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Is India ready for a 21st Century Jinnah? rising star of Muslim politics in India stirs hope & fear

Please share with this forum, why?

He is a well-educated person, unlike many other politicians, which reflects in the way he talks. I like the way he carries himself. He justifies his standpoint with logical arguments, not usual rhetoric, which appeals to me.

I don't entirely agree with his ideology, because I would like to see him play a greater role rather than just being the leader of a particular religious community only.

His brother, is a total nutcase though, and I will not think twice before breaking his jaw.
Traditional muslim politicians said the same about Jinnah too.

Of course hes not the same. He is pro-Indian. Calling him Jinnah is another ploy used against him. Its typical of Hindu extremists narrative of "Muslims complain about India? Goto Pakistan!"
Don't flatter yourself. No one in India compares this Owaisi guy to Jinnah.. Check the link in OP & see who gave that spin. Its your media trying to draw comparison & hoping against hope that this guy will do a Jinnah & carve another Pakistan for remaining Indian Muslims. That won't happen..'cause he doesn't carry that clout. His following is not even 10% of the community.

Btw we won't ask him to go to Pakistan no matter how vile & venomous is his rhetoric. He is too valuable of an asset to right wing Hindu political dispensation.
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It may help initially to BJP or shiv Sena but for long run it will unite Muslim in one roof.
Once they are United phir maaza hi maaza part2 will starting shaping
Is India ready for a '21st Century Jinnah'?
By Web Desk
Published: August 18, 2015


INDIA: There’s a new kid on the block, and he can pack a punch. This one takes the shape of Asaduddin Owaisi, dubbed the “superstar of the Muslim community” in India.

Owaisi, a third-term Member of Parliament from a small party in southern India, is seen as an inspirational leader who hopes to see a better future for the Muslims of India, where Hindu nationalist forces are on the rise in India.

Last October, nearly 60,000 Muslims congregated at a dusty parade ground in Aurangabad to hear Owaisi.

Amid chants of “the lion has come”, he took the podium and recited a short prayer before launching into a bold speech about the discrimination faced by Indian Muslims in finding jobs, accessing loans and encountering the police.

Read: India home to 180 million Muslims: Indian official

In his address, he told the youth to pray regularly and pursue education, adding, “This is our country as much as it is yours. We are not renters; we are also owners of this land. We should get our rights.”

Reveling fans climbed onto the stage to meet him, with many finding a messiah in him.

“I have never seen such a fearless leader before,” said Syed Jawad, a 22-year-old dairy shop owner who watched Owaisi in his city around 200 miles from Mumbai. “Owaisi is the new messiah for us.”

In an interview in New Delhi, he addressed Muslims’ lack of voice in India, saying: “Every community in India has progressed except Muslims.” The dropping numbers of Muslims in Parliament coincide with his concerns.

Read: Majority of Muslim women in India opposed to oral divorce: survey

Owaisi caused controversy by speaking for Muslim prisoners on death row, specifically Yaqub Memon, who was hanged for his alleged role in the 1993 Mumbai bombings, because he believes capital punishment has become a political tool. However, he continues to strive for justice for Indian Muslims.

“Call me provocative. Call me anti-national. But first, answer all the questions I am posing about discrimination and injustice,” he said.

Owaisi grew up in Hyderabad and is the son of a lawmaker.

Arshad Alam, assistant professor of sociology at Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi, admires Owaisi and believes he has the traits of a good leader that the Muslim community of India requires but wonders if Owais will engage in politics for the harassed only or go further.

Owaisi’s critics say he could fragment the country’s fragile multi-religious social fabric.

“He is pandering to the Muslim feeling of insecurity,” said Ram Madhav, general secretary of the ruling Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party. “His politics [are] dangerous for India because it deepens the sense of alienation and separateness among Muslims.”

Madhav went on to say Owaisi “is trying to become the 21st century Jinnah,” a controversial comparison to Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

The article originally appeared on TheWashingtonPost
Why a rising star of Muslim politics in India stirs hope and fear
By Rama Lakshmi August 17
AURANGABAD, India — Nearly 60,000 Muslims had crammed into the dusty parade grounds here last October to hear Asaduddin Owaisi, the inspirational young leader who promises a new political future for India’s Muslims. Just before Owaisi arrived in his white SUV, young teenagers on motorcycles rode in shouting, “Look, look who has come! The lion has come!”

A burst of firecrackers filled the grounds as Owaisi took the podium. And after reciting a short prayer, the southern Indian politician launched into a sharp-edged stump speech about the discrimination Muslims face finding jobs, accessing bank loans and dealing with the police.

[Muslims fear rising tide of Hindu nationalism in Modi’s India]

“This is our country as much as it is yours. We are not renters, we are also owners of this land. We should get our rights,” Owaisi said, before he told youths to pray regularly and pursue college degrees. Fans climbed onto the stage to shake his hand and later surrounded his car for nearly a half-hour, delaying his departure.

“I have never seen such a fearless leader before,” said Syed Jawad, a 22-year-old dairy shop owner who watched Owaisi here in this western city about 200 miles from Mumbai. “Owaisi is the new messiah for us.”

