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Is A Nuclear Iran Good For India?

Speaking English is OK, but that most indian feel ashame to speak their native regional languages is bad.

Look a Chinese sitting lazy before his lappy is giving lecture about India and it's native regional languages. Do you even know how many languages are spoken in India ?
Look a Chinese sitting lazy before his lappy is giving lecture about India and it's native regional languages. Do you even know how many languages are spoken in India ?

Div of divs that comment reeks of racism. Stop it.
Aryan u been on this site for under a month, and ur here everytime im here.

dont get to addicted here, u racked up a lot of messages in 3 weeks.
Aryan u been on this site for under a month, and ur here everytime im here.

dont get to addicted here, u racked up a lot of messages in 3 weeks.

Thanks for the advice. I normally leave it on on my office during the day. I am self employed so some days am very busy others not so.
Does any of Iran's enemies have nukes? Or does Iran just want to show the world that they can have nukes too no one can stop them?

But then again, it would be hypocratic of India to comment on this since we ourselves made nukes.
An opinion is an opinion, whether it matters or not is dependent on the person reading it. This also applies to you too.

I don't speak for the US governent and whether you like our policies or not I really don't care.

I only know one thing. If Iran possess nuclear weapons, your country would be destroyed.

I can see you are a proud Iranian, so I want to ask you, is it worth it that your nation gets destroyed?.

it is a vet dream that US can destroy Iran, we will see when Iran get nuke the only thing US do is nothing. but I guess it is not Iran's strategic plan to have nuke
it is a vet dream that US can destroy Iran, we will see when Iran get nuke the only thing US do is nothing. but I guess it is not Iran's strategic plan to have nuke

Cyrus I agree with you whole heartedly. But I think you mean americas wet dream as opposed to vet dream. If only other oil producing countries could follow irans lead and stop accepting those worthless iou's known as dollars america would be on its knees and looking for charity from muslim countries like saudie and iran.
I bet Bro Iran and nor any country can Nuke KSA

That's because of oil. Besides what would nuking KSA do? Nothing strategic. Technically Iran can be the only other country in Asia than us to have official ties with all the countries in the world (as many as possible) due to its location and its own tremendous potential. But because of one regime's obsession, it is facing such isolation for no reason.
That's because of oil. Besides what would nuking KSA do? Nothing strategic. Technically Iran can be the only other country in Asia than us to have official ties with all the countries in the world (as many as possible) due to its location and its own tremendous potential. But because of one regime's obsession, it is facing such isolation for no reason.

Its ironical that Iranians who prides in their intelligence & history are being led down the path of destruction by a bunch of illiterate Mullahs ; all for satisfying the huge ego of the latter.
Bottom line the answer to thread is in my opinion its good for india that iran has nukes contrary to what a few american axx licking computer geeks think.
Bottom line the answer to thread is in my opinion its good for india that iran has nukes contrary to what a few american axx licking computer geeks think.

Care to elaborate?
if Iran gets a nuclear weapon it won't pose any risk to India as we have good relations with Iran however it would be a threat to our friend and close ally Israel (which we should by more weapons and technology from)

not to mention if Iran gets a nuclear weapon and a ICBM then it is a major risk for the USA

so overall we would be at a bad position if Iran does manage to get a nuclear weapon because if Israel is not there India is left without a close ally and friend who is there to get our back when we need them too like they did in Kargil
if Iran gets a nuclear weapon it won't pose any risk to India as we have good relations with Iran however it would be a threat to our friend and close ally Israel (which we should by more weapons and technology from)

not to mention if Iran gets a nuclear weapon and a ICBM then it is a major risk for the USA

so overall we would be at a bad position if Iran does manage to get a nuclear weapon because if Israel is not there India is left without a close ally and friend who is there to get our back when we need them too like they did in Kargil

Also remember the equation:

Nuclear Iran=Turmoil in ME=Oil to India Cut/Expensive=Problem for Indian Economy=Problem for Indian =Problem for GoI.
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