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Is India Planning To Announce Kassab’s Death?


Nov 11, 2007
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ISLAMABAD, Pakistan— Reliable sources in the Indian capital with links to Indian police told a Pakistani Web portal that senior Indian officials have discussed the elimination of Ajmal Kassab, the lone surviving terrorist in the Mumbai attacks, in a staged attack that would be later blamed on Pakistani intelligence. The Indian police went defensive after the report leaked into the mainstream media. But insider sources in New Delhi insist the plan is real. It’s not clear why the Indian government might want to kill Mr. Kassab. The loopholes in the Indian story on the attacks have been increasingly highlighted since Nov. 28, when the Mumbai siege ended.
Ahmed Quraishi-Pakistan/Middle East politics, Iraq war, lebanon war, India Pakistan relations

we will see soon.....

Laugh all u want...but just ans this.Why do u indians keep increasing his remand?6th of jan 2009...extended by a month and now upto the 15th of feb.Just get him out and have it done with!

or is he already eliminated?;)
just a thought!
i think kasab has been killed till know by indian authorties only announcement has to be done
Laugh all u want...but just ans this.Why do u indians keep increasing his remand?6th of jan 2009...extended by a month and now upto the 15th of feb.Just get him out and have it done with!

or is he already eliminated?;)
just a thought!

It is normal for Indian judiciary system. Almost all cases have such type of delay.
I also have a question. If Pakistan (or that web portal) knows everything, why don't they just blow up the cover by announcing the officers' names??

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