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Is Modi Planning Surgical Strikes in Pakistan?

modi ke gaand mai dum nahi hai....china ke chote bhai se panga le:-)
But they need to have guts for it .:)
I don't think that's a joke at all.

Doval gives some speech to some university, a long time before Modi is even elected....but that's given the jitters to every Pak militaryman, news anchor and so called analyst!

Modi on the other hand has been very dovish and tolerant of Pakistan. He invited Nawas Sherief to his swearing in. He met with Nawaz Sherief in Ufa even though many in the government wanted to continue ignoring Pakistan.

Pakistanis have now started imagining all sorts of ghosts and started believing in the 'bad Hindus' concoctions they taught to kids in their schools! Moronic propoganda about so called Chanakya strategies spread by Gul, zaid hamid et al have perpetuated the maya of wily Indians!

Stop scaring yourself so easy Pakistanis!
Meanwhile, Pakistani pigeons and camels on the border are ISI spies and The Planets Jupiter and Venus are evil Chinese-ISI Drones trying to destroy India from space.

And Indians are telling us to stop scaring ourselves.
He's busy travelling and don't have time for it. :D

On topic: Pakistani's themselves doing apt job, India doesn't need to do anything and kick itself in foot.:p:
Haq's Musings: Indian Hindu Nationalists' US Envy: "Surgical Strikes" in Pakistan?

Is India's Modi planning a limited war with Pakistan? The talk in the Indian media suggests that he may be doing just that. Here are excepts of a couple of recent opinion pieces on the subject published in the Indian media:

"The idea of (India's) hot pursuit of terrorists has also not been fully tested yet. Security experts say that aircrafts or commandos can execute an operation against militant camps in Pakistan but argue that returning back to India may not be easy." Sushil Aaron, Hindustan Times

"Even though a limited war would have high costs for Pakistan, a crisis would frighten away the investors he (Modi) needs to realise his economic vision. Firing across the LoC has been demonstrated not to deter the Pakistan army. Targeting jihadist leaders across the LoC is an option, but India just doesn’t have the capacities for it at present."Praveen Swami, The Indian Express

These opinion pieces remind me of a post titled "India's America Envy" that I wrote in 2011:

Since Osama Bin Laden's death in Pakistani town of Abbottabad on May 1, 2011, I am seeing a dramatic increase in cyber activity by many Indians manifesting itself as a constant stream of anti-Pakistan hateful commentary being posted on almost all major news discussion forums.

But, amidst all the usual venomous babble, the following fantasy by an Indian blogger Prashant Agrawal published in the Wall Street Journal stands out in particular:

India’s prime minister greets the Mi-25 helicopters carrying Indian Navy MARCOS commandos. He shakes hands with the returning troops, congratulates and thanks them. For the photographers, he holds up his thumbs, “Mission Accomplished”-style. The MARCOS are returning from Pakistan where they took out some of India’s, and the world’s, most wanted terrorists.

That was the story that didn’t happen yesterday or the week before or the month before or the year before or the decade before that. It’s the story that some, perhaps many, Indians have wished to read. It hasn’t happened but the chances of it happening have gone up slightly.

How interesting!

This reminds me of what Indian author and journalist Pankaj Mishra wrote some years ago. Here's an except from his article:

Gung-ho members of India's middle class clamor for Israeli-style retaliation against jihadi training camps in Pakistan. But India can "do a Lebanon" only by risking nuclear war with its neighbor; and Indian intelligence agencies are too inept to imitate Mossad's policy of targeted killings, which have reaped for Israel an endless supply of dedicated and resourceful enemies.

Prior to this latest episode of wishful thinking, I had heard of India’s “Israel Envy”, a phrase coined by former Indian minister Sashi Tharoor immediately after Mumbai terror attacks in 2008.

Now it seems that gung-ho Indians like Prashant are also suffering from India’s “America Envy”.

Since I wrote above piece in 2011, the 2014 election of Hindu Nationalist Prime Minister Narendra Modi has further emboldened the likes of Prashant among Indian policymakers. They are playing with fire that will burn them along with others in the region. I sincerely hope better sense will prevail in New Delhi and Modi and his Hindu Nationalist government will choose to return to dialog with Pakistan without pre-conditions to discuss all issues, including the core issue of Kashmir.

Related Links:

Haq's Musings

Fear and Panic Among Indian Army Generals in 1965

India's Israel Envy: What If Modi Attacks Pakistan?

India Teaching Young Students Akhand Bharat

Pakistan Army at the Gates of Delhi

India's War Myths

India-Pakistan Military Balance

Pakistan Army Capabilities

Modi's Pakistan Policy

India's Israel Envy

Haq's Musings: Indian Hindu Nationalists' US Envy: "Surgical Strikes" in Pakistan?
Hey Indians your channel Times Now few days back did a transmission on possibilities of this can you guys post link
@nair @GURU DUTT @SarthakGanguly @SpArK @Chanakya's_Chant @third eye @Aarush @levina @Water Car Engineer
Hey Indians your channel Times Now few days back did a transmission on possibilities of this can you guys post link
@nair @GURU DUTT @SarthakGanguly @SpArK @Chanakya's_Chant @third eye @Aarush @levina @Water Car Engineer
waise i dint want to quote you back after what kind of level you showed regarding spreading roumours about harmain shareef and so called "hindu sazish" but then when you are quoting me again and again i am answering just once

personalli i dont take chachha's @RiazHaq wild fancies serouslli :haha: and more so as per my sources all this indian surgical strikes are yet another "truck ki batti" whioch pakistani establishment created to deviate attention of pakistani nation from other important issues that concerns them.... but then again you can dream what you like .....

