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Is it possible to use MIRV technology on cruise missile?


Apr 15, 2010
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Well, hi guys I am avid fan of pdf, and been it's member since 2010 but never participated much, and I use to read a lot of discussion regarding MIRV techs for icbm's, Irbm 's,Slbm ' s, so just a thought came in my mind that, is it possible to use MIRV on cruise missile ?, I know they are short in length and use lesser payload as compared to BM, bit still is it possible? ,
Well, hi guys I am avid fan of pdf, and been it's member since 2010 but never participated much, and I use to read a lot of discussion regarding MIRV techs for icbm's, Irbm 's,Slbm ' s, so just a thought came in my mind that, is it possible to use MIRV on cruise missile ?, I know they are short in length and use lesser payload as compared to BM, bit still is it possible? ,

The explosive would be so tiny it wouldn't be worth the cost of the missile.
If you are referring to delivering multiple (nuclear) warheads, then it is possible, but not robust & feasible. An attempt was made to develop something like that, but was cancelled:

The Flying Crowbar: The Insane Doomsday Weapon America Almost Built

Interesting,my point is say in 10-15 years ,even if with smaller payload, if they use a material which even with small quantity can be highly effective, would countries go for it, I mean given options, what would pdfers prefer for there force an MIRV cm or bm
They have something called submuntions and fragmentation warheads.
MIRV means multiple independent reentry vehicle.

Cruise missile do not reenter since it does not leave atmosphere so reentry word is irrelevant so far as cruise is concern. So In MIRv, "R" is out of question in MIRV.

Cruise missile can have multiple warheads. However cruise missiles do not have much kinetic energy and altitude so warhead can not go on too far target. They can hit the target not geographically far apart.
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