the truth.
Would ignore your post Thomas.If your government allows Russia huge consulates, proper bases in your country would you be worried that Russia might invade your nation specially if you are common average citizen of USOFA which i might add are usually not well informed about world.See thats the same prob with Pakistanis..After 9/11..US strikes and threat from unammed US Officials have made some effect.You've got to understand had Russia started giving threats to you people like the your country does..you would strike Russia before they even do anything.So don't give us your self righneous..
Now for Pakistanis...No it is not at war.It never was and it never will be.PAK US Relations are far better then what you guys think it is.The current government is probably one of the most pro US Government..Besides invading a country like PAkistan needs huge build up and We're technically ally of US from government POV and they do everything AMERICA Asks so why would they invade us.Unless we have largest oil reserves ;).Don't be so paranoid.
Id disagree with you..
We may be allied.. but half of our nation hates the US and its the same on the other side.
The US gov and GOP are allied.. not the people..
A dangerous scenario.

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