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Is COVID-19 China's revenge at America for trade war?


Sep 18, 2019
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United States
Honestly if China did intentionally spread COVID-19, it was a genius, if not shrewd way to take down a superpower by exacting the ultimate revenge for the trade war. China was a lot more prepared to take drastic and extreme measures to contain COVID-19 because they knew it would hurt the US a lot more than it would hurt China. Xi Jinping lulled Trump into a false sense of security and then made Trump pay the price for his trade war by unleashing a bioweapon killing thousands of Americans in election year and now it is Xi who is laughing as America goes into crisis mode. US thought China couldn't do anything about the trade war but they were wrong. China set in motion the decline of America by engineering the perfect crisis as the US engineered the decline of the late Soviet Union. America emerged on top of the post-WWII world, and China will emerge on top of the post-COVID19 world. Looks like China got the last laugh.
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I think no country in the world can emerge earlier than others unless coronavirus is being eradicated completely worldwide.

Once you relaxed, another outbreak happened.

The same case with Wuhan, South Korea, and Germany.

But in my opinion, even before coronavirus or whatever coronavirus never exist.

China is already stronger than USA.

It's just because of the coronavirus case, the bad side of USA is revealed.

Many indicators, China is already surpassing USA.

From the government finance ability, manufacturing, people orderly and discipline, technology adoption, etc.

And all are shown in the way how both countries are handling coronavirus pandemic.
Honestly if China did intentionally spread COVID-19, it was a genius, if not shrewd way to take down a superpower by exacting the ultimate revenge for the trade war. China was a lot more prepared to take drastic and extreme measures to contain COVID-19 because they knew it would hurt the US a lot more than it would hurt China. Xi Jinping lulled Trump into a false sense of security and then made Trump pay the price for his trade war by unleashing a bioweapon killing thousands of Americans in election year and now it is Xi who is laughing as America goes into crisis mode. US thought China couldn't do anything about the trade war but they were wrong. China set in motion the decline of America by engineering the perfect crisis as the US engineered the decline of the late Soviet Union. America emerged on top of the post-WWII world, and China will emerge on top of the post-COVID19 world. Looks like China got the last laugh.

Yes, release a virus by infecting one of your major industrial bases and locking it down, severely impacting your economy months before any guarantee it will have an impact on your major geopolitical rival.

That is an insane and nonsensical theory.

What is really happening is that the virus was released by the Deep State in order to engender public support for a complete decoupling between the US and China, which would create the conditions for a complete political, military and economic confrontation against China in order to stem China's challenge to American primacy. This is a logical escalation of the trade, tech wars and can also be related to the mysterious viruses that decimated China's pig and fowl populations during the trade war.

China thrives on stability. It was due to become the world's largest economic power as long as things were stable. Time was on China's side, it was not on America's side. Therefore, engendering a situation of chaos and disruption is a strategy that works for American interests by creating an atmosphere of hostility that could be used to create conflict and contain China. I think it is working.
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I don't think so.

Because of what I'm suspecting, the origin of coronavirus is from USA.

Besides, USA knows about coronavirus earlier than China, since CIA already gave warning to their allies.

I think it's just USA government's own mistake to try to repeat H1N1 Swine Flu strategy, which is Herd Immunity, and keep the public to stay calm.
If US falls into the abyss. The virUS would be God's revenge. Does not change the fact that this virUS was a US bioweapon that was supposed to be used to gut China of their factories, and start a cold war.
Its God's way of showing anger.

US, UK, and some or Europe allong some GCC countries have been devastated and dently badly by Cornavirus. Such a lethal and dangerous bio-weapon it is.
i not think china spread covid19 as china is also badly suffering from this,demand of chinese products declined much due to lockdowns and many companies of western world are thinking to move their factories out of china due to covid19 ,also europe and u.s people hate against china increased much due to origination of covid19 from china,I think israel is behind this pandemic as they are least affected by it
i not think china spread covid19 as china is also badly suffering from this,demand of chinese products declined much due to lockdowns and many companies of western world are thinking to move their factories out of china due to covid19 ,also europe and u.s people hate against china increased much due to origination of covid19 from china,I think israel is behind this pandemic as they are least affected by it

I definitely would not be surprised if Israel was involved.
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