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Is RAW undermining New Delhi’s humanitarian overtures?


Jun 14, 2010
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Is RAW undermining New Delhi’s humanitarian overtures?

INDIAN government, in a rare gesture of solidarity with the people of Pakistan, offered five million USD assistance to the country for provision of relief material for the victims of recent flash floods. Indian External Affairs Minister S M Krishna, in a telephonic conversation with Pakistan Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi conveyed ‘’this gesture of solidarity with the people of Pakistan in their hour of need.’’ Mr. Krishna also conveyed deepest sympathies and condolences to the people and Government of Pakistan. While the Pakistani Foreign Ministry was still contemplating whether to accept this Indian magnanimity in its expression of “good neighbourliness”, India’s infamous spy agency RAW undermined New Delhi’s humanitarian action by plotting and executing 16 Punjabis in the strife torn province of Baluchistan. The 16 Punjabi-speaking persons, including two security personnel, were shot dead while five others wounded in two separate incidents of target killings in Bolan District and Quetta over the weekend. Unidentified armed assailants intercepted a passenger coach that was travelling to Quetta from Lahore at Aab-e-Gum area of Bolan District, some 60 kilometers southeast of Quetta on the night between Friday and Saturday. They asked all the passengers to show their identity cards. After identifying 12 passengers as residents of Punjab, the attackers separated them from rest of the passengers and took them to nearby mountains where they opened indiscriminate firing on them.

As a result, 10 of them died on the spot and two others received serious wounds. The assassins fled the scene after committing the crime under the cover of darkness. In yet another tragic incident, six labourers were shot dead and three others injured when gunmen opened fire at them in Khilji Colony in the limits of Satellite Town police station in Quetta on Saturday afternoon. RAW’s protégé the Baluchistan Liberation Army (BLA) took responsibility for the heinous crimes. RAW has been arming, training and launching the BLA for conducting terror attacks in the province Baluchistan from its training camps housed in Indian diplomatic missions in Afghanistan, close to the Durand Line. The Daily Mail condemns this extremely cold-blooded and merciless slaying of innocent people when the entire country is reeling under the effects of the most devastating deluge in Pakistan’s history. What makes it more abhorrent is that on the one hand New Delhi extends aid for the flood victims in Pakistan while on the other, its spy agency RAW, acting in a rogue manner, sabotages the rare gesture by its government. Is it possible that in a Chanakyan maneuver, New Delhi conjured the whole stratagem of extending aid on the one hand to lower the guard of the people and strike through RAW and its protégé the BLA? Even the Indians would not be that heartless; giving the devil its due, The Daily Mail hopes that that the latter is not true and India wishes the hapless flood victims well and would rein in its rogue spy agency RAW before it causes more damage to humanity and India’s good intentions.

Is RAW undermining New Delhi’s humanitarian overtures?
With or without the killings, GOP would still not take aid from India.
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