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Is Imran Khan making desperate moves?


Mar 18, 2022
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Right off the bat, I am a strong PTI supporter so it pains me to see Kaptaan making moves which I consider desperate. Let me give three examples

1. The Speaker's decision to cancel the NCV which was overturned by the SC.
2. The initial plan to filibuster the NVC after the SC ordered it reinstated.
3. The mass resignations which let Cherry Blossom sail through.

In each of these cases, Kaptaan and his advisers should have known the PDM's response. Let us never forget that we are not fighting paindoo Nawaaz and a few village men in a tea shop. This coup is being directed from Washington with the best Pakistani, Indian, American and other strategists that USD can buy. We KNOW the rot goes deep: the media, judiciary and possibly the army leadership are complicit.

I want the Kaptaan to play this game with a cool mind, anticipating the opposition's moves ten steps ahead. It seems instead that he is stumbling from one desperate act to another.
The system is rotten to the core. Hope he just doesn't talks about early elections but presents new agenda to overhaul this system and get people rallying behind him.

ECP is part of the rot. They will delay elections until EVM are removed. They will allocate a couple of 'special' seats for overseas voters instead of letting them vote in their districts.

Basically, the ECM will not conduct elections until it knows PDM will 'win'.
Right off the bat, I am a strong PTI supporter so it pains me to see Kaptaan making moves which I consider desperate. Let me give three examples

1. The Speaker's decision to cancel the NCV which was overturned by the SC.
2. The initial plan to filibuster the NVC after the SC ordered it reinstated.
3. The mass resignations which let Cherry Blossom sail through.

In each of these cases, Kaptaan and his advisers should have known the PDM's response. Let us never forget that we are not fighting paindoo Nawaaz and a few village men in a tea shop. This coup is being directed from Washington with the best Pakistani, Indian, American and other strategists that USD can buy. We KNOW the rot goes deep: the media, judiciary and possibly the army leadership are complicit.

I want the Kaptaan to play this game with a cool mind, anticipating the opposition's moves ten steps ahead. It seems instead that he is stumbling from one desperate act to another.

Either we continue to play a careful and balanced game, or we leverage the street power IK can muster to manage. The latter option is required to speed up and enforce changes in this corrupted country. But it does require conviction and courage, are Pakistanis prepared to go all in and convey a powerful message? I do understand right now I am a mere keyboard warrior, but a revolution is what is needed in order to grind this country and the associated cancer to a halt.

To put it frank, the state institutions need to feel the blistering heat of the fed up Pakistani population, otherwise they will just chug along as usual, catering to the highest bidder.

Then again, it took Erdogan somewhat 15 years in order to transform Turkey to a Presidential system, I for one hope that Imran Khan can perform a similar feat.
Oh yes he is, he is creating anarchy in the country which will achieve nothing instead of waiting for next elections.

The opposition is correct when they say that IK has finally lost the plot and will do ANYTHING to stay in power or get back to it.
He made the same mistake as Morsi.

Wasn't ruthless enough

We had a similar issue with Corbyn....ended up getting humiliated by the ruling zionist elites of the UK.

Simply being good won't cut it, you need to be cunning for the greater good.
He dissolved the assembly. He called for elections to hold within next 90 days. He even named ex-CJ as caretaker PM but he is making desperate moves?

Nope, he didn't but Mr. Neutral made desperate moves.
1- Forcing allies to leave the sitting govt.
2- Suo moto by CJ violating article 69.
3- Sitting of SC bench on thursday, mid night to head CJ suo moto.
4- Blatant interference by SC in parliamentary affairs, dismissing deputy speaker's ruling without seeing the letter, the main reason behind the ruling.
5- Reopening of IHC at 8PM and ordering PM to not disclose the letter while secret act doesn't apply of him.
6- Restoring of dissolved national assembly by SC violating constitution.
7- Rejecting review petition by PTI at 3 PM because court's time was over but reopening of IHC and SC at 11 PM because some unknown person filed a petition at 10 PM mid night, which the petition dates back to March 2022.
8- Refusal by a retired general to head a commission to investigate the foreign conspiracy.
9- Court ordering PM to not to dismiss CAOS while it's PM prerogative.
10- Frequent visits by CAOS and DG ISI to PM house and asking him to leave or face consequences.
11- Total black out of PTI's protests across the country.
12- Names of PTI SMT on ECL.
13- Abducting of PTI SMT members by FIA.
14- Absence of FIA prosecutor in court for indictment of SS and HS.
Is it enough to see who made desperate moves?
Wonder if the chief had shabaz, Mariam and bilawal in mind.
I wonder if the last meeting with bajwa and dg isi was to enforce martial law and IK said no way. Probably said you reap what you sow.
I suspect IK is expecting these stooges to fail but thats unlike IK.

