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Is Nawaz Sharif afraid of taking a stand on the SW Operation??


May 27, 2009
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By Rauf Klasra

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani reportedly felt fairly miffed when informed at the eleventh hour that the until recently extremely healthy Mian Nawaz Sharif would be missing out on the COAS security briefing ‘due to bad health’. It may be recalled that the Chief of the Army Staff, General Parvez Kayani had been invited by the prime minister on Friday to give a detailed in-camera briefing to the entire parliamentary political leadership on the overall security situation and the pending Waziristan operation in particular.

The rather implausible ‘bad health condition’ excuse was said to have found no takers because only a day before this critical security briefing by top military bosses to the top political leadership of the country, a smiling and cheerful Nawaz Sharif had come all the way from Lahore to address a press conference at the Punjab House Islamabad to convey his “serious reservations” over the Kerry-Lugar Bill. However, the PML-N Quaid went back to Lahore the same evening even though he had been invited to attend the extremely important briefing.

One source said that PM Gilani who has always taken pride in bringing together both politicians and khakis on critical national issues was extremely disappointed by the inexplicable absence of Nawaz Sharif.

Knowledgeable sources claimed that Nawaz Sharif probably did not want to be viewed as having personally and directly endorsed full military action against the Taliban in a particular operation such as the Waziristan operation and particularly so at a time when the Taliban had already started vengeful strikes in different parts of the country.

The sources said the absence of Nawaz was felt acutely because in the past at least on two similar occasions when the top military leadership was invited to give briefing to the politicians, PML-N leader had ensured his presence in the Prime Minister House to interact with the military command. Though Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif and Nisar Ali Khan were present in the meeting, their top leader’s absence was viewed by relevant circles in a different light.

Talking to this correspondent Imran Gardezi, the press secretary to prime minister, confirmed that Nawaz Sharif had been invited to the briefing but he did not come. “We were told that Nawaz Sharif was not well”, Imran said. However, he refused to give replies to some other questions.

Meanwhile, giving the background information forcing Nawaz to go “under ground” for a few months, the sources said, these days Nawaz was passing through difficult times and was trying to avoid many important issues and situations for obvious reasons. The illness of Shahbaz Sharif was also a cause of serious worry for Nawaz as he was once again summoned by his doctors in London to get serious about his medication and treatment for a long time. Earlier, scarred by the embarrassing fact of him accepting funds from ISI, he was then reportedly told by the Saudi King Abdullah to not to participate in the bye elections in Pakistan, as a part of his deal with Musharraf and not to take part in politics for ten years.

In his absence, Shahbaz Sharif-led Punjab government hurriedly moved a petition in the court to get the elections delayed to give a valid excuse to Nawaz for not contesting the elections. The court stay order saved Sharif from embarrassment. However, this move further gave currency to the reports that Nawaz was put under pressure by his mighty Saudi benefactors not to contest the elections. Nawaz then had to come all the way from Lahore to address the media speculations over his long silence over Kerry-Lugar Bill.

The sources said Nawaz was also unhappy when he faced a hostile question during his press conference at Punjab House that on the one hand he had been championing the cause of the Charter of Democracy and on the other his brother Shabaz and opposition leader Nisar Ali Khan had been holding late night secret meetings with the Chief of Army Staff General Kayani. However, a smart politician in Nawaz instantly gave a new spin to this troubling question by making a comment that “if the meeting with COAS was held to discuss the security issues, then it should have been held in day light.”

His reply to the media persons gave an idea to the listener as both Shahbaz and Nisar had held the secret meeting with COAS without his knowledge and consent and Nawaz Sharif like all of us too came to know about this late night meeting through the media. But, a PML-N source said this was not true as Nawaz Sharif was properly consulted before the meeting with COAS even about the timing of the meeting and only after his nod, Shahbaz and Nisar had gone all the way to GHQ to hold a late night meeting with the chief of army staff.

Talking to The News, Senator Pervez Rashid said that PML-N leader was not feeling well because of shoulder pain so he stayed away from this briefing. He said Nawaz Sharif wanted to attend the briefing but the pain forced him to send his regrets. Pervez Rashid further clarified that we needed to understand that there was no major difference in the policies and approaches of top PML-N leaders Shahbaz Sharif, Ch Nisar Ali Khan and Nawaz Sharif, so if they attended the meeting, it meant that the whole party leadership was represented there.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

This refers to news reports of PML-N chief Nawaz Sharif's sudden illness. The suggestion in the report that Mr Sharif has fallen ill to avoid the fury of the Taliban seems plausible given Mr Sharif's conduct at a press conference at the residence of Sohail Zia Butt the other day.

