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Is Pakistan really reaping the fruits of economic progress?

Ya he is good for India. Imran Khan in his first term will want to create good impressions.

Our Chaiwala will be greatest leader in world's history. He is seriously different from many world leaders. Other world leaders are powerful because of their nations our Chaiwala is great because of his love for Hindustan. Total difference between the two
if zia were alive chai wala would have been thinking on saving his life. india would have been in civil war. he was the best leader of subcontinent.
he used it as a sarcasm mate

I read it as a question which aroused in my mind also, there was no sarcasm. but since its about Pakistan and you are Indian then definition of everything changes
i think you dont understand the concept as well as cpec. for example JAPAN is investing in Our bullet train project. It is not giving us loan it will invest the money and will share the profit. Of course some part of money is loan too. (80% investment and 20% loan) as well as engineers, worker, jobs all are indian no japan person will work so whatever money japan gives will be in india only. Now in cpec 1. china is giving you loan to build energy project and roads. plus chines company will sell electricity on higher rates to pakistan. 2. all the workers, engineers etc are from china so no job for pakistan.
3. for security pakistan already spending lot and taking tax from poor people.
it is like china, russia , and europ will enjoy and pakistan will suffer.

Yes, India/ Japan is so powerful, im sorry for ever doubting you :coffee:.

All the economic predictions from leading economic organisations claiming that Pakistan would greatly benefit from CPEC, and how large infrastructure projects will explode our GDP growth rate are all wrong.

because the only way a country would ever loan another country money is if they plan on making them slaves, never mind the fact that the Chinese regularly gift us military equipment and other smaller infrastructure projects free of charge, they are clearly only looking to exploit Pakistan, and all Chinese/Pakistani economists and politicians are clearly too stupid to see otherwise :azn:.
Other than low exports and high imports, one of the factor for high debt-to-GDP ratio is poor tac collection. Our economy cant progress much unless there is a better Tax-to-GDP ratio. Out of 190 million Pakistanis approx, less than 1% pay taxes. This low ratio (10.5%) indicates officials in FBR and Pakistan Audit Department are not performing their duties properly. These 'corrupt to core' babus wont let anything happen in the right direction as they are the beneficiaries of this system.

First we need to start an operation cleanup against corrupt bureaucrats from institutions, appoint honest ones rather than "jaan pehchan wale log" and youll see the country will start progressing.

I agree the tax collection in Pakistan needs to be a priority, and i think the following steps need to be taken as they will not only curb corruption and eliminate the black/undocumented economy but will also help in tax collection

1. Removal of big paper currency notes i.e. Rs5000 notes
2. Reduction in numbers of the Rs1000 notes
3. Removal of bank transaction fees and all bank accounts to be linked to Nadra ID cards
4. Banks to provide electronic pos systems easily and cheaply just the like system in the below image

5. Harsh/Severe Penalties for tax evasions.
6. Streamlining income tax procedure
7. Centralized electronic database that keeps records of all properties and vehicles in the country linked to Nadra ID cards.

The above steps will encourage people to use their bank cards for transactions which can easily keep records for audit purposes. Will also reduce the cost involved in producing paper notes. Will also make it harder to hide wealth and will force people to pay their taxes or face severe punishment.
it still trickles down, corruption money is spent lavishly

he was asking a question not stating any facts
The money keeps rotating among rich . by the time it reaches the lowest ebb.its only enough to have rags cover onself and these in abject poverty are in majority as its a pyramid structure.Modern day slavery..
I say there should be capital punishment for corruption.
Bullshit, Nawaz is way ahead of Modi in every department.
Don't compare the Lion Of South Asia with an ordinary Chai wala

No offence..but some rationale is expected in posts, to support one's views about an individual....Merely stating someone as "Lion" is not sufficient to prove him better than other....If someone is that big "Lion" he should be in Zoo or Jungle
The money keeps rotating among rich . by the time it reaches the lowest ebb.its only enough to have rags cover onself and these in abject poverty are in majority as its a pyramid structure.Modern day slavery..
I say there should be capital punishment for corruption.

