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Is China Developing a VSTOL Fighter?


Apr 1, 2007
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ref:WORLD DEFENCE: Chinese F-35 Like Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL)'Snowy Owl' Jet Project: China's Latest J-20 Black Eagle Surprise


Chinese F-35 Like Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL)'Snowy Owl' Jet Project: China's Latest J-20 Black Eagle Surprise

According to an image revealed by China's state-run TV station, the country is developing a fourth generation fighter. Nicknamed Snowy Owl by Chinese military enthusiasts, the appearance of the jet fighter is similar to the F-35 made by the United States defense contractor Lockheed Martin.

The J-20 stealth fighter is not the last Chinese technological development which will astonish the United States, one Chinese netizen said in an online message; Snowy Owl is just another example.
China is secretly developing a triplane-canard-configurated fighter that has a totally different architecture to that of the J-20, CCTV was quoted by Hong Kong-based Sing Tao Daily as reporting. Some Chinese online military experts believe that the fighter is very likly to be the Snowy Owl, currently being developed by the AVIC Shenyang Aircraft Corporation (SIC).

Online information regarding the SIC says that it is manufacturing a new type of aircraft whose design uses triplane canard configuration, Chinese netizens reported. The aircraft has a fixed vertical wing, and the engine has rhomboidal nozzles, according to the CCTV report, adding that the design renders the aircraft lighter than most of the fourth generation fighters.

ref:Is China Developing a VSTOL Fighter? - Defense News

Is China Developing a VSTOL Fighter?
By wendell minnick
Published: 22 Apr 2011 14:06 TAIPEI - China may have test-flown the J-18 Red Eagle vertical short takeoff and landing (VSTOL) fighter earlier this month, if chatter on Chinese-language military blogs is accurate.

China's defense industry is largely opaque and it is difficult to substantiate Internet chatter. However, Chinese-language military blogs reported the first test flight of the stealthy J-20 Black Eagle fighter in January, much to the surprise of the Western media.

Now there are reports emerging of a test flight of the J-18. Tests were supposedly conducted earlier this month and the fighter is similar to the Sukhoi Su-33 carrier-based fighter.

"In 2005, a Chinese aviation industry source told me the Chengdu Aircraft Corporation was considering a F-35B-like program," said Richard Fisher, vice president of the Washington-based International Assessment and Strategy Center. "Given the PLA's naval power projection ambitions, it is probable there is VSTOL or STOVL [short takeoff and vertical landing] fighter program."

There are "many alleged programs in the Chinese blogosphere," Fisher said.

These include a J-16 built by the Shenyang Aircraft Corporation (SAC), which is a stealthier dedicated attack version of the J-11B (Su-27) multirole fighter with active electronically scanned array radar and an internal weapons bay, which will "reportedly emerge this summer," he said.

China is expected to begin sea trials for its first aircraft carrier this summer. Analysts believe the J-15 Flying Shark, a copy of the Sukhoi Su-33, will be China's first carrier-based fighter. SAC procured an earlier prototype of the Su-33 from the Ukraine in 2001 and the J-15 reportedly conducted its first test flight in mid-2009.

There have also been questionable Chinese-language military blogs providing sketchy reporting on J-17 and J-19 fighter programs. Reportedly, the J-17 is long-range fighter-bomber based on the Russian Sukhoi Su-34 and the J-19 is a heavy multirole fighter based on the J-11B.
ref:china threat: China or the introduction of Yak -141 VTOL aircraft equipped with an aircraft carrier (Figure) ???

Monday, January 5, 2009

China or the introduction of Yak -141 VTOL aircraft equipped with an aircraft carrier (Figure) ???  
Type 081 LHD

Chinese sources at IMDEX confirmed that China is developing a new amphibious assault ship, a Landing Helicopter Dock, or “LHD.” However, when such ships may be built is not known. This ship had previously been identified as the Type 081, described by Asian sources as displacing about 20,000 tons. While Chinese officials as IMDEX would not disclose details about the Type 081, they did note that “we have the capability right now to build that ship.” There is no information that China is now building the Type 081, though a report in Force magazine has noted that China intends to build six of the 20,000 ton Type 071 LPD—the first of which was launched in December 2006—and then three of the Type 081 LHD. Asian sources speculate that the PLA will build two to as many as eight Type 071s. The Type 071 is designed to carry a reinforced battalion of troops, or about 500 to 800 troops and 50 or so vehicles. While the Type 071 is intended to carry four to six Z-9 size helicopters, the flat-deck Type 081 will carry more. It is likely that the Type 081 may carry 500 or so troops plus equipment but may devote more space to helicopter hanger deck. The PLA is known to have been seeking foreign LHD design data since the late 1990s though little is known of the ultimate configuration intended for the Type 081.

Asian sources estimate that China’s eventual intention is to build up a force that approximates a U.S. Marine Expeditionary Force. The Marine MEF also included air and logistics units, which may follow if the PLAN builds carrier air groups. Asian sources note that work is progressing on the refurbishment of the Ex-Russian/Ukrainian carrier Varyag, with recent attention being paid to its aircraft arresting wire system. These sources note the Varyag may be completed by 2012. If production estimates prove correct, then it may be China’s ambition to build an amphibious projection force of three battalions, each consisting of one Type 081 LHD and two Type 071 LPDs. The Type 081 would add the flexibility of being able to employ a larger number of helicopters for transport and attack missions to support an amphibious assault. Such a ship might also be embarked with anti-submarine warfare (ASW) helicopters to assist fleet escort.