A third-term member of Parliament from a small party in southern India, he has continued to emerge as a rising star in Muslim politics by tapping into the growing anxieties of India’s 170 million Muslims following the sharp rise of Hindu nationalist forces after the election of Prime Minister Narendra Modimore than a year ago.

Owaisi, 46, is being hailed as a “superstar of the Muslim community,” a “truth-speaking angry young man” and “a ray of hope” among India’s Muslims. Muslims make up 14 percent of India’s 1.2 billion population but have historically had little political influence.

The number of Muslim lawmakers in the lower house of Parliament has dropped to 22 of 543 seats. In the upper house, Muslims hold 24 of 245 seats.

“I want Muslims to come together and find their political voice,” Owaisi said in an interview in New Delhi. “Every community in India has progressed except Muslims.”

“Call me provocative. Call me anti-national. But first, answer all the questions I am posing about discrimination and injustice,” he said.

Recently, he courted controversy when he spoke out against the hanging of a Muslim man, Yakub Memon, convicted of planning terrorist bombings in 1993 in Mumbai that killed 257 people.

He named others on death row who have been pardoned and listed non-Muslim rioters and assassins who were treated more leniently. He said capital punishment has become a “political tool.” His statements were widely shared on social media and have made him a lightning rod, especially among some 15,000 Muslims who joined Memon’s funeral procession in Mumbai. Owaisi said his opposition to the hanging of the convicted terrorist served as a “ventilation” for the Muslim community.

Drawing attention and opposition

Critics call Owaisi divisive and say his rhetoric could fragment the country’s fragile multi-religious social fabric.

“He is pandering to the Muslim feeling of insecurity,” said Ram Madhav, general secretary of the ruling Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party. “His politics [are] dangerous for India because it deepens the sense of alienation and separateness among Muslims.”

Madhav said Owaisi “is trying to become the 21st century Jinnah,” a controversial comparison to Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan who championed the cause of Indian Muslims. Jinnah is widely blamed for the partition of India when the British-ruled subcontinent was cleaved into two nations in 1947, triggering religious rioting.

Since then, Muslims have struggled in India. In many Muslim neighborhoods, residents lack adequate access to education, power, piped water supply, sewerage and decent jobs.

The tall, bearded Owaisi grew up in the Muslim-dominated southern city of Hyderabad. The son of a lawmaker with a law degree earned in Britain, he was exposed to politics at an early age. His family runs a medical college and a hospital.

“Owaisi is educated, he argues well, he knows how to ask the uncomfortable questions, he is able to speak in English and converse with the elites,” said Arshad Alam, assistant professor of sociology at Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi. “For a community that lacks self-esteem and confidence, these qualities in Owaisi fill a crucial gap. But is he only going to do politics of persecution or go beyond it?”

During a speech in Aurangabad last fall, Owaisi left the stage midway for a Muslim call to prayer. Tens of thousands of people from the crowd followed him into the mosque. The skull-capped Owaisi always keeps prayer beads in the pocket of his pin-striped, long buttoned jacket, and he has no armed police guards, unlike most politicians here. He meets his constituents every day in his office.

But despite his suave demeanor, Owaisi is unable to shake off criticism.

In 2007, members of his party vandalized a meeting venue where author Taslima Nasrin, who has been banned and exiled from Bangladesh for criticizing Islam, was speaking. In 2012, his brother, Akbaruddin, was jailedfor hate speech and is facing trial.

[Attack on Taslima Nasrin in Hyderabad]

When Hindu nationalist groups launched a “homecoming” program last year to urge Muslims and Christians to convert to Hinduism, saying their ancestors were Hindus, Owaisi courted controversy by saying that Islam is the real home of all religions and that embracing it would be the real homecoming.

But in many ways, it is his sharp rhetoric that has helped fuel his popularity. Owaisi and his party are now systematically moving beyond his traditional base of Hyderabad. Two of his party’s candidates won in state elections in the western state of Maharashtra in November, and dozens were elected in municipal elections. Owaisi has in recent months tried to broaden his base beyond Muslims to include the socially downtrodden Dalits, who were formerly known as the untouchables in the Hindu caste system.

Now, his party, the All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen (or the United Congregation of Muslims) is considering fielding candidates in the northern states of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, both key political bellwethers with sizeable numbers of Muslim voters.

“Owaisi’s rhetoric will strengthen Hindu fundamentalist forces because it confirms their worst stereotypes about Muslims,” said Madhu Goud Yaskhi, a spokesman for the Indian National Congress party, until Modi’s victory the dominant force in Indian politics. “The most effective way of countering him is to expose his track record on development. Has he helped set up a factory to create jobs for Muslims? Has he built a road?”

Owaisi wants to push legislation that guarantees job quotas for Muslims in the government.

“Wherever I go, I tell people two things: Educate yourself, get politically active,” he said. “The community does not want tokenisms like Haj pilgrimage subsidy or grand feasts during Islamic holy month from the government. We want education and jobs. With that, there will be a dramatic transformation in just a decade.”