Corruption is a fact of life, you can not stop doing everything only because you fear corruption. To only have objection to everything because you fear corruption is not an answer, yes its an scourge to society but as long as there are human there will be corruption. So lets start new projects and try to minimize corruption at the same time. I agree with you there should be capital punishment for it but those who implement the laws are corrupt. Stopping corruption is a process not an on/off switch.
Pakistan has found a new 'Mr.10%' in Ishaq Dar and this fool ruining the economy.
Lol IMF, WORLD BANK, all officially have warned pakistan. I have studied cpec in so much detail that it seems china made great fool to pakistan. I mean how can a country can be such a fool. 1. China gives you loan and build road for its own use. China want gwadar port while karachi port is already developed and just 100 km from gwadar. Now why china wants because it wants to use resources present in baloochistan. It has nothing to do with even trade. Just calculate 1 rupee things will become 10 rupee in china if china use road transport. Means road transport is not economical at all. Whole plan is to use baloochistan resources. And for this china gave heavy bribe to nawaj sharif and others. 2. Coal dumping in pakistan. China has stopped using coal but it selling coal to pak ..will make elctricity and will earn more.
3. There is involvement of pvt compnies in energy projects (not china government) So they came here to earn money not giving you any gift. They will suck pakistan people in and out.
4. No military project till now given as gift to pakistan. all are loan or joint project.
5. China has very negative foreign opinion. So unnecessary pakistan became enemy of whole world because of china. USA will stop all aid to pak soon because you supported china blindly.

Indians are not worried that pakistan will get advantage (because they are gona ruined because of cpec) indian are opposing cpec because of china who is making fool pak and making its own military base in pak.

If i am not wrong bangladesh form when Jia was alive and in army?? lol
when zia was in power your prime ministers were killed. you were fighting against insurgencies in punjab and other parts of india.
Lol IMF, WORLD BANK, all officially have warned pakistan. I have studied cpec in so much detail that it seems china made great fool to pakistan. I mean how can a country can be such a fool. 1. China gives you loan and build road for its own use. China want gwadar port while karachi port is already developed and just 100 km from gwadar. Now why china wants because it wants to use resources present in baloochistan. It has nothing to do with even trade. Just calculate 1 rupee things will become 10 rupee in china if china use road transport. Means road transport is not economical at all. Whole plan is to use baloochistan resources. And for this china gave heavy bribe to nawaj sharif and others. 2. Coal dumping in pakistan. China has stopped using coal but it selling coal to pak ..will make elctricity and will earn more.
3. There is involvement of pvt compnies in energy projects (not china government) So they came here to earn money not giving you any gift. They will suck pakistan people in and out.
4. No military project till now given as gift to pakistan. all are loan or joint project.
5. China has very negative foreign opinion. So unnecessary pakistan became enemy of whole world because of china. USA will stop all aid to pak soon because you supported china blindly.

Indians are not worried that pakistan will get advantage (because they are gona ruined because of cpec) indian are opposing cpec because of china who is making fool pak and making its own military base in pak.

If i am not wrong bangladesh form when Jia was alive and in army?? lol

"Good" anylysis!Hope all the Indians have the same thought like you.
You should tell all the people in the world and ask them to stop doing business with China.Try to persuade USA,Japan and EU,including Indian businessmen.We feel so sorry for our huge trade surplus to India.I will have more curry this dinner.You are really like an "expert" from your words.If I were Modi,I wouldn't introduce Japan high-speed train,I would concentrate on our manufacture and don't give any chance to foreign enterprises.That would choke on your indigenous enterprises.Japan should not invest directly and they should just sell the techology to India by loan and teach your workers and engineers.Brilliant and hard-working Indian people is the most smartest and others are too foolish.By the way,Indian businessmen and Indian governments always get the most favorable contract and cut the cost to the lowest no matter in terms of contract of weapons and high speed train.Try to be away from China and Chinese,we are all evil devils.
"Good" anylysis!Hope all the Indians have the same thought like you.
You should tell all the people in the world and ask them to stop doing business with China.Try to persuade USA,Japan and EU,including Indian businessmen.We feel so sorry for our huge trade surplus to India.I will have more curry this dinner.You are really like an "expert" from your words.If I were Modi,I wouldn't introduce Japan high-speed train,I would concentrate on our manufacture and don't give any chance to foreign enterprises.That would choke on your indigenous enterprises.Japan should not invest directly and they should just sell the techology to India by loan and teach your workers and engineers.Brilliant and hard-working Indian people is the most smartest and others are too foolish.By the way,Indian businessmen and Indian governments always get the most favorable contract and cut the cost to the lowest no matter in terms of contract of weapons and high speed train.Try to be away from China and Chinese,we are all evil devils.
well these all make in india projects means technology transfer is part of make in india program. so dont worry china made junk is already bycot in india. You also know your economy is now going down. south china sea is going to be a big trouble for you and yours 60% transport is thru this sea. Whole world is trying to catch china neck.

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