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Seems this person thinks Iran is like Japan or something. Hair dyed in pink and purple and women dressed in anime. As if two nukes changed them genetically. Iran is not Nippon.

As you're probably aware the Japanese hardly ever venture onto English language websites, they stick to their own.

Add to it a peculiar and ultimately incoherent posting behaviour which might have initially been suggestive of some cursory acquaintance with Iranian affairs, before going over to serial production of assessments worthy of the typical jingoistic neophyte thoroughly oblivious to Iranian capabilities, who will equate the latter with Iraqi ones in 2003 so as to portray Iran as utterly defenseless and at imminent risk of obliteration at the hands of the USA regime.

Behold how the latter category of posts is systematically reflective of American imperial hubris while treating Iranian capabilities as downright nonexistent. Despite several reminders to this effect by various users, the subject keeps coming up with more of the same, introducing alternate but equally flawed 'arguments'. Of note also is the fact that the subject has virtually ceased communicating with peers: they will now ignore retorts to their comments as if to create the impression their narrative hadn't been adequately addressed and debunked. Goal being probably to repeat continuously in hopes of generating doubt and insecurity in readers' minds.

In sum, we're apparently dealing with the latest iteration of the resident (possibly false-flagging) psy-ops account, a recurrent undesired feature of Iranian defence-related forums, is it not.

Are you an US/NATO shill? All of your posts say that the US and NATO are the best and that Iran would get invaded in 1 month and Iran escaped invasion, that GBU-28 would destroy any Iran underground base

You really think US was really willing to launch a direct military attack on Iran in the late 2000s and get away with it? Iran is not Lybia or Syria, look since 40years spending trillions in propaganda, psyop and covert operation, they cannot at all remove the current government

When Soleimani was killed, the people were unified against the perceived white US threat, you think Iranian people will surrender and side with the US?

The west is currently printing trillions of money and sending billions of aid to skinheads in Ukraine, you do really think they are going to step foots or send their air force inside Iran and get away with it? They wouldn't even step a foot in Tehran and get all their bases, protectorates and US homeland and European cities struck, Iran has currently more than enough firepower to respond to western threats and invader and inflicting huge personnel and infrastructure damage.

If anyone thinks like Saddam, that Iran would get invaded and captured in 1 week by the mighty unstoppable US air force, that everyone will surrender and jump on the white American savior either overrestimate the US army or advocate for the use of nuclear weapons.

The US and its allies (South Korea, Japan, Brits, France) launched 7.7million of tons of bombs including chemical agent on Vietnam, yet they lost with more than 50000 US soldiers eliminated/executed.

The only thing that the west would surely do in case of war is to nuclear blackmail Iran, the west cannot stand huge personnel losses since the WW2 trauma, their technological assets won't matter since it would not be an assymetrical war and something like a B-2 sortie each costs tens of millions dollars, neither their mighty CAS propaganda such as AC-130s and A-10, Apaches, which are only effective against ISIS wahhabis would be used, like in Iraq when one of the AC-130 was shot down with a Strela manpads and ridiculously in Yemen. The money printing machine would be satured.

The US and Europe will undoubtedly be facing anothrr huge wave of terror attacks with the Ukraine support, just like when they put their nose inside Syria and Lybia.

the North Korea comparison is worthless, Lybia and Syria are currently and were weak, insignificant states, just like North Korea.

User surely knows all the above. Continuation of their antics requires to ignore whatever response is put to them.
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Having the capability to launch 100+ nuclear-armed ICBMs and convincing the Americans that, in extremis, Iran would be willing to do this, could plausibly establish some form of deterrence.

But actually striking the US mainland with any weapon (even conventional) would be a truly suicidal idea. Nothing will unite the American population (generally extremely patriotic and bloodthirsty) better than a direct military strike by Iran against the US mainland.

The IRI is extremely cautious with its actions and doesn't want to risk losing power no matter what, so they would never do such a thing (fortunately).
We should have nukes and we should have will to make usa un-liveable in case of they wage total war against us ....

That's the only possible way to stop the west

Hey genius, have you ever heard of A2AD?

Nuclear war with USA is suicide. Iran won't use nuclear warheads against USA. Question is, what is your purpose of a possible conflict with USA?

In any case, USA will be the aggressor with no doubt. This will provide Iran with an excuse to limit any war scenario to Conventional conflict. Iranian nuclear threshold is about a couple of weeks. If they use nuclear warheads then Iran will respond in the same way. Wall street and white house would be enough.

Hajizadeh is right. You cannot expect Iran to remain untouched after war with USA.

But its going to be a suicide for USA too. Iran will cut their arms in middle east and beyond. They will completely lose their oily Arab lackies.

Solution to countering American threats has always been maximizing cost of attacking Iran. Till Iran makes itself free of economic chains. That's when you can expect big things from Iran.
شاهنامه می که :« وقت جنگ نه جای خرد است »

اگه بترسی ، مردی
We should have nukes and we should have will to make usa un-liveable in case of they wage total war against us ....

That's the only possible way to stop the west
I wonder how many nuclear-armed ICBMs that would require. Probably 50+ at the very least. 5-10 is sufficient for Israel given its tiny size and total lack of strategic depth. Regardless, it takes a long time to acquire that kind of inventory.