Rama Lakshmi has been with The Post's India bureau since 1990. She is a staff writer and India social media editor for Post World.
Why a rising star of Muslim politics in India stirs hope and fear - The Washington Post
If Modi stays in power for few more terms than for sure he would turn Owaisi into another Jinah
Just a polarizing factor. Believe me no Hindu will vote to MIM because of its strong one community stand. Even the party name has Muslim word in it. Hindus prefer to vote for Congress than MIM, apart from that there are many sane muslims who vote for development.
Lol, are you effing nuts ? Why would I declare this shit-head in a cap a Jinnah ? Does he even have anything comparable to Jinnah ? You can think of him as your "Jinnah". :lol:
Indians man, Indians. They are the ones comparing. Yes you might be the one enlightened soul in the entire country.

However you need to own up to his valid complaints against discrimination and not play the ostrich or hide behind comparisons.
Jinnah is a legendary statesman. And the father of a nation.

Whereas Owaisi is what? Some guy from South India?

The article is correct. Owaisi has the makings of Jinnah. He is ambitious, shameless, ruthless and a seamless hypocrite. He is going to ride the Modi wave and ensure muslims flock to him. This is inevitable.

It may help initially to BJP or shiv Sena but for long run it will unite Muslim in one roof.
Once they are United phir maaza hi maaza part2 will starting shaping

LOL. Are you sure ?

There is no "mahatma gandhi" around to allow your "Maaza hi maaza" anymore :lol: .............. be careful what you wish for. It just might come true .......... This is the not first muslim leader in India who has tried to polarize muslim votes :cheesy: ..... after 1947, it has never ended well for them.


Oh ya ......this "rival" was a fewllow Muslim.


Asaduddin owaisi is an well educated Mafia goon. The police in Hyderabad knows this well.

He controls the land, money and goons in old hyderabad. Imagine him working his "magic" pan India :lol:

LOL.... No worries dude. He is an AWESOME guy. Just what you DESERVE :enjoy:

Fact Finding – Pandora box opens of murders,land grabbing Khan and Owaisi nexus # Hyderabad | kracktivist



PUCL received a representation from Zubeda Begum M/o Late Ibrahim Yafai, aged about 60 years. The content of the representation is, her son Ibrahim Yafai, age 23 years was murdered on 30-04-2011 by MLA AKBARUDDIN OWAISI (MLA Chandrayanguta) and his followers with the cooperation of Mr. A K Khan,IPS( The than Hyderabad Police commissioner). They are misguiding the court too and further they are harassing the family members of the representative (Victim) to not to take any further movement against the murder of her son Ibrahim Yafai

and odd (Others).

The PUCL, AP, AICPL and Minority Mahila Welfare Association formed a Fact Finding Committee consisting Jaya Vindhyala, Iqbal Khan, Prakash,Riazuddin, Sulthana Begum, Razia Begum, Rasheeda Begum, Romana Begum,Saleem, Aslam, Masaiah, Sujatha, Abraham, Akhtharunnisa Begum,Rajendra Prasad, Dasarath, Saakira Begum and Shoba. The committee enquired on this matter from 09-05-2012 to 06-06-2012.

Ibrahim Yafai is the son of Brother Mohammed Pehelwan @ Mohammed Bin Omer Yafai. The forefathers of the Yafai family migrated from Yemen to India on an INVITATION BY THE THEN NIZAM NAWAB of HYDERABAD as WRESTLERS. They have plenty of the lands also.

Mohammed Pehelwan had a group of wrestlers, they are trainers of wrestling and they own a training centre also (In old City). They have good relations with the common public. With his support the MIM Party had a huge success in the State and Lok Sabha (Legislature and Parliamentary) elections. Subsequently when Akbaruddin Owaisi of MIM Party, the Candidate for the Chandrayangutta Constituency. Mohammed Pehlwan and his associates were supporting him. (Supported him)

Though Mohammed Pehlwan and his associates were giving funds to the MIM Party and for the development of the Muslim community. Akbaruddin Owaisi as an MLA, after consolidating his position over the constituency, he started making land settlements by creating disputes. This was observed by Mohammed Pehelwan and his followers and they questioned about these un-constitutional methods. One day Mr.

Akbaruddin Owisi started creating disputes in the Pehelwan’s lands. It was an unbearable situation for them.

Mohammed Pehelwan entered into an agreement for 25 acres of land with the SONY GROUP at Bandlaguda area (Ranga Reddy District.) This was occupied by MLA Akbaruddin and his henchmen. They have put this land under the name of “Shahanaz” as a binami name and they were converting(Converted) this land in to plots and (Started)selling the same (Sy No. 84,85,86,15,98,98/1 and 82)(Of (Bandlaguda,(V)
(M), Ranga Reddy District). As a result of this Pehelwan left the party with his followers, but Mr. Akbaruddin Owisi and his henchmen not digesting this(Did not digest the same) and trying to get back him and his associates into the MIM party by creating problems and started registering cases against them.

Mr. Mohammed Pehelwan approached court of law and got back his lands by the court. The MIM party leaders and their henchmen were unable to interfere with the properties as the lands were under the supervision of the court. The MIM party leaders and their henchmen were continuously harassing them with the help of police or Revenue authorities and other government agencies like MCH (GHMC) by one hand
to another hand. If any Police authorities or other government agencies did not cooperate with the MIM Party leaders or their henchmen illegal acts, they were transferred and they were appointing the officers who supported the MIM Party and who would listen to their words.

