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Is being Anti-Islam the same as Pro-Indian?

......and obviously building the temple is a BJP's effort to garner more support for itself and get a foot hold in AP.

To be chronologically correct, the temple was there long before an organization called BJP was even formed.

The difference, of course, is that you conveniently arrogate to yourselves the right of defining who is secular and who is pseudo-secular.

Just like you arrogate onto yourself the right to define who is communal or not. ;)
You cannot deny that the majority of Indians dislike Muslims.
I have a friend from Goa who is a Catholic and he was telling me how his father hates Muslims because during the war there was a rumor that the Muslim neighborhoods in India kept their lights on so Pakistani planes knew where to bomb.

It's attitudes like these that make India's neighbor think that it is Anti-Islam, and thus the opposit of that would be pro-India.
Might not be true but is perfectly understandable.

Here you go gain, using mother-in-law research to come to profound, and profoundly wrong conclusions. The more I think of it, the more your sig. fits.
What's more, we don't see Hindus retaliating, we see them initiating...

Just because few 100 years passed inbetween does not mean the potency or the emotional connect of an issue died down.

Anyway this thread is NOT about India. Its not about India. It's about the perception of the three Islamic countries in the neighbourhood to India.
Yes all Indians hate Islam & love British colonial legacy

This is my general impression of Indians from reading comments here & on YouTube

The Indians are not fazed with reality when it comes to their country.. They think India is world superpower when reality is much different... Ask people in Somalia vs India on life

Why am I not surprised that your views of the world are formed by YouTube?

To be chronologically correct, the temple was there long before an organization called BJP was even formed.

Just like you arrogate onto yourself the right to define who is communal or not. ;)

Clever. Very. People preaching hatred against a section of the citizenry merely on the grounds of the religion they practice are communal. Simple definition, simple assessment. Unlike the kind of mendacity we face from you.
Clever. Very. People preaching hatred against a section of the citizenry merely on the grounds of the religion they practice are communal. Simple definition, simple assessment. Unlike the kind of mendacity we face from you.

And people who can see only section of the society at fault without looking at the whole picture or taking an even stand are pseudos. And unlike you I would not be arrogant to point out anybody by person.
Not all pro India are anti Islam but all pro hindu are anti Islam.
One needs to get over identity mongering. Each person can choose for himself the ideas that he finds attractive, irrespective of his family traditions. Let free speech prevail and let no doctrine be sheltered from free criticism.
It would seem that way if you follow Indians on PDF but it is not true in reality. I am always fighting bharti bigotry online but never face nothing of the sort in real life and even got a few Indian friends who I am very close to. The anonymous nature of the net brings out the worst in people but it should not be used as a measuring stick for the many. The op should take that into consideration the next time he comes across such articles.
This question, of course, is in context of the perception that India enjoys in its immediate neighborhood.

I read a few articles on the recent tensions in Maldives, Bangladesh and Pakistan. In a number of these articles, the two terms "anti-islam" and "pro-indian" were used almost interchangeably.

So is being anti-islam the same as being pro-indian? What do you think?

It sounds like the way : Pro-Islam means Pro-Pakistan in eyes of Many/Majority Indians.
We have seen that any incident of blast or even anything related to Muslims is reported the very next moment we see comments by Indians dragging in Pakistan into the picture.

Also if there is any Anti-Islam topic going on and we comment against it the Indians start supporting that Anti-Islam move because they see it as Contest between Pakistan-India.

Just look at the threads in Bangladesh Section: Its a reality that in BD there is NO pro-Pakistan party NOT even current JI political party but when BD members who are NOT pro-India or to say who inclinded towards Islamic status more than Awami L type stand they, then they are abused and called pro-Pakistan and many names are called by Indians.

So the bottom line is NO Pro-Islam does not mean Pro-Pakistan Neither anti-Islam means Pro-India. this is khunnasss you Indians and we Pakistanis have in our heads if there is any.
OK Sir. The parallel for you is that the Jews did not try to resurrect their temple by destroying the Al Aqsa mosque. Despite the complete victory Israel won over the territory, they did not claim their holiest site!! How do you eat that?!! Also I read somewhere that non-muslims are not allowed to pray near the site(not the wall where Jews visit but the site where the temple stood)!!

