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Yes we have them after end of UN sanctions in October
That embargo (on importing conventional weapons) ended October 2020

October 2023 is for import/export of missile and drone technology >300km range
That embargo (on importing conventional weapons) ended October 2020

October 2023 is for import/export of missile and drone technology >300km range
Don't you think in 2023 Oct we will import and export many things to Russia (including air to air, air to surface, surface to air and ''surface to surface missiles'') and then officially we receive SU-35s in addition missile exchanges between Iran & Russia?
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Don't you think in 2023 Oct we will import and export many things to Russia (including air to air, air to surface and surface to air Missiles) and then officially we receive SU-35s?
No, Iran already exports >300km drones to Russia, they are not waiting for October.

If you're saying the su-35 deal is contingent on Iran exporting SRBMs with range >300km to Russia, that is not a good deal for Iran and I haven't read anything like that, I don't think it's right.

And I don't think Russia needs to import any A2A or SAM from Iran, more likely IRI is negotiating to buy s-400 from Russia

I have followed your posts with interest.

In this instance I regard this as a welcome back.

You have in particular posted two items regarding Kowsar an the F-14.


I have completed a paper that I regard as the IRIAFs' future bread and butter combat a/c paper.

I have tried to hock this paper where I thought it may find traction. Alas, not even one hit (sigh...).

Nevertheless, by this time tomorrow I would have uploaded the latest updated iteration of the same to my drop box. Address to be posted.

Pse note, image heavy. Best viewed in Word.


Thank you for reading my posts.
the question is does 9.12b capable of using er version of the R-27AA-10 Alamo-A
and do we have any working R-27ER

only 150 x R-27R1/ER were delivered. The MIGs at TAB-2 often wear them but these are shitty SARH BVR missiles for which to be successful the MIG 9.12 has to stay in the pocket for illumination of the target. With its relic RPLK-29 FC-Radar system, that will be suicide for the MIG-29 9.12 even if its trying to attack an F-16C.

half of it with no support

the real deal was on s-300 that we knew how it ended and no pantsir for Iran and there is not a single buk in Iran have been spotted

Pantsir S1, Tor M1, S-300, S-200, Avtobaza ELINT, Nebo-V all have been delivered and we may even see S-400 in the near future. The Sepeher OTH some accuse is Rezonas TOT as well.

I remember I read some Russian papers in which they were claiming the SA-6 and Buk systems were transferred to Iran which gave birth to Raad system.

they are really are not that different, its like peugeot pars and peugeot 405 and Samand .

Are we gonna assume that flying the MIG-29 9.12 is the same as flying MIG-35 on the right because both machines look similar from the outside?

It was a very interesting read, good to see a lot of info collated in one place. Thanks for your effort and looking forward for the updated version.
I will comment on a few things later on, for now though, what is your assessment of this missile below? It doesn't seem to be present in your file, at least there is no picture of it.
DrMeson says this is the Azaraksh-1 all-aspect CCD dogfight missile (this seems to be different from the Azaraksh-2X AIM-9X like missile in your file). I'm very curious how the rear end looks like.
Found it.

That is the elusive pic of two side by side Iranian WVR AAMs.

I just need to work out how to copy and paste the image here as I don't have the link.
every one attacked me for the news and now its media speculation.
i had high hope for those airplanes to show how wrong i am about Russia stand toward Iran

BT on his insta is now saying that they will come in 2024. I am skeptical, I think this will be a botched-up order of a mere 24 aircrafts which will be grounded the day Russia refused to supply AL-41F1S1 spares. They will become the new MIG-29 9.12 in the fleet with their IRBIS-E.

Leadership better play its cards right and get everything from Russia when Moscow is down and needs Iran. If SU-35S are not producible for Sukhoi then go for as many stored SU-27/30, MIG-29M.

to me sound like those Kowsar-1 airframe we saw previously probably are finished or some of them are finished we see them delivered

I think they will induct a squadron of Kowsar-1 or may show Kowsar-II (they may name it different) with LEX wings, HMD, better radar (AESA?). Basically a worked up Kowsar-I.

Thank you.

I have some pics of one-off Iranian WVR AAMs. Saw it once and not again.

Remembered these and therefore did not assign a - number to the CCD capable Azaraksh. I think my thought at the time was, rather let it slip than assigning an incorrect - number to it. I will certainly try and dig this image out. It was two missiles side by side but with different designations. It think that the one ended with XXA and the other with XXB. Can't swear by this until I unearth this image though.

The seeker cone of Azaraksk-1 looks larger to me than that of Fatter. Could this perhaps be it:

The rear and front stabilizers seems to differ from that of Azaraksk-2 for instance.

I have not seen many great pics of Fatter, but the seeker cone of it appears to be smaller than that of the above one. Something that have always tickled me is what happened to Azaraksk-1 if it started with -2 ? We could in all probability be looking at it. DrMeson could just have solved this puzzle.

