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China, Pakistan to go ahead with trade corridor

@Chinese-Dragon I heard Tibet railway only costed some $4 billion as China got some cheaper technology to preserve tracks over permafrost, $18 billion sounds incredibly too high.

I was watching the documentary on Tibet Railway that China waited for 50 years until some new cheaper technology is developed for Tibet railways, are you sure China is ready to invest in such costly project with little chances of having returns. :coffee:

18$ billions is not a baseless number, this got through the feasibility of the project: such blast moutain, dig tunnel, cimenting the mountain to prevent rocks from falling into the highway, bridges, over-pass....just look at pictures from post #40, you will realise complexity. We don't know the detail of this mega projects, if there is an railway or/and pipeline will be included into this 18 billions corridor.

As for the investnment return, this is long term project, don't expect an immediate returns, The primary intent of the economic cooridor is link towns and cities, it will facilitate the economic exchange and make the region prosper then the project will be payed by itself. Infrastructure development is not just an economy issue but also for the well been for the population.
18$ billions is not a baseless number, this got through the feasibility of the project: such blast moutain, dig tunnel, cimenting the mountain to prevent rocks from falling into the highway, bridges, over-pass....just look at pictures from post #40, you will realise complexity. We don't know the detail of this mega projects, if there is an railway or/and pipeline will be included into this 18 billions corridor.

As for the investnment return, this is long term project, don't expect an immediate returns, The primary intent of the economic cooridor is link towns and cities, it will facilitate the economic exchange and make the region prosper then the project will be payed by itself. Infrastructure development is not just an economy issue but also for the well been for the population.

China waited for 50 years for some cheaper technology to built Tibet Railways and when they finally found it, they built it at the cost of $4 Billion. So, you really think, China will invest $18 Billions just for tunnelling, what about rest of the investment on the same project.
China waited for 50 years for some cheaper technology to built Tibet Railways and when they finally found it, they built it at the cost of $4 Billion. So, you really think, China will invest $18 Billions just for tunnelling, what about rest of the investment on the same project.

As I said we don't know the detail of the project, if the cost cover the railway/pipeline or any complexity that has to taken into account, if you have any detail of this economic corridor, just share with us, don't make any empty comparasion between Tibet railway and this economic corridor, both are geographically different. If you're trying to insinuate that we're cheating Pakistan with the project cost...then you can maybe enlight us how this corridor will cost according to your Indian's estimation.

The below videos was old but interesting to see how the Karakurom Highway was rebuilt

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Pakistan need make sure it is a safe environment for China investment. Otherwise, it will scare off everyone, include Chinese Investors, if talibans and other terrorists keep setting off bombs.

I'll wait till China officially announces it because we, Pakistanis have been dreaming about this Economic Corridor for at least a decade so far.

The feasibility reports have not even been completed as of yet and they won't be for another couple of years. Moreover, the previous 2 Pakistani Governments also made much noise about this and nothing happened. On the other side however, China has become the second largest economy in the world without having to go through Pakistan even a little bit.

Can't see why China would want to spend so much on Pakistan when they can reach the better developed Iran and their ports through Afghanistan probably much more quickly and easily.
Pakistan need make sure it is a safe environment for China investment. Otherwise, it will scare off everyone, include Chinese Investors, if talibans and other terrorists keep setting off bombs.
So it's a better choice that Chinese military troops be there at least in the northern area of Pakistan to make sure a safe environment for Chinese investment
It will never happen. If CCP is wise, it will never send any military troops into Pakistan. Of course, I do not exclude the so-called military engineering troops which are often used to build roads, bridges.

So it's a better choice that Chinese military troops be there at least in the northern area of Pakistan to make sure a safe environment for Chinese investment
so less trade goes on water so better it is for Asian and European countries, only Americans and britains lose out as they stick to the illusion and fantasies to ship stuff around the ocean to all kind of complicated routes like suez canal and strait of malacca.
so less trade goes on water so better it is for Asian and European countries, only Americans and britains lose out as they stick to the illusion and fantasies to ship stuff around the ocean to all kind of complicated routes like suez canal and strait of malacca.

I think we still need sea trade route from our coastal cities to middle east, but with this economic corridor, we can develop our western more rapidly and move our manufacturing industrie further inland, the coastal cities will upgrade to high tech, financial and service sectors.

But I do agree that less trade with go through the tranditional sea route if our western region become the main manufacturing hub, most likely this Economic corridor will be the new silk road to middle east and to European countries. It's a win-win for Pakistan and China.
Oil is more suitable for sea transportation and I don't think it 's easy to build mountain pipelines as well as to make them functioning.
Oil is more suitable for sea transportation and I don't think it 's easy to build mountain pipelines as well as to make them functioning.

perfect english :coffee: again

it is going to be a highway / a railway that will run through it
and the time of transportation to reach China is much shorter than seaways
Pipeline is a good choice for gas supply but at a latter date
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perfect english :coffee: again

it is going to be a highway / a railway that will run through it
and the time of transportation to reach China is much shorter than seaways
Pipeline is a good choice for gas supply but at a latter date
Sorry for my empty words,I just be here to practice my English.
This corridor nothing but a corridor people in and out,again my poor English.Every single wor correct?Not sure.
Sorry for my empty words,I just be here to practice my English.
This corridor nothing but a corridor people in and out,again my poor English.Every single wor correct?Not sure.
hmm if you are REALLY practising the language, I am doing the same, practising my language skill as part of my activities on the forum but I have the feeling that you are a natural English user or you have been using the language for much longer time than an ordinary Chinese. You just fake it up just like you are faking your flags!:cheesy:
I was not criticising your English at all!

as long as there is a corridor, there will be vehicular transportation of everykind, not just people
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