You don't want a temple there. You just want revenge. Thanks for clarifying your views by showing your saffronist motives. Hindus are definitely not weak now. They are also educated. That is why they should let the law of the land take its course and should have let the mosque be as it was.

And besides 'they' did not kill your father. If they did, you can pursue them by the law. All this sentiment about religion and taking back lost things will only take the nation into a spiral of ahtred. Thank God people like you got driven into your ideological ghettos. So get a life now. What next? You want to attack Iran,Turkey and Saudi now for their ancestors' attacks on India?

well your an opologhetik sir but im not im proud to be a hard line hindu ar the follower of santan dharm any way its not about revenge its about your values and owr beleves i dont care whether they call me any thing but RAM Temple was there and will remain there it was it is and it will be owrs its non of my buisness what jews do thats it

I think you are wrong, and you are also diverting attention from the original question.

and whats the orignal idea sir but any way i respect you and never contest what ever you say sir

This kind of proves the point. How can incidents of hundreds of years ago be brought into the picture today? What's more, we don't see Hindus retaliating, we see them initiating. Why this aggressive behaviour, which is totally not called for?
cause there can be no opology or denial for taking back what was owrs we took it and there are two more still to go kashi vishwanath temple and mathura shri kirshan janmbhoomi we will take and librate them too whether it happens in this life or the other there can be no compromise on that SIR
yes it is.

My argument is/was simple. Law will take its course.

And if you did not know the High court has dismissed all the cases relating to the Bhagyalakshmi mandir filed by the raza-kar goons and you may now give your pictures to the high court since you seem to know law better than them. :tup:

O brother! so now you lost all your argument?! You now say law will take its course. So now your shelter is empty rhetoric.

Btw the court case filed was not to demolish or move the temple. MIM, for all its craziness, thankfully did not file such a case. Hence the court judgement(I am not sure if it is the final judgement) was to continue the status quo.

But I see the saffronist parties crying out loud that the temple(and hence Hinduism?!) is in danger. They believe blocking the road around Charminar(it is a very busy narrow chowrasta) by the congregations alone will prove that Hindus get justice.
It sounds like the way : Pro-Islam means Pro-Pakistan in eyes of Many/Majority Indians.
We have seen that any incident of blast or even anything related to Muslims is reported the very next moment we see comments by Indians dragging in Pakistan into the picture.

Also if there is any Anti-Islam topic going on and we comment against it the Indians start supporting that Anti-Islam move because they see it as Contest between Pakistan-India.

Just look at the threads in Bangladesh Section: Its a reality that in BD there is NO pro-Pakistan party NOT even current JI political party but when BD members who are NOT pro-India or to say who inclinded towards Islamic status more than Awami L type stand they, then they are abused and called pro-Pakistan and many names are called by Indians.

So the bottom line is NO Pro-Islam does not mean Pro-Pakistan Neither anti-Islam means Pro-India. this is khunnasss you Indians and we Pakistanis have in our heads if there is any.
well jana bibi sallam pesh kerta hoon ji :D

any way it is so called khunnass and the beleave of superiority complex in muslim elite which they took to pakistan and poisened your society beyond repair and which in now creeping in an evrage pakistani like you in form of acute frustaion and helplessness and no so called ehsaas e kamtaree any way there are many in pakistan who still beleave that what they did to hindus in lahore and all over pakistan and bangladesh in 1947 & 1970 dosent matter and hindus will never retaliate and if they retaliated how can that be possible well ji times have changed now if someone will slap us on one cheek we will break his neck rather than to show other cheek so do you get my point

well your an opologhetik sir but im not im proud to be a hard line hindu ar the follower of santan dharm any way its not about revenge its about your values and owr beleves i dont care whether they call me any thing but RAM Temple was there and will remain there it was it is and it will be owrs its non of my buisness what jews do thats it

and whats the orignal idea sir but any way i respect you and never contest what ever you say sir

cause there can be no opology or denial for taking back what was owrs we took it and there are two more still to go kashi vishwanath temple and mathura shri kirshan janmbhoomi we will take and librate them too whether it happens in this life or the other there can be no compromise on that SIR

:pop: :pop: :pop: :pop:
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