make no mistake NaMo suerlli is going to be a pain for pakistani security establishment but he will never deal with pakistan the way pakistani security establishment wants him too ......

in short NaMo -Doval are way way more smarter than pakistani establishment ever thought him to be ... stay tunes pakistani security establishment ko .... khair janne go :D
make no mistake NaMo suerlli is going to be a pain for pakistani security establishment but he will never deal with pakistan the way pakistani security establishment wants him too ......

in short NaMo -Doval are way way more smarter than pakistani establishment ever thought him to be ... stay tunes pakistani security establishment ko .... khair janne go :D

Almost all the Indians I have met in real life were serious Modi fanboys. I don't think its healthy for a democracy but anyways. Like your statements above, they all claimed that Modi was going to do something on the security front.

Now this is a serious question, what has Modi sarkar actually achieved? Tensions on LoC have always been there, nothing new. Pakistan has always screamed about Indian involvement in terrorism inside Pakistan, nothing new. Am I missing something? There was that "Pak terror boat" incident on which your media had a field day and later some dumbass from your Navy (?) spilled the beans. Then you had that Gurdaspur incident which your government promptly blamed on Pakistan. But there was no retaliation, so to speak.

My point (and question) here is that, how is Modi different from your previous governments? When will middle class young Indians realize that you can't do jackshit in this nuclear environment and should just pray that Pakistan stops violating you.
Almost all the Indians I have met in real life were serious Modi fanboys. I don't think its healthy for a democracy but anyways. Like your statements above, they all claimed that Modi was going to do something on the security front.

Now this is a serious question, what has Modi sarkar actually achieved? Tensions on LoC have always been there, nothing new. Pakistan has always screamed about Indian involvement in terrorism inside Pakistan, nothing new. Am I missing something? There was that "Pak terror boat" incident on which your media had a field day and later some dumbass from your Navy (?) spilled the beans. Then you had that Gurdaspur incident which your government promptly blamed on Pakistan. But there was no retaliation, so to speak.

My point (and question) here is that, how is Modi different from your previous governments? When will middle class young Indians realize that you can't do jackshit in this nuclear environment and should just pray that Pakistan stops violating you.
well personalli im a NaMo bhakt :D

but then coming to the point ever wonderred as to why NaMo has such a large following in india ?

well just two things he is hard working and non corrupt but the best part it he is very very patriotick and deals with every thing on onli one principal and thats "india first"

now as for all these so called fiascos what pakistani members keep pointing owt are just smoke screens created specially to deviate attention of both opposition and pakistani securty establishment which you will know after some time just have some paitence ..... his game plan for pakistan and china are totalli ..... what we call these days "owt of box" :D
but then coming to the point ever wonderred as to why NaMo has such a large following in india ?

That was not my point.

now as for all these so called fiascos what pakistani members keep pointing owt are just smoke screens created specially to deviate attention of both opposition and pakistani securty establishment which you will know after some time just have some paitence ..... his game plan for pakistan and china are totalli ..... what we call these days "owt of box" :D


P.S. I am not sure if you really can't spell or are just trying to be "kewl" by misspelling common words. Please don't do that. Its annoying.
I dont understand !

Why should India Do a surgical strike -- to kill these cowards , who cows under another military... when ever they reach the boarder line they are eliminated

Hence what is the need of a surgical strike or risking valuable assets

Let these so called "ter..st" be a liability to the country that harbours them ...
ok this thread is useless. india is not dumb enough to do anything of the sort. modi is interested in growing the economy. even if they do such a strike investors leave india and take their money with then due to Pakistani retaliation.

close thread please @waz @Horus @Irfan Baloch @Jango @Manticore @Oscar
That was not my point.


P.S. I am not sure if you really can't spell or are just trying to be "kewl" by misspelling common words. Please don't do that. Its annoying.
so whats your point please be brief :D
waise i dint want to quote you back after what kind of level you showed regarding spreading roumours about harmain shareef and so called "hindu sazish" but then when you are quoting me again and again i am answering just once

personalli i dont take chachha's @RiazHaq wild fancies serouslli :haha: and more so as per my sources all this indian surgical strikes are yet another "truck ki batti" whioch pakistani establishment created to deviate attention of pakistani nation from other important issues that concerns them.... but then again you can dream what you like .....

make no mistake NaMo suerlli is going to be a pain for pakistani security establishment but he will never deal with pakistan the way pakistani security establishment wants him too ......

in short NaMo -Doval are way way more smarter than pakistani establishment ever thought him to be ... stay tunes pakistani security establishment ko .... khair janne go :D
Mr go to Defence Forum India and visit Pakistan section and read the thread about Nasr. It was you who ran away when I gave you my Facebook profile so you can message me and I can message you the link in return. So stop running away be brave I am ready to send you link. This forum mods have blocked links of Indian Defence forums
Yes he is !!! i am the RAW officer who is entrusted with this mission , :)
PS RiazHaq where do you live? :D

I am already in San Francisco :devil:
I am already in San Francisco :devil:
Hush now !!!! you cannot reveal op details over the net:)
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