Not at all. The line below sums up India's POV.
“No country can accept a project that ignores its core concerns on sovereignty and territorial integrity,” Baglay said.
While on one hand China resents what India does in AP yet it expects India to join a project that passes through a region which India claims as its. Why does china object to road development in AP and / or even the visit of DL to that region of India ?
China cannot have a set of rules for itself & another for India .
The bottom line is that having surplus funds China is doing to Pak what the US did to Iraq . US contractors made millions in reviving the nation ( its a diff point that Iraq only went from bad to worse). The US got its money back.
Infrastructure is dependent on two things - Funds & real estate ( land) to construct it on. Nations are gladly parting with their land and accepting debts for China to create infra using Chinese companies enjoying tax holidays . What we have here is a one sided business model where :
China extends loans to nations who pay Chinese companies to create infra on their land.
China gets its money back while the host nation is left holding the baby with the onus to repay debts.
The host nation incurs yet more expenses to keep the tenuous line of communication created by China open.
The host nation exposes itself to multiple detractors who now have the option to choose any vulnerable point. Each hit gives immense political & media mileage.
The Siachen imbroglio will never solve itself. Pak will never be able to take the heights India holds. The reason why it does not sign on the map indicating the AGPL is that it will then validate India's position on the glacier.
The same applies to the route in question. Joining it would validate Pak's accession of disputed territory to China.
Pak is welcome to mortgage generations to come .