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Is India prepared for a two-front war with Pakistan-China?

The 71 was is the worst example to bring up as a two front war since that was still a SINGLE front. You were fighting ONE country.
I believe they are considering the fact that on East they were engaged against East Pakistan military and on west they were engaged with West Pakistan military........
But using this logic of direction-front, Pakistan in East Pakistan fought seven front war against two enemies....... Indian and Mukti Bahni.......

In 1971 and also in 1999 Kargil we were well prepared to counter a Chinese Invasion
should it have happened

Today China's capabilities have increased substantially

So if China starts a war ; Pakistan will definitely JUMP in
I believe they are considering the fact that on East they were engaged against East Pakistan military and on west they were engaged with West Pakistan military........
But using this logic of direction-front, Pakistan in East Pakistan fought seven front war against two enemies....... Indian and Mukti Bahni.......
It is a strawman attempt to try and disguise a lie. Sure, they can feel better about it as it serves as some moral "excuse" they need to present to the saner voices and the world; but at the end it is just a lie. It is not that India has no right to buy 20000 tanks.. but their idea that we need to accept their narrative is arrogant. Sadly, that is world politics and no one likes to accept that their truth is not a lie to us or vice versa.

So no Pakistan should ever accept this argument and not worry about whether the India bellows it out like a Sony CD walkman from the 1990's.
Are we all going to pretend that if India and China (god forbid) were engaged in a conflict that those in Rawalpindi would let such an opportunity escape to deliver a "decisve blow" to their perceived eternal nemesis? I mean, who are you guys trying to kid?

India has every right to defend itself as it sees fight, considering it is spending just 1.65% of its GDP on defence, I don't see why you guys are so alarmed and frothing at the mouth.

As much as we would want It to be- Indian Armed Forces are simply not capable to fight a two front war- Neither do I see any vision or direction which would make It capable of doing the same even after 10 years from now-

There is lack of strategic vision and planning not only by the previous Govts- but also the current Govt- too seems sleeping over It- Those in power in 80s had a great chance taking giant strides towards self sufficiency and attaining that strategic goal of dealing with both China and Pakistan at the same time- and May be by now we would've have attained some capability- But they faltered and wasted the opportunity-

So that leaves us to- "What can be done in worst case situation"- It would be nice to explore the options in a detailed manner both on what needs to be done and what can be done- perhaps a dedicated thread-
The next war India is going to face is going to be asymmetric urban warfare where it would have to kill millions of its own citizens.

This great Pakistanis optimism surfaces in different expression by different people at different places. The optimism is so high that they are unable to quote hundreds or thousands but they always quote millions.

I wish you good luck.
India has every right to spend 90% of its GDP on defence. It is India's business. But there is nothing factually incorrect about calling the "two front war" story told to the Indian people a total baseless lie.
Whether the Indian people are willingly stupid and fearful enough to swallow it hook, line and sinker is their own intellectual lacking and has nothing to with even an iota of ground realities and diplomatic affairs historical facts.

The 71 was is the worst example to bring up as a two front war since that was still a SINGLE front. You were fighting ONE country. There was never the idea of one front in that war. If any illusion was held it was held in the most naive of minds and I doubt that those India has had in its leadership were really that juvenile or stupid.
We thinks for the best and prepare for the worst.
We have face 4 wars with pakistan and one war with China and both are ally rite now.
We are just preparing ourselve for the worst.
I love how quick Pakistanis are to belittle India's threat perceptions as if it is borne out of total paranio. India HAS fought a two front war in the past. Let's remember what happened in 1971- the fight was entirely restricted to the Eastern sector (now BD), it was PAKISTAN that opened up the Western sector and created two front war. This memory has defined Indian military planning ever since.

Are we all going to pretend that if India and China (god forbid) were engaged in a conflict that those in Rawalpindi would let such an opportunity escape to deliver a "decisve blow" to their perceived eternal nemesis? I mean, who are you guys trying to kid?

India has every right to defend itself as it sees fight, considering it is spending just 1.65% of its GDP on defence, I don't see why you guys are so alarmed and frothing at the mouth.

@PARIKRAMA @Joe Shearer @anant_s @Levina @Skull and Bones @randomradio @Echo_419 @Koovie @MilSpec @nair @Omega007 @knight11 @Parul @danish_vij @AUSTERLITZ @SpArK @Roybot @kbd-raaf @Bombaywalla @IndoUS @IndoCarib @Vauban @ayesha.a @janon @skyisthelimit @Sky lord @Nilgiri @ni8mare @Stag112 @dadeechi

The billion dollar question is- Is Pakistan ready for a war??? and Is China ready for a war?
China being more pragmatic in its approach will definitely avoid any situation where it has to come face to face with India. I can quite confidently say that China is one of the most peace loving countries(despite its occasional belligerent attitude). I dont remember them going to war after their war with Vietnam in 1988....nothing major i meant.
As far as Pakistan is concerned, we all know Pakistani forces have been kept busy by TTP. would they be able to wage a dual war themselves???
Pakistanis can take some time to cogitate on it. :)
India versus China & Pakistan- not happening!!!
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