The Sy No. 82 at Bandlaguda area was made as government land and allotted to the weaker section housing colony with the instigation of Akbaruddin Owaisi. On 14-07-2009 it was inaugurated by the then Chief Minister Mr. late Raja shekar Reddy and other ministers present were Smt. Sabitha Indra Reddy, Aanam Ram Narayana Reddy, M Mukesh Goud,Daanam Nagender, Shilpa Mohan Reddy and V Hanmantha Rao, MP, Dr. K Keshava Rao, MP, Syed Azeez Pasha, MP, Penumallu Madhu, MP, M A Khan,Rasheed Ali, MP, Asaduddin Owisi, MP, MLA Akbaruddin Owisi and Hyderabad District Collector Naveen Mittal, Dr. P Pandu Ranga Rao(Engineer in chief, GHMC), MT Krishna Babu, IAS, Special Commissioner GHMC, S P Singh, IAS, Commissioner and Special Officer GHMC and others.

Later on Mohammed Pehelwan approached the court of law and he got the declaration order that the Sy No 82 is private patta land as result Revenue authorities themselves removed the inauguration stone from the land and handed over the land to its owner Mr. Mohammed Pehelwan. For the inauguration ceremony and other activities on 14-09-2009 there was (spent) huge amount of public fund spent for this. They misguided
the Government Machinery, on this still then the Government did not take any steps on them. Due to this incident the people lost faith on the Government. This is shame on the part of the government.

This made MLA Akbaruddin Owisi to visualize that this Pehelwan is the only one person who is not coming in to the clutches of the MIM Party leaders and their henchmen, so he started to continuously harass the Pehelwan and his people with all the possible ways.

We came to know that on 30-04-2011 he called for PAADAYATHRA in the Chandrayangutta Constituency (as per MIM Party), that programme began in the early hours 7a.m itself. At 7a.m Mr Akbaruddin Owisi was present at the MIM Party office in the area and sent his henchmen to Pehelwan’s house, they informed that “AKBAR SAHEB IS CALLING at area MIM Office”, Pehelwan and their family members didn’t respond to their words and they were quite. Again Mr Akbaruddin Owisi and his henchmen {Mr Balal( MLA), Mansoor Awalgi (Corporater) and others} went to Pehlwan’s house. Mr Akbaruddin Owaisi was waiting out side of the house of Mr. Pahelwan’s. His henchmen entered in to the house of Pehelwan’s and started abusing the women folk of Pehelwan’s “thumaare mardom, aap logonke saath so gaye tho marad ban jaathe hai kya, Akbar Saheb ke paas bhejo, marad banaake bhejdethe hai…. Akbar Saaheb BAAHAR KHADA HAI JALDI AAVO BHOL DO… ”, and they left the place. Unable to bare these filthy comments on the women folk, Mr Ibrahim Yafai went to the area office of the MIM Party, taking this as an opportunity the MIM leaders and others beat him seriously. When Ibrahim Yafai was grounded, his uncle came to the spot and stopped the vehicle of MLA Akbaruddin Owaisi who was leaving the area office of the MIM Party after beating Mr. Ibrahim Yafai.

There were scuffle between the Pehelwans and Akbaruddin Owaisi and others. During this Mr. Akbaruddin Owisi fired on Ibrahim Yafai with his weapon (we came to know this weapon is unauthorized weapon, his licensed weapon kept at home as per the commissioner of police, Hyderabad statement). There was so much bleeding to Ibrahim Yafai,blood started to flow out of his wounds and Akbaruddin Owaisi clothes were covered in blood. He was wearing a bullet proof jacket as an inner garment. Immediately Ibrahim Yafai, who was shot ran for some distance and fell down. When Pehelwan’s relatives came to know of this incident, they reached the spot. The gunmen of Mr.Balala (MLA, Malakpet) Mr. Janimiya fired against the Ibrahim Yafai’s brothers–Awad Bin Younus Yafai and Abdullah Bin Younus Yafai were injured. Mr. Issa Bin Younus Yafai brother of Ibrahim Yafai was trying to stop this quarrel between the two groups. When the quarrel came to an end, the uncle of Ibrahim Yafai himself sent Akbaruddin Owaisi to the hospital, thinking that he was injured. Subsequently they saw their own man lying on the road who was fired by Mr. Akbaruddin Owisi and two persons were injured by the Gunmen of Mr. Balala, MLA. THESE THREE WERE TAKEN TO Yashoda Hospital, Malakpet, Hyderabad, where Ibrahim Yafai was declared dead.

Further our enquiries revealed that the Pehelwans went to Mr. Akbaruddin Owaisi, MLA who was at the area’s MIM Party office only to question them regarding filthy abuses to their women folk and not to fight with them, their intention was not to fight with MLA or others as they went with out any arms. There was the marriage of two girls in the Pehalwan Family so they had no intention of quarrelling with Akbaruddin Owaisi and others.Further they stated before the committee, Mr. Balala MLA of Malakpet Constituency has instructed his gunmen Mr. Janimiya to fired at Mr. Afif Bin Younus Yafai who was the brother of Ibrahim Yafai, where as he did not confronted with any body and he tried to stop the quarrel between the two groups.

