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Is it time for Pakistan to Internationalize Khalistan and Support it ?

The other day I was watching video where many Sikhs across the globe are demanding for Pakistan to support their cause to raise "Khalistan" Issue. Pakistan being the most sacred land for Sikh and Sikhism we have naturally bondage with Sikhs. Nanka Sahab, Pakistan is considered as Makkah for Sikhs.

India made a failed attempt to raise Baluchistan issue as a tit for tat response for Kashmir. Should Pakistan now internationalize Khalistan and support Khalistanis in India,UK, Canada and US ?

What do you guys think ?

/hahaha Khalistan in canada :rofl::rofl:
Lol look at the history of Sikhs with Islamic Rule, what happened to their Gurus, what happened to them in Lahore during partition. If you guys are so in love with them then for starters they shouldn't have been butchered in Pakistan and under Mughal rule.

Anyway even if Khalistan becomes real - then who has more to loose? India or Pakistan? Consider which Punjab is more important to their country and you will get answer.

So Good Luck!
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Pakistan tried in the past but failed. They are welcome to try again. But it will only make things ugly.

Pakistan should focus on Kashmir only, my suggestion.

As of now India has only highlighted HR violations in Balochistan and not expressed any support for the freedom movement there. If Pakistan tries anything funny in Punjab, India will have to take action in Balochistan.
I don't think that Pakistan will do this. They are more pro-active in fomenting unrest in India (and the world) and more professional in this regard. If it was possible, they would have restarted it already. What PDF keyboard Ghaznavis are thinking, ISI must have contemplated (and rejected) at least a decade back.

The pre-requisites no longer remain.

There is no Hindu Sikh conflict.
They are prospering here (and everywhere).
9/11 happened and shifted the focus to where it should be. Pakistan is an Islami Jamhuriyat for quite some time now.
A greater understanding of the savage Islamic campaigns against the Sikhs - due to more education and higher literacy.

Pakistan should focus on Kashmir only, my suggestion.
That is what they will do.

They are far more professional in this regard. They know that non Muslim populations will no longer support an overtly Islamic state ANYMORE.
Its Laughable Where this 180 million Figure Emerges The Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh (translation: Indian Workers' Union) is the largest central trade union organization in India.It was founded by Dattopantji Thengdi on 23 July 1955, which also happens to be the anniversary of the birth date (23 July 1856) of Bal Gangadhar Tilak the first popular leader of the Indian Independence Movement.

It can also be noted that the BMS is not affiliated to any International Trade Union Confederation. It is the labour wing of RSS

Is not part of this Strike:hitwall::rofl::rofl::lol:
Pakistanies want ot match India on PR,good luck....first Pakistan should try to remove the negative image its has abroad..India can help Pakistan to improve its image ,if Pakistan works with India.
The other day I was watching video where many Sikhs across the globe are demanding for Pakistan to support their cause to raise "Khalistan" Issue. Pakistan being the most sacred land for Sikh and Sikhism we have naturally bondage with Sikhs. Nanka Sahab, Pakistan is considered as Makkah for Sikhs.

India made a failed attempt to raise Baluchistan issue as a tit for tat response for Kashmir. Should Pakistan now internationalize Khalistan and support Khalistanis in India,UK, Canada and US ?

What do you guys think ?

no no no
unlike Indian proxies in Pakistan
Khalistan is purely indigenious
started after Blue Star
what we should do is help them attain an international audience but helping them officially would be shooting the gun backwards
just look at baluchistan
after Modi Rant the ones paying attention to it has stopped it has officially "ruined" by modi
its only seen as a proxy war now
same will happen to Khalistan if we interfere
unlike Balochistan Khalistan is completely supported by Dal khalsa
just provide them neccesities which we are
no need to take the burden on ourselves
perhaps top brass is smarter thats why they have not done it yet or they would have done it after Modi's rant
India is more troubled with separatist movement than Pakistan.
Pakistan should raise the voice for the freedom of people from
1. Assam
2. Manipur
3. Mizoram
4. Nagaland
5. Taripura
6. Dalitistan - the real native people of india
7. Khalistan
8. obviously we are already doing for Kashmir.
We should raise these issues in UN. If no results then also support them financially so they can keep their struggle :guns:
Best way to send arm shipments from Burma. Lets keep india busy on east and west the way they are doing with Pakistan right now. :chilli:

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