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Is Not There An End To Mods lenience With Anti-Arab Racists

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I think its just a few elite trouble makers.

It is more than that. I stopped posting threads about KSA's achievements in science and industry for a while now because they almost always end up with those people demeaning us insulting us and call us names. AND if you reply to them you get infarcts and after that mods close tue thread and say "Nothing can be done to them because thread is closed". Some Mods huh??
Actually more Pakistanis defend Arabs than vice-versa on this forum.

But due to a few bad apples, people like Mosa start tripping.

I have always defended Arabs, and this clown Mosa abused me with a curse word.

Do I say Arabs are bad because of his actions?

No. I will just say Mosa is a clown.

Case and point. :cheers:

We are not talking about Pakistanis brother, they are very nice and decent people, we are fed up with moderation. And yah Mosa is a clown since he offended you...
I can't post here the racest posts that I reported belong the same person. 8 posts weren't even deleted. Let them go to hell.
let me see who and what you are talking about

and by the way chill out
That's not true. If so, can you quote the post in which you think I did so?

I'll admit, I did get very pissed off when I saw that picture you posted of you guys using the Chinese flag as a doormat. And yes I will argue back against IbAlwaled when he says that Chinese people will go extinct, but NOT by bashing Arabs or Saudi, I will simply counter the argument itself.

PS: I didn't receive the PM from you, I'll check my inbox again.

It wasn't us who made that picture. It was Syrian people in response to Chinese stand on Syria. And I only posted to show that Chinese public Image on Arab world have taken a hit.
I understand this being a defence forum attracts a lot of nationalists from many countries. But I would prefer talking to people who have their own ideas and not carry the burden of their country/race/religion all the time.
. .
Actually more Pakistanis defend Arabs than vice-versa on this forum.

But due to a few bad apples, people like Mosa start tripping.

I have always defended Arabs, and this clown Mosa abused me with a curse word.

Do I say Arabs are bad because of his actions?

No. I will just say Mosa is a clown.

Case and point. :cheers:

Sorry if I ever did such a thing I apologize and hope you accept my apology. But sometimes you reach a certain Pontiac of enough is enough.
. .
I remember when for the first 5 days no one would believe that Banu Umayyah was an Arab because of Aryan_B and some other Pakistanis. Just because he said Google translated Hello and posted 'Namaste' in Indian script. And then as soon as people realised, he was already banned. :/

sadly you are ill informed

the reasons for his banning were his constant suicide trolling and the contents of the posts. the OP will confirm that you actually requested his ban

I will see reports from Black Eagle and let him know my findings and possible actions via PM.
Millions of people are dying in India due to poverty (More Poor then Entire Africa :D) and instead of caring about them and doing something Indians are bitching on a internet forum..just perfect.

Haha you are prime example of kind of people we're talking about. By the way Pakistan has more people under poverty if you look at the percentage? India is just a big/developing country.

No offence but your country is seen as a terrorist country, your economy is in dismay and shambles, separatists are more powerful than ever before, Drone keeps attacking everyday, OBL is found in your country, suicide attacks keep happening on daily basis, there is load shedding in big cities like Karachi and Lahore up to 18-20 hours a day, Country is embroiled in sectarian and ethnic violence, poverty is raising day by day, most people are illiterate, is one of the toppers of 'World's failed states', it is estimated that 40%-50% of population now lives in slums.

Do you really wanna talk about poverty?
True, I've been wondering the same myself ! Clearly much of what many of us Pakistanis have posted about 'Arabs' is not 'borderline' racist....it is racist ! Surely some of that should be unacceptable ?

Racist people do not think of the selves as racist. Instead they think they bring hard facts. So when you report a racist thing on PDF and nothing happens then you know that the mod took a look at it amd said "That's the truth" so this brings us to tue conclusion that Mods are racist and are supporters of racism to the highest degree.
Ok since this thread was not deleted so let me give a brief answer to clarify this matter and there is no need to PM Blackeagle since you have already apologized to me in Private (even though I did not know about this thread before). So this message is for those who thinks Moderators are super-human or their slaves who will take action as soon as the post is reported.

I am so fed up with racism in this forum. We have trying to refute the misconception about Arabs here, but it seems their pure hate to us merely based on racism. I was asked by Mods to stop calling names such as "Rafidis", "non.muslims", "zionsts", and to stop talking about religion I did so along time ago. Nevertheless, many other kept calling us "terrorists", "Wannabis", "Wahabies", and "savages", and Mods were so lenient with them, and my proof is, you can open up any thread about Arabs, and defy you not to see at least 5 words like "Wahabies". However, one of members has kept offending us and we abstained from replying and just reported his posts. No action has been taken toward this member. I asked Zakii to take an action or stop him and I provided him with the following links, but he ignored me. They didn't even delete his posts. I say to the bloody hell with this racist forum. Either you let us to reply or you stop him. Not showring us with infractions and turn the blind eye on them.

Funny thing is, believe it or not we moderators are also human being and we also have a life like most of the members here. For example yesterday I was busy in Pakistani High Commission in London and did not visit PDF for almost full day. Day before yesterday I went to visit my relatives in Southend (different city) and did not moderate threads for almost full day. 4 days ago I was there in Birmingham (about 120 miles away from my home) and did not moderate threads in PDF. All of these days I had received so many private messages asking me to take action on one post or another but I was busy in my personal life that I did not get time to read those private messages. Everybody was angry with me for being biased and not taking action on such posts. That is why I always request everyone to report the post and not send private message unless it is too important.

Now how would you feel if I moderate 20 threads in one night and then after clearing up the reports section I go to sleep and tomorrow when I wake up I read tens of messages calling me biased moderator for not taking action while I was sleeping in my bed for 8 hours :lol:

Take the example of this thread. I think this thread was created about 34 hours ago and I did not even know about it. I just came to know about this thread when Blackeagle sent me a private message apologizing about it

Good day
I understand this being a defence forum attracts a lot of nationalists from many countries. But I would prefer talking to people who have their own ideas and not carry the burden of their country/race/religion all the time.

well said

the beauty is finding the perfect mix of getting your point across but keeping the post within the limitations of decency & respect. being patriot & nationalist is not mutually exclusive to being civil & avoiding insults.

we know some in the forum have this gift and are acknowledged across the board whether their views are universally accepted or not but their manner and conduct is appreciated.
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