After this incident the MIM Leaders and their henchmen increased their harassments by creating false cases/complaints up on Pehelwan and their people. Police also started to act according to the instructions of Mr. Asaduddin Owaisi, MP(Hyderabad Constituency) and MLA Akbaruddin Owisi and creating an atmosphere of fear among the people of Chandrayangutta as well as within the Pehelwan people. Now the MIM Party seems to be in panic because of the lack of PARTY FUND, LOW VOTE BANK IN THE UP COMING ELECTIONS, they are unable to raise the party fund with out support of this people as well as police authorities.

Land grabbing, land settlements are also slowly going out from their clutches and are facing troubles to organize /conduct the area meetings. This is all happening because the Pehelwans (and his supporters) left the MIM Party. So to maintain him to their fold the MIM Party is resorted to make the police to register false cases against the pehelwan people. Except the police harassments there is no other private harassment in that area.

Our committee revealed further that the local police, and local politicians want disturbances, false prosecutions to be always to keep the people submissive, monitoring the benefits to the officials and politicians. This has become chronic in this area where the people are helpless. No other political party is allowed in this area. (Even though most of the old city minorities are supporting Telangana State to be formed) There is no approachable track to the government for the people of this area; as such there are constant harassments by the TASK FORCE and others, causing suicide deaths in the old city.

One communist leader came to know the suicide death at old city due to the police harassment. The communist leader went to the deceased house, but the MIM leaders and cadre beat him, he was injured. :P The government machinery particularly police department stand by as a spectator.

When Mr. A.K. Khan was appointed as the city Police commissioner it was hugely publicized as he was appointed by the M.I.M party and so under his term the crime rate increased in these years. If the party wanted any work to be done it is said that he used to try and give to them.

There is a fashion in the government that the Junior most D.G.P rankers are appointed as the D.G.P instead of the Sincere and Senior officers from the last ten years. It is heavily publicized that Mr.A.K. Khan to obtain the support of the M.I.M party for his appointment as the D.G.P he used to support the party leaders even in their against public welfare activities. It is heavily publicized that before the appointment of Mr. A.K. Khan I.P.S as the Commissioner unbiased towards his duty and after his appointment as the commissioner he used his seat powerful instead of the duty and worked for the personal benefit of some political leaders. The people are saying that due to his unethical behavior it is a black spot for the Indian Police Service.

Prior to this, there was money lenders exploitation at old city. People of this area got rid of the Money Lenders with the help of PUCL. Further the PUCL fought against the illegal grabbing of lands (Bhagamathi heritage), grabbing of houses by the then counselor of MIM Party. But these MIM Party men protected him at that time. But, now the then counselor left from the MIM Party after counseling by the then police authorities who were in charge of the south zone area. Unfortunately the then counselor facing harassments from MIM leaders and Cadre and false prosecutions by the police, as the MIM Party lost the party fund and other benefits from them.

At present the atmosphere of the old city area is turning out to be normal, people of this area have engaged themselves to normal work, to normal living and with this effect the residents of this area are in comfort where as political parties are in an un-satisfaction, why because no one is coming forward to participate in GOONDA POLITICS or OWDYISM or BAD OUTFITS, which are assets of the so called political parties.

For instance, we can take sample example one Mr. Issa a business man who was once contributing all his earnings as the party fund to the MIM Party, participation of party activities. He suffered, loss in his business. As his family members started to grow up. This made him to get distant from the Party and started working for him and his family instead for the party; it resulted in a great loss to the MIM Party.
The party opened a rival shop in front of his shop to put him to great loses, started police torture and passing threatening comments. Unable to bear this, the wife of Mr. Issa approached the Station House Officer, Chaderghat Police Station, Hyderabad through the media with a complaint against the illegal acts of the MIM Party Leaders Mr.Akbaruddin Owaisi and others with the cooperation of the then Commissioner of Police, Hyderabad. She explained in detailed what agonies she is facing. This reflects that the MIM Party attitudes are visible in organizing vindictive acts, such as opening a very big new diary farm against the existing prosperous diary farm whose management doesn’t come under the MIM Leaders Favors, and, also publishing a rivalry news paper against the existing popular news paper whose management is independent in nature and do not want to them to be cowdowned.

Political party is dominating and dictating the terms as per their wishes and monopolizing the social order of this area as per their whims and wishes. The disturbances in this area, mostly communal disturbances made political parties glorified when the peace is maintained in this area according the wishes of masses became death knell to the political party of this area ( mostly communal issues created by the leaders of the concerned political parties with the internal understandings). The political party is not ready to accept this atmosphere.

Earlier the trend of police performances was correlated with the needs and wishes of the MIM Party. Once the police was an instrument of MIM Party now the modified trend is MIM Party leaders approaches police and police does it. It is, it might seems to be lesser evil now but anyways it is evil. This is the surviving reason which makes the people of this area unhappy. That is reason when Ibrahim yafai was murdered, the Hyderabad Commissioner of Police did not positively react, giving an impression among the people that MIM is only the BOSS OF POLICE.