The PML-N chief was asked for his views on the military operation in South Waziristan by a reporter who wanted to know the PML-N's stance on the issue. And instead of saying anything to answer the question directly, Mr Sharif ignored the question and spoke at length on the NRO!

The PML-N chief's silence over the Waziristan operation lends considerable credibility to your report which said that an otherwise healthy Mr Sharif wanted to avoid the wrath of the Taliban and that he did so by pretending to be ill.

One wonders if Mr Sharif's characterisation as a 'closet Taliban' by Gen (r) Pervez Musharraf has any substance.

M S Hasan
Gen. Musharraf was the most successful implant by the enemies of Pakistan in our military / political infrastructure. He trashed the reputation of the uniform, sapped its capabilities, elevated India to the former status of the USA, and elevated USA to a God like pedestal. He is the most despised person on the streets of Pakistan, closely followed by Zardari.
Nawaz shareef and fazlurehman both are intentionally absent from meeting called for Wazaristan operation.
They both are sympathizer of taliban.nawaz shaeef has just back from feedback of taliban war lord in saudia.
Shabaz shareef is giving a hollow statements against terrorist at media,he is also trying to out of site from media and public.
Gen. Musharraf was the most successful implant by the enemies of Pakistan in our military / political infrastructure. He trashed the reputation of the uniform, sapped its capabilities, elevated India to the former status of the USA, and elevated USA to a God like pedestal. He is the most despised person on the streets of Pakistan, closely followed by Zardari.

He played a Double game.
He give free hand to taliban to kill Hand knotted Pakistan Army in Swat.
One side get US$ from US against taliban and other side get Riyals from Saudi to not a fair operation against taliban.
By this token Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto was the greatest Fundo of all, he famous saying "Taliban are my children".

The second biggest fundo was Gen. Naseerullah Babar, the very architect of the Taliban movement.

Other big time Fundos were the onetime officials of UNICOL (halliburton) namely Condoleeza Rice, Zalmay Khalilzad and the Quetta Office puchasing officer Hamid Karzai.
By this token Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto was the greatest Fundo of all, he famous saying "Taliban are my children".

The second biggest fundo was Gen. Naseerullah Babar (retd) the very architect of the Taliban movement.

Other big time Fundos were the onetime officials of UNICOL (halliburton) namely Condoleeza Rice, Zalmay Khalilzad and the Quetta Office puchasing officer Hamid Karzai.

didnt think i ever was going to agree with you!
Not sure what Nawaz Sharif hopes to gain by not confronting the TTP scumbags. Is he hopeful of striking a deal with them? Any deal he makes is sure to be a faustian bargain.

Clearly, his antics hav'nt stopped the TTP from viciously targeting Lahore and putting top officials like Shahbaz Sharif on their hitlist.
By this token Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto was the greatest Fundo of all, he famous saying "Taliban are my children".

The second biggest fundo was Gen. Naseerullah Babar, the very architect of the Taliban movement.

Other big time Fundos were the onetime officials of UNICOL (halliburton) namely Condoleeza Rice, Zalmay Khalilzad and the Quetta Office puchasing officer Hamid Karzai.

I agree 100%

now if u all excuse me i have to shoot my self for agreeing with Him.:sniper:
Gen. Musharraf was the most successful implant by the enemies of Pakistan in our military / political infrastructure. He trashed the reputation of the uniform, sapped its capabilities, elevated India to the former status of the USA, and elevated USA to a God like pedestal. He is the most despised person on the streets of Pakistan, closely followed by Zardari.

General saved your Behind but obviously u will disagree and thats ok 2 as me not being a part of Taliban movemnet will not inforce my views on to you

Talking about puppets i must ask if u can answer this for me i would love an explanation on this.

scarred by the embarrassing fact of him accepting funds from ISI, he was then reportedly told by the Saudi King Abdullah to not to participate in the bye elections in Pakistan, as a part of his deal with Musharraf and not to take part in politics for ten years.
Nawaz Sharif is a hard core taliban backer; people are forgetting he wanted to become Amir ul Momineen :woot: :rofl:

And he seems to be very much a Saudi stooge - When Saudi asks him to jump, he responds - 'how high'!

Given that a chunk of TTP's funding emanates from influential Saudi individuals and salafi charities, I would'nt be surprised if Mian Sahib is trying to quietly run with the hare(TTP/Jihadi network) while he hunts with the hounds (Pakistani State) .
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