环球时报驻香港特约记者李洁报道 1月1日,香港《东方日报》司马成文章称,在去年十月中俄总理会晤及两国工商界峰会期间,曾洽谈 过雅克-141型战机在中国组装生产的问题。




  文章称,雅克-141曾是世界垂直起降战机之首,也曾是俄罗斯手中少有的优于西方的项目,但因为近期石油价格暴跌, 俄罗斯 经济陷入困境,于是主动向中国推销这种战机。俄方称将为中国专门改进雅克-141,并称雅克-141是一种先进的多用途战斗机。



  文 章称,雅克141计划始于1975年,1989年首飞,两年后一架原型机坠毁,计划停止。雅克-141所用R-79涡扇发动机加力推力为15.5吨,飞机 最大起飞重量为19.5吨,最大平飞速度达1.7马赫,爬升率也不逊于常规起降战斗机,雅克-141性能远超英国的“鹞”式垂直起降战斗机。但在1992 年范保罗航展上西方专家指出,雅克-141与常规起降的舰载机相比,使用垂直起降的方式作战将付出损失载弹量和航程的代价。


   文章称,前苏联研制的雅克-141及雅克-38垂直起降战斗机,是为了装备前苏联没有弹射器的航母而设计,而美国由于拥有大批重型航母,AV-8这种非 常规起降战斗机只用在两栖攻击舰上,担任近距支援任务。文章认为中国短期内不会建造类似美国的 常规起降型的 重型航母,雅克-141可以作为过渡型舰载机, 与苏-33和歼-10改作高低档搭配,在陆上,雅克-141也可以填补其他先进的常规起降战机与直升机之间的火力空间。文章还说,引进雅克-141的关键 问题是,不但要控制价格,还要获得飞机的生产许可证。


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AVIC spokesperson has just labelled the VSTOL capability as speculation.

However, SAC is believed to be undertaking numerous manned fighter projects called the J-16, J-18, and J-19. J-17 has been cancelled.

CAC is also undertaking two fighter projects, the J-20 and the single engine J-21.
Are they developing aircraft carriers as well? VSTOL is of little use without an AC.
Are they developing aircraft carriers as well? VSTOL is of little use without an AC.

The first of five carriers will be launched this year, analysts say. However, it may simply be used as a training carrier, seeing that low end fighters like the J-15 are most likely deployed on the deck.

3 of them are conventionally powered Type 089 aircraft carriers while two of them will be nuclear powered Type 085 supercarriers.
Are they developing aircraft carriers as well? VSTOL is of little use without an AC.

ref:China To Launch Carrier This Year: Taiwan - Defense News

China To Launch Carrier This Year: Taiwan
Published: 25 Apr 2011 10:47 TAIPEI - Taiwan's spy chief on April 25 said China could bring its first aircraft carrier into service before the end of the year, kindling fears in Taipei over Beijing's continued naval buildup.


The former Soviet aircraft carrier Varyag berths at Dalian, northeast China, in May 2002. Taiwan's spy chief said April 25 that China could bring the carrier into service before the end of 2011. (File photo / Agence France-Presse) Tsai Teh-sheng, head of the island's National Security Bureau, said Varyag - a half-completed Soviet-era aircraft carrier Beijing obtained from Ukraine in 1998 - is expected to make its maiden voyage before the end of 2011.

The warship has been docked in China's Dalian harbor, where it has undergone extensive refurbishing work since 2002.

"Varyag has restored its sailing capability, and is expected to start providing training missions before the end of 2011," Tsai said in response to a parliamentary question by Lin Yu-fang of the ruling Kuomintang party.

Tsai said the warship will have "certain combat capability" and will serve as a base for an unknown number of China's home-grown fighter jets, which are modeled on Russian-made Su-33s.

Taiwan's defense ministry has expressed alarm at China's naval buildup although experts say it may still take time for the People's Liberation Army to operate its first carrier group complete with fighter jets.

"The Chinese communists' acquisition of their first aircraft carrier will threaten not only Taiwan but the stability of Asia," said David Lo, spokesman for Taiwan's defense ministry.

Taiwan plans to build a new "stealth" warship armed with guided missiles next year in response to China's naval build-up, military officers have said.

An aircraft carrier group would potentially double the military threat posed to Taiwan by China by allowing the Chinese to approach from directions other than across the strait, experts warn.

Ties between China and Taiwan have improved significantly since Ma Ying-jeou became the island's president, vowing to adopt a nonconfrontational policy toward the mainland. But China still regards Taiwan as part of its territory awaiting to be reunified by force if necessary, although the island has governed itself since 1949, when a civil war ended.
maybe china has some plans, but hardly to agree that they are developing one, most likely to start initial researches. SVTOL is a very complicated tech, so far the only successful battle harden SVTOL aircraft is the British Sea Harrier, and the american further developed it into AV8B..
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