Let's say Iran makes the decision to develop nuclear weapons and ICBMs and in 10 years' time it has a stockpile of 50+ nuclear-armed ICBMs. That protects Iran against a military invasion and probably overt military strikes inside Iran (but not necessarily, see Russia), but that's not too dissimilar to the current situation. So what's the end-game? It's not guaranteed that China/Russia would veto UNSC Resolutions against Iran in this scenario (in fact, probably unlikely) so the economic situation of Iran would become 10x worse, and I am not sure how having nuclear weapons presents a path out of that.
Target practice for Iran, nothing more.

There's no land border between Kuwait and Iran.

So they intend to invade Iran with a force of 40.000? In what parallel universe have American planners been dwelling?

Nor does it take short term warfare into account. Iran is ready to dish out extremely massive strikes on extremely short notice.

They'd first have to avoid the comprehensive pummeling of the very assets they'd intend to "completely destroy" Iran with, relentless attacks on their interests and bases across the region by local Iranian allies, missiles raining down on Tel Aviv and Haifa, etc.


You can search for the other parts, they bear the same title and are numbered from 1 to ??.
thanks for reply... but it is not the movie , i ment there was a link to a cinema movie the film is called Mansour, i hope some one can provide a link to watch that movie again
thanks for reply... but it is not the movie , i ment there was a link to a cinema movie the film is called Mansour, i hope some one can provide a link to watch that movie again

Oh this one you mean.

Online stream (incl. HQ):


Download links (incl. HQ):



If none of the above works for you, search the web for following phrase brother: فیلم سینمایی منصور

There are plenty of links, and this film seems to be in the public domain otherwise it wouldn't be available for free on so many Iran-based websites I guess.
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2.Even against weak Ukraine with limited air defense, Russia doesn't dare to use it's strategic bombers. just stand off cruise missiles from their own soil.
Ukraine air defence is stronger than 90 percent of European countries .it's can not considered week by any means it's not top of the notch air defence but very few countries have the best
Seems this person thinks Iran is like Japan or something. Hair dyed in pink and purple and women dressed in anime. As if two nukes changed them genetically. Iran is not Nippon.
This person thinks Iran is a VPN*
We should have nukes and we should have will to make usa un-liveable in case of they wage total war against us ....

That's the only possible way to stop the west

شاهنامه می که :« وقت جنگ نه جای خرد است »

اگه بترسی ، مردی

از موقعی که فردوسی خدا بیامرز این شعر رو گفت ایرانی‌ها همش شکست خوردن و چشم بادومی ها پیشرفت کردن
می که :« وقت جنگ نه جای خرد است »
Nuclear weapons is a bridge to globalization. Look at NK, what have they gained from nuclear weapons and globalization?
If Iran falls for this trap, it will have to choose sides as a consequence. We sometimes use this as a political leverage, hey i will go nuclear if not this and that!.

Given our weaknesses, Iranian independence will be the first sacrifaction of it. A lapdog of USA or China? You choose!. If you lack the necessary factors of being an stable superpower then don't enter the useless game fields of super powers.

مستبـــدان را تهــی از عقـــل دان
جهــــل با شـــد هـــمره این غـافلان

عاقــــلان بــر قلب مـردم حاکـمند
جاهــــلان بر خــــون مــردم طالبند

Nuclear weapons is a bridge to globalization. Look at NK, what have they gained from nuclear weapons and globalization?
If Iran falls for this trap, it will have to choose sides as a consequence. We sometimes use this as a political leverage, hey i will go nuclear if not this and that!.

Given our weaknesses, Iranian independence will be the first sacrifaction of it. A lapdog of USA or China? You choose!. If you lack the necessary factors of being an stable superpower then don't enter the useless game fields of super powers.

مستبـــدان را تهــی از عقـــل دان
جهــــل با شـــد هـــمره این غـافلان

عاقــــلان بــر قلب مـردم حاکـمند

جاهــــلان بر خــــون مــردم طالبند

I am surprised to see this perspective from you.
Security without nuclear weapons is certainly an illusion.
But the Iranian government cannot abandon its dream of compromise with the West and will never be able to make the decision to acquire nuclear weapons.

The only way to stop an invasion would be with a massive arsenal of ballistic missiles and the ability to counterattack with UAVs that would reduce Dubai, Kuwait, and Abu Dhabi, all within a short distance of the border, to ashes.
Thinking only of hiding in tunnels will only lead to the U.S. building up its bunker busters.
Security without nuclear weapons is certainly an illusion.

Ah yes, Iran's borders have been incredibly "insecure" over the past decades including after 9-11... not.

the Iranian government cannot abandon its dream of compromise with the West

Maybe that's why the Islamic Republic happens to be no less than NATO's and the zionist regime's foremost adversary at the global scale.

Lecturing Iran on Resistance against western imperialism in a condescending tone is excessively pathetic. Especially coming from users who claim to hail from countries whose governments are among the most submissive to American overlordship.

Iran (revolutionary factions and Leadership) knows what she's doing in the realm of security and geopolitics. The Islamic Republic has mastered the art and subtelties of standing up to imperialist powers. It knows when to escalate, when to put pressure, where to be demonstrative and where to maintain a stealthy profile and above all, to stay cold-bloodedly patient throughout.

This has been key not just to survival but to constant expansion of Iran and the Islamic Revolution's reach for 44 years in the face of a hegemonic imperial superpower enjoying virtually unlimited resources.

The only way to stop an invasion would be with a massive arsenal of ballistic missiles and the ability to counterattack with UAVs that would reduce Dubai, Kuwait, and Abu Dhabi, all within a short distance of the border, to ashes.

As if Iran didn't equip herself with just that, a historically unprecedented, more than massive arsenal of ballistic missiles and UAV's. What's the quoted user seeking to prove?
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New yasin jet

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