Have uploaded the updated paper dated today to the same drop box URL. It is now posted as IRI FCA2 Parts 1 -5. I have also left the previous version up if someone perhaps wants to refer back. Enjoy

Fatter Air-to-Air Sidewinder

Allaspect Thermal (IIR) seeker (shown below). Advantage: IR/UV sensor hard to be decoyed
Length: 2.7 M
Diameter: 0.127 M
Weight: 88 KG
Steering mechanism:
Canards and Fins with Rollerons
Warhead: Proximity fuse
Range: 40 KM







Azarakhsh (Air-to-ground)

Allaspect Thermal (IIR) seeker
Length: 3.1 M
Diameter: 0.127 M
Weight: 70 KG
Propulsion: Smokeless booster
Steering mechanism: Shown with Rollerons as well but test video showed 4 separate Actuators for 4 canards. Roll axis control (similar to AIM-9X). Pitch, yaw and roll axis are steered in a combined way.
Warhead: Proximity fuse
Range: 10 KM




Azarakhsh Air to Air missile (Source :https://www.key.aero/article/how-iran-manages-keep-its-f-14-tomcats-flying

Coupled Cluster Imaging CCD Seeker, can be clued by AWG-9+ of F-14AM, Bayyenaat-I of F-4E/D Dowran, Bayyenaat-II of Kowsar-I for max range (Written by author)
Physical Dynamics and Aerodynamics: Azaraksh A2G with V Shapped canards (My assumption)
Steering mechanism: 4 x motors controlling Canards (Visible on Image below)
Warhead: Proximity fuse
Range: 40 KM

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Are we gonna assume that flying the MIG-29 9.12 is the same as flying MIG-35 on the right because both machines look similar from the outside?
we are talking about mig-29 upgraded to smt standard and Mig-35 not mig-29 9.12
spending 1 milliard on upgrading 9.12 to smt is more logical or buy mig-35?
So now can have our own homegrown ELINT, AWACS
at last some really positive news from our aviation industry. that was something we needed more than anything else right now both for military and our civilian sectors .
right now i see something like Erieye out of this project and don't have to beg for those ATR anymore my guess from now on there won't be any obstacle on getting new ATR and they beg us to gave us the ATRs they previously refused just to make sure we don't build a passenger version of this aircraft
this light transport was the first step. its value to me is more than those su-35 that every one dream of
we are talking about mig-29 upgraded to smt standard and Mig-35 not mig-29 9.12
spending 1 milliard on upgrading 9.12 to smt is more logical or buy mig-35?

I was comparing 9.12 pilots going to MIG-35 directly.

If MIG 9.12 upgradation happens (assuming it does) the major bulk of a Billion USD will be eaten up by 19 x Zhuk-ME and some 200-300 R-77AE because the plane currently lacks ARH-BVR. Then comes the replacement of worn-out 20 years old RD-33 turbofans which would need replacement or heavy refurbishments. MIG fleet is becoming as big a burden on IRIAF as MF1 and F-7N are. F-4E/D post-Dowran upgrade can atleast deliver range of AShCM and F-5E/F can form the repository for Kowsar-I/II rebuilding but what is the MIG providing right now?

Apparently, just 3 are capable of FMC and QRA duty at TAB-2. If Turkey funds Azerbaijan Airforce buildup in future, we will have a serious problem.

at last some really positive news from our aviation industry. that was something we needed more than anything else right now both for military and our civilian sectors .
right now i see something like Erieye out of this project and don't have to beg for those ATR anymore my guess from now on there won't be any obstacle on getting new ATR and they beg us to gave us the ATRs they previously refused just to make sure we don't build a passenger version of this aircraft
this light transport was the first step. its value to me is more than those su-35 that every one dream of

The news is big for sure as All three branches can now have a homegrown platform for transport, ELINT, AWACS, Maritime Petrol/ASW.

Although we still need SU-35S, as many as we can afford
The news is big for sure as All three branches can now have a homegrown platform for transport, ELINT, AWACS, Maritime Petrol/ASW.

Although we still need SU-35S, as many as we can afford
well i believe more than those su-35 we need to build a long range Air to Air missile besed on the body of AIM-7 and work on further developing Kowsar

by the way can somebody tell me why transport version of simorgh have windows ?
a C-130

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BT on his insta is now saying that they will come in 2024. I am skeptical, I think this will be a botched-up order of a mere 24 aircrafts which will be grounded the day Russia refused to supply AL-41F1S1 spares. They will become the new MIG-29 9.12 in the fleet with their IRBIS-E.

Leadership better play its cards right and get everything from Russia when Moscow is down and needs Iran. If SU-35S are not producible for Sukhoi then go for as many stored SU-27/30, MIG-29M.

I think they will induct a squadron of Kowsar-1 or may show Kowsar-II (they may name it different) with LEX wings, HMD, better radar (AESA?). Basically a worked up Kowsar-I.

Fatter Air-to-Air Sidewinder

Allaspect Thermal (IIR) seeker (shown below). Advantage: IR/UV sensor hard to be decoyed
Length: 2.7 M
Diameter: 0.127 M
Weight: 88 KG
Steering mechanism:
Canards and Fins with Rollerons
Warhead: Proximity fuse
Range: 40 KM







Azarakhsh (Air-to-ground)

Allaspect Thermal (IIR) seeker
Length: 3.1 M
Diameter: 0.127 M
Weight: 70 KG
Propulsion: Smokeless booster
Steering mechanism: Shown with Rollerons as well but test video showed 4 separate Actuators for 4 canards. Roll axis control (similar to AIM-9X). Pitch, yaw and roll axis are steered in a combined way.
Warhead: Proximity fuse
Range: 10 KM




Azarakhsh Air to Air missile (Source :https://www.key.aero/article/how-iran-manages-keep-its-f-14-tomcats-flying

Coupled Cluster Imaging CCD Seeker, can be clued by AWG-9+ of F-14AM, Bayyenaat-I of F-4E/D Dowran, Bayyenaat-II of Kowsar-I for max range (Written by author)
Physical Dynamics and Aerodynamics: Azaraksh A2G with V Shapped canards (My assumption)
Steering mechanism: 4 x motors controlling Canards (Visible on Image below)
Warhead: Proximity fuse
Range: 40 KM


Thank you for the pics. The Fater-1 & 2 image was exactly what I was looking for.
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