It is glaring truth at that instance when Akbaruddin Owisi, MLA was admitted in the hospital he was wearing a bullet proof jacket, his body does not receive any bullets except his upper garments were wet with the blood of Ibrahim Yafai. This was only publicized as Akbaruddin Owisi MLA was injured and blood marks on his garments are of his own blood, where as this is a lie which was publicized which gained the sympathy of people by MIM Party in Chandrayangutta Constituency as well as the entire old city. He did not have as
grievous injuries as it was publicized he had wounds on his legs and hands.

The Mohammed Pehelwan’s family members told that, we have two marriages in our family with in 20 days, how we will get time to prepare a plan against Akbaruddin Owaisi. In many occasions Mr.Akbaruddin Owaisi and his father, brother and his associates attended our occasions, how we will forget it. We all think that, there is no approachable way to the government; if we have any problem then we can approach the government through the MIM Party itself. How we will loose that even though we have some disputes between us due to illegal works done by the Mr. Akbaruddin Owisi and others with the support of Mr. A K Khan IPS. His illegal works increased in the last three years, only because of Mr. A.K. Khan IPS.

We came to know that the party heads would physically eliminated those people who questioned them or those who keep on observation their illegal activities against community. We further came to know the when a GOONDA, ROWDY, LAND GRABBER, MONEY LENDER, HOUSE GRABBER etc etcobeys the orders of the party heads then they do not come under the list of GOONDAS, ROWDIES, LAND GRABBER, ILLEGAL MONEY LENDER, HOUSE GRABBER etc etc and if they don’t obey the orders of the party headsthen by over night they are treat as GOONDAS, ROWDIES, LAND GRABBER,HOUSE GRABBER, ILLEGAL MONEY LENDER etc. Later the party heads along with the police officials harass them.


1. The incident took place on 30-04-2011, no action has been initiated by the police regarding Murder of Ibrahim Yafai and bullet injuries on Awad Bin Younus Yafai, and Abdullah Bin Younus Yafai.

2. The Police refused to take the representations/ complaints of the deceased family members against Mr. Akbaruddin Owaisi, MLA and others.

3. The incident itself exposes that the police is instrument of the MIM Party.

4. The incident of the quarrelling on the road attacks and counter attacks were telecasted in local Urdu Channel repeatedly and elaborately emphasizing the situation to make a people to think the situation in a deeper gravity

5. It is clear in the video clippings that M.L.A Akbaruddin Owaisi is shooting Ibrahim Yafai. Due to this firing Ibrahim Yafai died.

6. When Akbrauddin Owaisi shot Ibrahim Yafai, the upper garments of Mr. Akbaruddin Owaisi M.L.A was covered with the blood of Ibrahim Yafai. This was hugely publicized as if Akbaruddin Owaisi was injured and the blood marks on his garments was of his own blood

7. It is said all over the city that the incident that took place on 30-04-2011 was done under the supervision of Mr.A.K. Khan I.P.S.

8. It came to our view that for in the last three years the sake of personal benefits of some Political Leaders the communal riots and political murders were done under the supervision of Mr. A.K. Khan I.P.S.

9. Akbaruddin Owaisi was discharged from the hospital within a month and he came out from the hospital, drove his vehicle himself.


10. Awadh Bin Yafai and Abdulla Bin Yafai who also received bullet injuries along with Akbaruddin Owaisi, they recovered after four-five months.

11. The people of Barkas have expressed their doubts on the doctors and the Police officials, FACTS IS LIKE THIS but it was exposed in a different way, why the government didn’t order enquiry by the High Court Judge or any other judge. Why it did not take any action on this?

12. We came to know that, there is an agreement between the M.I.M party and the Government. Due to this the Government is not taking any action on the illegal activities.

13. when GHMC authorities went to checking the illegal construction, the M.I.M, M.L.A fired rounds on the GHMC officials, even though the government couldn’t take any action on the incident.

14. On 30-04-2011, Akbaruddin Owaisi came to the Barkas area with an illegal motive and he didn’t bring the security with him but he wore a bullet proof jacket. This was not covered anywhere, in any newspapers or any T.V channels.

15. On 30-04-2011, when there was a road show (“Padha Yatra”) at the Chandrayangutta Constituency, why didn’t Mr. Akbaruddin Owaisi, MLA bring his security along with him??

16. Why did he go the house of Mohammad Pailwan who left the M.I.M party?? Why did he behave rudely with the women folk of Mohammad Pailwan??

17. Most of the illegal Money Lenders in the old city area are the supporters of the M.I.M party?

18. They have been using the Old City area as a weapon to get their work done easily.

19. From the last three years many people died in Hyderabad (Old City) and the surrounding areas. Why didn’t the Government take a keen look over these deaths and their reasons?? As the Government is not taking a look at this the people are thinking
that the Government is wantedly avoiding the enquiry.

20. When the leaders of other parties are coming to consolidate the people when some incidents occur, then the M.I.M party men is attacking them. Even then the Government is staying calm and not looking over these incidents.

21. A Gangster/Rowdy Sheeter was arrested and was put at the Chanchal Guda jail, he was released on Bail. The Police officials were hiding outside the jail to arrest him in another case, but, the then M.L.A, Charminar (now he is MP) came there to pick him up in his vehicle and went away. The Police waiting there couldn’t do anything but only be a spectator to this.

