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Is American president mentally fit?

According to President Eisenhower it is the Military-industrial Complex as per 50’s estimation! I am pretty sure each President since then could very well add one more….

His exact words only warned against it, not that it existed:

"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military–industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist."
It served them well to control their population at the very critical time of their ascendency to become a super power. Now they have achieve their primary goal, they have relaxed their rule. Its a common sense which you from time to time forget to apply.

You should focus on things which matter, which is to enhance the life style of 700 million, a miracle of this century. And no I wont be bring the 1st amending where any average Joe can knock on your door and gun you down. LOL

Your shenanigans might worth something a decade ago, not anymore. So please stop embarrassing yourself.

The real embarrassment here is how quickly the likes of you are willing to surrender the function of your reproductive organs to a central committee of overlords by being impressed with shiny new trains. Pathetic!
His exact words only warned against it, not that it existed:

"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military–industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist."
JFK’s assassination proved, especially to the sitting presidents, it ( in collusion and conjunction with many more) does exist…..
he real embarrassment here is how quickly the likes of you are willing to surrender the function of your reproductive organs to a central committee of overlords by being impressed with shiny new trains. Pathetic!

You will be surprised as to how many so called "civilized nations" stop using the function of their reproductive organs after two offspring, infact now, majority don't use it at all!! How long you been living in "civilized nation"? you should have known this by now. So does it matter if blokes on the other side of global are doing something which by en large is a accepted norm in the place where your allegiance lies?

Don't be an imbecile , apply common sense, I know you can do that.

But hey, you rather have your head blown by some random cowboy who exercise his right under 1st amendment on you. :D
JFK’s assassination proved, especially to the sitting presidents, it ( in collusion and conjunction with many more) does exist…..

How does JFK's assassination prove Eisenhower's warning about the MIC?
You will be surprised as to how many so called "civilized nations" stop using the function of their reproductive organs after two offspring, infact now, majority don't use it at all!! How long you been living in "civilized nation"? you should have known this by now. So does it matter if blokes on the other side of global are doing something which by en large is a accepted norm in the place where your allegiance lies?

I take it that with your ignorance displayed here, the difference between voluntary and involuntary is beyond your comprehension. But then again, rights of the individual are not really important to the communists nor their sympathizers.
JFK’s assassination proved, especially to the sitting presidents, it ( in collusion and conjunction with many more) does exist…..

Many believe this is what eventually got him killed. Funny though, youtube no longer recognise this as "the speech which got JFK killed".

I take it that with your ignorance displayed here, the difference between voluntary and involuntary is beyond your comprehension. But then again, rights of the individual are not really important to the communists nor their sympathizers.

You surely value your reproductive organs and their function more, not the thoughts of some random redneck blowing your head using his right under 1st amendment. Maybe in yankiland, you can still use your reproductive organs while being denied of your head, who knows!!
You surely value your reproductive organs and their function more, not the thoughts of some random redneck blowing your head using his right under 1st amendment. Maybe in yankiland, you can still use your reproductive organs while being denied of your head, who knows!!

Aren't you clever (not!). How does the 1st Amendment apply here?

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
Aren't you clever (not!). How does the 1st Amendment apply here?

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Sorry I am not a redneck, nor much interested in your internal mess, just lookout for issues which concerns me and my people.

2nd amendment is it? the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed??

So Einstein, what it is going to be, your testicle or your brian? well, actually, the "2nd amendment" can cause you lose your testicle as well provided where your fellow citizen is aiming at and exercising his/her right under your constitution. Savy?
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@VCheng Why bother?
The sad part is that a lack of resources will impose it own limits on the population increase, and we can see those trends emerging already.

But let us worry more about how a country is governed half way around the world. They have potholes, dontcha know?!
Potholes, poverty,pollution, pornography - all the Po’s. Yet everyone wants to come here?
Why? Why? Disneyland can’t be all that
With Clump, we had a man who was reasonably intelligent but lowly educated and temperamentally unfit.

With Bidet, we got a man who was reasonably intelligent but began to decline from the day of office to become unfit.

The Rock does not look too bad at all.
Aren't you clever (not!). How does the 1st Amendment apply here?
To dictators and wanna-bes, the First and Second are the same. So his error is understandable.
Joe Biden deceives his voters as Donald Trump deceives his voters

the function of a politician in America is to deceive his voters by telling them what they want to hear

it is completely childish to believe that America is a democracy, the reality is that the power of the voters is exactly zero
and that too a nonwhite female of mixed origin that will cause heads to explode in the Southern bible belt of America.

Having lived there for years, it really will. They really hated Obama, so I can only imagine what they would think if their worst fears; Obama mixed with Hilary happened.:cheesy:

Considering this possibility, I’m sure they will put up with Biden in office, and hope he lives out his term. Even Biden considers himself a Transitionary President.

There are two cultures, two identities, two nations facing each other ...

And that's why it's child's play to deceive one and the other
Apparently, There are 4 Pillars of Power in the USA:


If one of these Pillars is weak, the other pillars benefit. Presidency is an easier target than other pillars of power. And hence we see idiots like Trump, Biden and others being elected.
the function of a politician in America is to deceive his voters by telling them what they want to hear
I have no idea that this is so unique in politics. Seems only American politicians tells people what they want to hear. I guess my time in Zaragoza reading local (English translated) news of how Spanish politicians deceiving the people were from an alternate universe.
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