Also, stooges now expect USA to follow up with large sums of funds to bank roll this coup to a new imported tenure.
He made the same mistake as Morsi.

Wasn't ruthless enough

We had a similar issue with Corbyn....ended up getting humiliated by the ruling zionist elites of the UK.

Simply being good won't cut it, you need to be cunning for the greater good.

This is my only beef with Imran Khan. He should have been more ruthless from day one. I didn't agree with his velvet glove approach. It doesn't work like that in Pakistan where you are surrounded by sharks and crocodiles.
He dissolved the assembly. He called for elections to hold within next 90 days. He even named ex-CJ as caretaker PM but he is making desperate moves?

Nope, he didn't but Mr. Neutral made desperate moves.
1- Forcing allies to leave the sitting govt.
2- Suo moto by CJ violating article 69.
3- Sitting of SC bench on thursday, mid night to head CJ suo moto.
4- Blatant interference by SC in parliamentary affairs, dismissing deputy speaker's ruling without seeing the letter, the main reason behind the ruling.
5- Reopening of IHC at 8PM and ordering PM to not disclose the letter while secret act doesn't apply of him.
6- Restoring of dissolved national assembly by SC violating constitution.
7- Rejecting review petition by PTI at 3 PM because court's time was over but reopening of IHC and SC at 11 PM because some unknown person filed a petition at 10 PM mid night, which the petition dates back to March 2022.
8- Refusal by a retired general to head a commission to investigate the foreign conspiracy.
9- Court ordering PM to not to dismiss CAOS while it's PM prerogative.
10- Frequent visits by CAOS and DG ISI to PM house and asking him to leave or face consequences.
11- Total black out of PTI's protests across the country.
12- Names of PTI SMT on ECL.
13- Abducting of PTI SMT members by FIA.
14- Absence of FIA prosecutor in court for indictment of SS and HS.
Is it enough to see who made desperate moves?

He played a rigged game the best.

Laid bare these traitors in front of the whole nation.

Never has a foreign coup with its local facilitators being made so obvious.

He did not use the nuke option because he believed right till the end for the sake of his country, that sense would prevail but the other side was too high on dollars.
Right off the bat, I am a strong PTI supporter so it pains me to see Kaptaan making moves which I consider desperate. Let me give three examples

1. The Speaker's decision to cancel the NCV which was overturned by the SC.
2. The initial plan to filibuster the NVC after the SC ordered it reinstated.
3. The mass resignations which let Cherry Blossom sail through.

In each of these cases, Kaptaan and his advisers should have known the PDM's response. Let us never forget that we are not fighting paindoo Nawaaz and a few village men in a tea shop. This coup is being directed from Washington with the best Pakistani, Indian, American and other strategists that USD can buy. We KNOW the rot goes deep: the media, judiciary and possibly the army leadership are complicit.

I want the Kaptaan to play this game with a cool mind, anticipating the opposition's moves ten steps ahead. It seems instead that he is stumbling from one desperate act to another.
I don't see any issue with the first 2 - they were political moves revolving around a completely new situation, based on the interpretation of the constitution provided by IK's legal advisors. They were both fair.

In the US, Republicans held up Obama's Supreme Court nominee for a year using the filibuster, so why criticize IK for trying to use whatever options he had under the constitution?

The third point - more of a pressure tactic. Imran Khan's tweets today indicate that the path forward with protests is to apply pressure for early elections.
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