22. The same Rowdy Sheeter when he has stopped his activities to the M.I.M party and became a realtor dealing with the lands around Bangalore and the surroundings. The M.I.M party didn’t like this and opened his previous cases (for whom he done) and the person is in jail now.

23. The members who are working for the M.I.M party should be the binami’s for their businesses and if they won’t agree to this then they are suppressed by the iron foot.

24. Ibrahim Yafai is not a rowdy sheeter and is not a gangster, he belongs to an agricultural family. He took wrestling training. He is a wrestler.

25. The Government didn’t take any action against the culprits who fired on Abdullah Yafai and Awadh Yafai till now.

26. Why did Malakpet M.L.A come to Chandrayangutta on 30-04-2011?? There is many other M.L.As in the M.I.M party and why they all didn’t come there??

27. When the incident occurred on 30-04-2011, only Hassan Bin Omar Yafai, Abdullah Bin Younus Yafai, Awadh Bin Younus Yafai, Ibrahim Bin Younis Yafai were present. The complainant copy (F.I.R) is showing names of these four members only. But in the remand case dairy is showing names of fifteen members. There is no relevancy between FIR copy and REMAND CASE DIARY.

28. On 30-04-2011 the state ministry only consolidated Akbaruddin owaisi and they didn’t care the other group people who were in a critical condition. When the P.U.C.L team took this matter to the Governement they said that the M.I.M party is a part of the government so they consolidated Akbaruddin Owaisi. How it is secured to the GREAT CONSTITUTION OF INDIA.

29. The M.I.M party is viewing/considering Hyderabad specially the old city separately, and they are considering the old city as an area of their desires. They are separating the area from the civil society and using the area for their works.

30. when the communal riots take place in the Old city, there wasn’t a single case filed on the Political Leaders who are strongly established their views. The police are opening rowdy sheets on the common people instead of leaders. Some parties consider that if there are no communal riots then there is no recognition for them, so they start and create communal riots, the police officials know this, but they register cases on the innocent people.

31. Mr. Akbaruddin Owaisi being a responsible people’s representative he made provoking speeches, the Police officials were only spectators on this, due to this, when the communal riots arise between Hindus and Muslims, police authorities didn’t open a communal rowdy sheet on him instead opened rowdy sheets on innocent people.

32. There is the influence of Political Leaders behind every Police Harassment and riots in the Old City.

33. There is difficult livelihood in Old City. The People there don’t have any work to do and living in small huts in large number (around 10-15 members). No Political party is taking care of them or implementing any welfare activities for the upliftment of the people.

34. When Mr. Balala MLA performed marriage of his sister’s daughter with Mr. Asaduddin Owisi, MP as a second wife, with their collusion increased illegal works like grabbing lands, money lending, creating business competition between two groups, passing threats to innocent people who questions them.

35. On this relationship Mr. Balala MLA, went to Chandrayangutta constituency on 30-04-2011 and insulted Mohammed Pehelwan’s women folk and their family members. Due to this behavior of them the incident occurred and innocent Ibrahim Yafai was killed, the national medalist.

36.From last three years crime rate is increased like communal rites,gang war between two groups, murders, robberies, political murders etc. what is the main motive behind this ?? Till today the government didn’t order a proper enquiry on this.

37. In old city, if any female girl is ready to go higher education, immediately the leaders of the MIM Party call their parents and questioned and force them saying that why are you spending this much of amounts on female, today nor tomorrow she has to go. So, you put this amount on business or some other works. The parent compulsorily obey their words other wise the parents should face tortures from them in all possible ways

38. Investigation Officer failed to see behind the incident, what is the real conspiracy on 30-04-2011. The officer investigation is showing there must be pressure/ignorance/negligence on them and it appeared as routine investigation.

39. In the investigation—prior to 30-04-2011, the Mohemmad Pehelwan and others prepared a plan on 14-04-2011 to murder Mr. Akbaruddin Owaisi. If it is really true, Mr. Akbaruddin Owisi is not a normal man. He is a VIP and one forced group left from the MIM Party due to illegal activities of Mr. Akbaruddin Owaisi, MLA, and his associates. If it so why couldn’t the intelligent department get information on this??

40. When we met the Home Minister she said that she would talk to the D.G.P and will order action on the real criminals who are involved in the murder of Ibrahim Yafai.

41. When we met the C.P of Hyderabad and D.C.P of South zone they said that they knew the incident but they don’t know the real facts and they promised Ibrahim Yafai’s mother that they would enquire on this and take the necessary action against the real culprits.

42. When we met Chief Secretary on 06-06-2011, he expressed his inability on the situation of the old city. Further he stated that, that is political issue. We will suggest if it is administrative issue.

43. From many decades MIM have a hold on the old city, but there has been no development in the Socio, Economic and Political fields. The old city people are living IN PATHETIC CONDITIONS. No one is bothered about this. All the leaders want this situation only so that the business can grow easily on this.

44. The people’s opinion is that in Rayalseema the politicians threaten the innocent people by the faction politics to cast their vote for them and for power and in the old city they use Goonda Politics to threaten the common people for their vote and power politics.

45. All Wakf properties are used for their personal benefit. This is also damaging the vote bank of MIM Party. So the leaders of the MIM Party are increasing muscle power on innocent public to hold the vote bank. This is very bad on the part of the Political party.

