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Is Pakistan really reaping the fruits of economic progress?

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Is Pakistan really reaping the fruits of economic progress?
By Tehreem Husain
Published: November 13, 2016
NORTHAMPTON: Recently, the managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Christine Lagarde, visited Pakistan and said that it was a ‘moment of opportunity’ as the country was undergoing an economic transformation that can potentially place it among the ranks of emerging market countries.

However, it is important to analyse whether there has been a positive change in the lives of the ordinary citizens of the country. Have they tasted the fruit of economic progress?

Pakistan lags behind India, Bangladesh in economic growth: report

Pakistan’s economic landscape

Taking a look at the economic environment in the country, economic growth in Pakistan has increased in FY16 to 4.7% relative to 3.7% in FY13. Inflation has also witnessed a marked decline in FY16 recorded at 2.9% dropping from a high of 7.4% in FY13. This has largely been attributed to a global environment of low oil prices. The country has also strengthened its fiscal position with the overall budget deficit narrowing by 3.9% of the GDP.

However, public debt remains high at about 65% of the GDP, which is significantly above the agreed limit of 60% under the Fiscal Responsibility and Debt Limitation Act of 2008.

In terms of the external sector, exports have witnessed a continuous decline primarily due to negative growth in the agriculture sector specifically due to a weak cotton harvest.

However, overall buoyant construction activity and a healthy growth in the services sector have kept economic growth on track.

Despite making economic gains in recent years, there has been little progress on improving overall human development. This is witnessed by the country’s poor performance on social indicators. Sadly, there seems little or no priority by successive governments to improve health and education sectors-fundamental to human development.

According to the World Bank World Development Indicators in 2015, neo natal mortality ratios (46 per 1000 live births) and infant mortality (66 per 1000 births) in the country are much higher than the South Asian average. In terms of education, the statistics relate an abysmal story.

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Net enrolment rate in primary school stands at 73% for Pakistan against the South Asian average of 90% with 5.6 million primary school aged children remaining out of school. 59% of these children are girls. Gender inequality remains a significant challenge for successive governments and there has been little progress on the issue over the years.

Moreover, several governance indicators, which more directly impact the public such as voice and accountability, government effectiveness, regulatory quality, rule of law etc have shown deterioration over the past ten years.

According to the Worldwide Governance Indicators published by the World Bank, there have been gains made in terms of controlling corruption but government effectiveness, regulatory quality and presence of terrorism have all shown a decline.

Presence of terrorism might also be explained by a relatively high unemployment rate standing at 6%, with the rate reaching 10.5% amongst the country’s youth.

Performance on governance indicators by Pakistan is also much below the South Asian average. No economic progress can be meaningful until the fundamental structure of governance is effective.

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Inclusive growth

Multilateral organisations such as the United Nations have time and time again emphasised on sharing the fruits of economic progress and have advised national governments to work towards reducing regional disparities. With 30% of the population living below the poverty line, grave challenges lie ahead. Inclusive and sustainable growth is the only way forward for Pakistan.

The writer is an economist and ex-central banker

Published in The Express Tribune, November 14th, 2016.
Other than low exports and high imports, one of the factor for high debt-to-GDP ratio is poor tac collection. Our economy cant progress much unless there is a better Tax-to-GDP ratio. Out of 190 million Pakistanis approx, less than 1% pay taxes. This low ratio (10.5%) indicates officials in FBR and Pakistan Audit Department are not performing their duties properly. These 'corrupt to core' babus wont let anything happen in the right direction as they are the beneficiaries of this system.

First we need to start an operation cleanup against corrupt bureaucrats from institutions, appoint honest ones rather than "jaan pehchan wale log" and youll see the country will start progressing.
Nawaz Sharif is the best Leader Pakistan ever had. People of Pakistan proudly call Nawaz "Lion Of South Asia". Chaiwalla Modi doesn't even come close to him
Ya he is good for India. Imran Khan in his first term will want to create good impressions.

Our Chaiwala will be greatest leader in world's history. He is seriously different from many world leaders. Other world leaders are powerful because of their nations our Chaiwala is great because of his love for Hindustan. Total difference between the two
Ya he is good for India. Imran Khan in his first term will want to create good impressions.

Our Chaiwala will be greatest leader in world's history. He is seriously different from many world leaders. Other world leaders are powerful because of their nations our Chaiwala is great because of his love for Hindustan. Total difference between the two

Bullshit, Nawaz is way ahead of Modi in every department.
Don't compare the Lion Of South Asia with an ordinary Chai wala
AS IMF warned pakistan about C.P.E.C. china looting pak at its best. china did not invest in pak it gave loan for its own concern. they are giving you coal and stopping its use in its own country..china is lier.
I stop reading a self proclaimed economic expert who is looking for common men's life improvement to measure the economic improvement. In capitalism economic improvement trickles down from top to botton, if you want to turn your country into socialists society then bottom will benefit first, you cant just have both. I will not install new tiles in my store until I start making profit, its simple is that
Ya he is good for India. Imran Khan in his first term will want to create good impressions.

Our Chaiwala will be greatest leader in world's history. He is seriously different from many world leaders. Other world leaders are powerful because of their nations our Chaiwala is great because of his love for Hindustan. Total difference between the two

Yes, such a great leader who makes himself look foolish when meeting international leaders, obsessing over Pakistan, and increasing hostility with China. Not to mention admitting to openly supporting terrorism in Pakistan.

I'm sure he'll have a great legacy as the man who successfully fooled the Indian public by manipulating the media and military to his party's advantage.
I stop reading a self proclaimed economic expert who is looking for common men's life improvement to measure the economic improvement. In capitalism economic improvement trickles down from top to botton, if you want to turn your country into socialists society then bottom will benefit first, you cant just have both. I will not install new tiles in my store until I start making profit, its simple is that
In Pakistan whatever has to trickle down goes offshore and institutions like NAB,FIA,FBR help the distinguished ones getaway with the scam.
Yes, such a great leader who makes himself look foolish when meeting international leaders, obsessing over Pakistan, and increasing hostility with China. Not to mention admitting to openly supporting terrorism in Pakistan.

I'm sure he'll have a great legacy as the man who successfully fooled the Indian public by manipulating the media and military to his party's advantage.
well it is your thought . Pakistan is on back foot. And pakistan who had been supporter of terrorism since long time. USA, uk, EU all are telling this. you ..you whose hand are in blood accusing us. lol. You are deeply stucked in debt. and china making you fool. give you further loan.
well it is your thought . Pakistan is on back foot. And pakistan who had been supporter of terrorism since long time. USA, uk, EU all are telling this. you ..you whose hand are in blood accusing us. lol. You are deeply stucked in debt. and china making you fool. give you further loan.

Wow, are we about to get a lesson in debt from you lot?

your debt to GDP is higher than ours. China is making us a fool by giving us a loan? how does that work out? By that logic most countries are fools for getting Chinese bank loan money, since that's where a massive chunk of it comes from. There can't be any development without money genius, and if that upsets Indians in the process then who in the world cares?

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