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Is NDTV muzzling an honest officer who caught their Tax Fraud?

Lonely Hermit

Feb 20, 2012
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Is NDTV muzzling an honest officer who caught their Tax Fraud?
Is NDTV muzzling an honest officer who caught their Tax Fraud?
OpIndia Staff / March 17, 2015 / Reports
Corporate houses cheating on taxes is always a big ticket story for Indian Media. There was much brouhaha in the Media when a list of people holding Swiss Accounts was released. Although some of these accounts could have been legal, holding legal money, media went overboard with the coverage of this story, simply because Tax Frauds, Black Money etc help in getting TRPs. But Alas, NDTV’s own alleged tax fraud in connivance with Chidambaram has gone completely unreported. Is no media house aware of this? Is this some nuclear secret?

Luckily for us S Gurumurthy, a well-known Chartered Accountants and corporate advisor has laid bare NDTV’s crooked ways at blackmailing an Income Tax Officer who has detected the tax fraud. Here are his tweets:

The names of the 2 lady Income Tax officials are Sumana Sen and Ashima Neb. Sumana Sen’s husband Abhisar Sharma was employed with NDTV as a senior journalist, when Sen is alleged to have favoured NDTV in a Tax case, in exchange for a Rs 1 crore holiday.

In the tax assessment case of Abhisar Sharma, Rs 43 lacs was added to his Income in lieu of holiday expenses borne by NDTV, his employer. This, all-expenses-paid holiday is said to be the bribe given to Abhisar Sharma and his wife (Sumana Sen, who was the Income Tax Officer looking into NDTV case). The effect of this addition of Rs 43 lacs is that it proves Sumana Sen and Husband received undue benefits from NDTV. Now Sumana Sen has approached Supreme court with a PIL that Sanjay Srivastava (Income Tax Officer who nailed NDTV) is harassing her and hence The order of adding Rs 43 lacs to her and her husband’s Income should be quashed. If this addition is quashed, Sumana can claim she was never bribed.

If Gurumurthy’s comments are correct, this incident warrants an inquiry by the government.
It may never be reported by other TV channels as they all are thieves owned by corporate thieves themselves. They are all in it together. It's like you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours!

Remember Barkha Dutt's cloak and dagger shenanigans with Nira Radia, the Corporate/politician/bureaucrat pimp?
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Prestitutes at it again. These news networks should be banned for fraud. :devil:
Is NDTV muzzling an honest officer who caught their Tax Fraud?
Is NDTV muzzling an honest officer who caught their Tax Fraud?
OpIndia Staff / March 17, 2015 / Reports
Corporate houses cheating on taxes is always a big ticket story for Indian Media. There was much brouhaha in the Media when a list of people holding Swiss Accounts was released. Although some of these accounts could have been legal, holding legal money, media went overboard with the coverage of this story, simply because Tax Frauds, Black Money etc help in getting TRPs. But Alas, NDTV’s own alleged tax fraud in connivance with Chidambaram has gone completely unreported. Is no media house aware of this? Is this some nuclear secret?

Luckily for us S Gurumurthy, a well-known Chartered Accountants and corporate advisor has laid bare NDTV’s crooked ways at blackmailing an Income Tax Officer who has detected the tax fraud. Here are his tweets:

The names of the 2 lady Income Tax officials are Sumana Sen and Ashima Neb. Sumana Sen’s husband Abhisar Sharma was employed with NDTV as a senior journalist, when Sen is alleged to have favoured NDTV in a Tax case, in exchange for a Rs 1 crore holiday.

In the tax assessment case of Abhisar Sharma, Rs 43 lacs was added to his Income in lieu of holiday expenses borne by NDTV, his employer. This, all-expenses-paid holiday is said to be the bribe given to Abhisar Sharma and his wife (Sumana Sen, who was the Income Tax Officer looking into NDTV case). The effect of this addition of Rs 43 lacs is that it proves Sumana Sen and Husband received undue benefits from NDTV. Now Sumana Sen has approached Supreme court with a PIL that Sanjay Srivastava (Income Tax Officer who nailed NDTV) is harassing her and hence The order of adding Rs 43 lacs to her and her husband’s Income should be quashed. If this addition is quashed, Sumana can claim she was never bribed.

If Gurumurthy’s comments are correct, this incident warrants an inquiry by the government.

NDTV must be investigated
When it cómes to NDTV, am sure people way high up will see it through.
NDTV is a highly political media house, heavily loaded with anchors & owners connected to one political party or the other. It's not going to be an easy task to bring them to books. They have sympathisers in every political party, whether it's ruling or opposition. No wonder Arun Jaitly is the darling of NDTV for the present moment. After all one would need his nod to go after financial irregularities of any corporate or media house .
What you should ask is who is protecting them even in a government they so vehemently oppose?
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