46. The M.I.M party is losing faith of the public due to the steps they are taking against the public welfare. So, they are maintaining groups of rowdies, looters etc and creating quarrels between them, so that the rowdies and others are killed in the NAME OF land settlements and other settlements among them selves or by the

47. This is only because they being the assets of the party and when they want to live peaceful life they are eliminating them through these means.

48. There is a high level of publicity that Mr. A.K. Khan I.P.S is behind this entire whole episode.


1. To register Immediately a case against Mr. Akbaruddin Owisi, MLA and others on the murder of Ibrahim Yafai and others in the entire Old City.

2. To form Three men Enquiry Commission by the sitting judge of High Court against the situation of the old city.

3. To prosecute Mr. A K Khan IPS who was responsible in the issue deviation on 30-04-2012 and to enquire on the factors behind the increase in crime rate in his term.

4. To seize all properties which are under the binami names of Mr. Akbaruddin Owisi, MLA from since he became an M.L.A.

5. To order Re-investigation on the incident of 30-04-2012

6. To order for enquiry on carrying of illegal weapons by the Mr. Akbaruddin Owaisi, MLA.

7. To order protection to the family of Mohammad Pailwan and others.
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New "Jinnha" in action :cheesy:

Land for politics: Andhra CM thanks Owaisi with reward

The Kiran Kumar Reddy government in Andhra Pradesh is all set to say a big thank you to Asaduddin Owaisi and Akbaruddin Owaisi of the Majlis Ittehadul Muslimeen (MIM) by handing over to them prime property worth Rs 250 cr, although on a lease. This will involve evicting the current occupant of the 14,850 sq yard-plot, Mahavir Hospital. :P Reddy is thankful to the MIM for bailing out his government in a trust vote on 5 December 2011 and wants the plot located at Hyderabd's Masab Tank to be given to the Deccan College of Medical Sciences (DCMS) run by the Owaisi brothers.

The Chief Minister's Office (CMO) is putting pressure on revenue officials to cancel the lease deed with Mahavir Hospital, in spite of pleas from the latter that the deed be renewed. The Owaisis are arguing that Mahavir Hospital got the land on a 30-year lease in March 1977; and since the lease expired in March 2007, the land can be allotted to anyone by annulling the deed. Hyderabad MP Asaduddin Owaisi and Charminar MLA Akbaruddin Owaisi have been meeting Kiran Reddy regularly since March 2012 on this matter. The Chief Minister, in turn, sought the views of the revenue department on the Owaisis' petition. But the then Hyderabad district collector Nataraj Gulzar (transferred six months ago) opposed the Owaisis' demand.

Gulzar, according to sources in the collector's office, wrote to the CMO saying that Mahavir Hospital's request for a renewal of the lease should be considered as the "hospital is doing a great service to the poor and the middle-class in the city". Hyderabad joint collector E. Sridhar probed the Owaisis' allegation that Mahavir violated lease terms by outsourcing some of its services, but found it to be wrong.

But even after receiving these reports in July, the Chief Minister has once again asked the revenue department to study the options about leasing the land to someone else on a higher rate. The Mahavir Trust, which runs the hospital, got the lease for a nominal payment of Re 1 per sq yard. On the CMO's orders, Revenue Minister N. Raghuveera Reddy sought the views of the Chief Commissioner of Land Administration (CCLA).

The current CCLA, M. Samuel, who took charge in July, overruled Gulzar's and Sridhar's reports and submitted a report to the government stating that Mahavir Hospital's lease could be revoked and the land could be given to others. Samuel, according to sources, told the government that Mahavir Hospital had outsourced some of its services, thus violating its lease terms. His report will be considered at the next Cabinet meeting.

Mahavir Hospital's managing trustee, Girish Bhandari told The Sunday Guardian that they had not outsourced any of their facilities. "We have an intake of 800 beds and 1,000 outpatients. We have many super-speciality facilities such as kidney dialysis. The then US President Bill Clinton visited us in 1999 to see our vaccination programme. Our lease should be renewed immediately."

The DCMS medical college, which is run by an Owaisi-owned trust, is at present located in the congested Kanchanbagh in the Old City. It was started in 1984 with 100 MBBS seats, a number that went up to 150 in 1995. The college has got permission from the Medical Council of India to increase its intake to 250 MBBS seats, plus some PG super-speciality seats. In his memorandum, Akbaruddin Owaisi said that the two major hospitals attached to the college, Owaisi Hospital at Kanchanbagh and Princess Esra Hospital in Sha Ali Banda, also in the Old City, with a combined bed strength of 1,100, urgently needed new premises in the heart of the city and that "the land now occupied by Mahavir Hospitals is ideally suited for the purpose".

The Owaisi brothers have also sought another 13 acres of government land in the city for their family run institutions. Of these, five acres were sought for an engineering college, five acres for vocational training centres to be set up by Salar-e-Millat educational trust and three acres for an Urdu newspaper, Etemaad. :D These requests too are being considered by the Kiran Reddy government.

Akbaruddin Owaisi refused to comment on the row, in spite of repeated requests by this newspaper. :angel:
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