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What other options you have?
everybody knew what i consider the only and right option


So he lives in a delusional bubble
if Sweden wanted to use your logic there was no Grippen-E/F which is one of the best light fighters in the world (don't forget Grippen-A was not so hot airplane in itself) they would have choose F-16 and F-18 like many others
building and investing in Kowsar means our airforce have a path in front of itself for future not a locked road for some Russian aircraft which incidentally is around 20 years old have an FLIR that is inferior to our products and only suitable for drones and subpar Radar to the aircraft of other countries around us and have a propriety data-link that is not compatible with our equipment and radars only other Su-35s and we can't upgrade .
at least Kowsar is ours and we can modify it as needs arise
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if Sweden wanted to use your logic there was no Grippen-E/F which is one of the best light fighters in the world (don't forget Grippen-A was not so hot airplane in itself) they would have choose F-16 and F-18 like many others

Ah yes, the 100% made in Sweden Grippen.



Which of these parts would Russia or China supply to Iran if we like Sweden cannot build it efficiently?

Answer: zero, nothing.
Ah yes, the 100% made in Sweden Grippen.

View attachment 967481


Which of these parts would Russia or China supply to Iran if we like Sweden cannot build it efficiently?

Answer: zero, nothing.
don't the already built ones fly ? where we get the parts for them ?
a side note after f-14 they are the best airplane in our air-force , in some regards they are even better , and we can modify them as we like .

by the way if dear Russia and China won't sell subsystem why you think they sell the complete package
f5 is very very good plane if it never meet adversary
f5 is very very good plane if it never meet adversary
it managed to shootdown Mig-25 in our war with iraq and they never managed to hit with BVR missile
that aside a Kowsar is as much f-5 as an f-18 is F-5 all three are based on the same platform
it managed to shootdown Mig-25 in our war with iraq and they never managed to hit with BVR missile
that aside a Kowsar is as much f-5 as an f-18 is F-5 all three are based on the same platform
you mean the war that occurred 40 years ago? f18 is large , have higher payload, range, stronger ew equipment and much larger radar dome, only similarity with f5 is twin engine :)
As weapons embargo is lifted Iran should start upgrading its Air Force. In my opinion MIG 35, SU 34 and SU 57 in large numbers are the way forward. Specially as they have AESA radar along with other features.
You are telling a man how to run his city
Ah yes, the 100% made in Sweden Grippen.

View attachment 967481


Which of these parts would Russia or China supply to Iran if we like Sweden cannot build it efficiently?

Answer: zero, nothing.
Those countries are part of EU or allies, so they considered as one unit cooperating In various fields to produce a product they can all benefit from, unlike Iran, each one has a very limited resources. Investing in your own industries is the way to go not relying on other countries SPECIALLY FOR A RICH COUNTRY LIKE IRAN, which is what your ignorance is suggesting. Many of you azaris here who advocate for Iran to buy russian junks appear to be collecting commission on the deals, so as a traitor azari you like to push for that.

Here are some of your other treacherous ideas, do you still remember? Lairs do not have good memories, so just to remind you:

-You do not want Iran to build the bomb, because other countries would want the bomb too, never mind Iran is surrounded by hostile nuclear armed states. It is not easy to make the bomb, it will take decades of R&D and tons of money, you fool. You can NOT order nukes online or buy them at your convenient stores, you Gomer Pyle.

-You do not want Iran to develop its own anti-Sat system, because as you said, if Iran shoots down enemies spy sats, the debris will fall onto other countries and they complain to UN, Do you still remember making that stupid comment? you keep making them. So, in your azari mule mind, it is better to let Iran's foes to spy on her. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

- Now, you do not want Iran to develop its own fighter jet and engine. Wow, you are indeed such a traitor mule, a mole. Are you really an Iranian or just mascrating as one.

-Given time, you will suggest that Iran must stop building SLV too, because your beloved russia will lunch your sats for you, better yet don't even build the sats, russia will build them too. ARE YOU COUNTING UP YOUR COMMISH, OR WOULD LIKE TO BORROW A CALCULATOR?

Hey, how about Iran stop building anything all together, and just buy everything from other countries?
Why don't you learn from Pakistanis and North Koreans, they don't bend over and pay for the grease like you do.
The problem with all you turkers and turker clones is that you hate to see Iran getting ahead of Turkey. So, TURKEY IS, TURKEY DOES.
All the recent planes Iran has acquired second have been on the younger side. Some slightly older ones.

Even a 10-15 year old or even 20 year Boeing/Airbus is better than anything Iran can produce.

You live in fairy land. Right now the only non-West aligned country is China that is mass producing aircraft. Even on civilian side it is not anywhere close for its domestic population to competing with the Big two. Mostly just builds military and civilian transport planes.

Sukhoi hasn’t done a damn thing. They had over 10% EU/US parts and now are trying to build a completely domestic version due to sanctions.

None of these firms have any significant market share over the Big 2 (Boeing and Airbus). Even China hasn’t made a dent in civilian industry.

This thinking Iran is going to under draconian sanctions is not rooted in reality. They can’t even mass produce a fighter jet, but they will mass produce airplanes? Come on now.
No They are not. Iran can make anything other can make as good or better if they kick these traitor azaris out of managements. So lets tally up your treacherous funny ideas here so far:

- Iran shouldn't make the bomb, Iran does not need nuclear deterrence. LOL
- Iran shouldn't develop anti spy sat system, because the debris may fall on other countries. LOL
- Russia can lunch Iran's own sats, cuz it's cheaper that way. (sure dude)
- Iran should buy russian flying junks, because Iran cant make its own. (Let russia drags its feet deal after deal, and denied delivery on everything), but you still pushing the idea like a traitor. LOL
- Russia has refused delivery of 50xSU35 Iran paid for years ago, and you still want Iran give up its own fighter jet development and rely on russia, you traitor fool.
- Now, you say Iran should buy passenger planes, because Iran can't make its own.


everybody knew what i consider the only and right option

if Sweden wanted to use your logic there was no Grippen-E/F which is one of the best light fighters in the world (don't forget Grippen-A was not so hot airplane in itself) they would have choose F-16 and F-18 like many others
building and investing in Kowsar means our airforce have a path in front of itself for future not a locked road for some Russian aircraft which incidentally is around 20 years old have an FLIR that is inferior to our products and only suitable for drones and subpar Radar to the aircraft of other countries around us and have a propriety data-link that is not compatible with our equipment and radars only other Su-35s and we can't upgrade .
at least Kowsar is ours and we can modify it as needs arise
You are absolutely right ..Production of Iranian indigenous aircraft of any class or generation should be the no 1 priority for Iran...Make your own ..the money used in making any thing inside will never be wasted..hire foreign SMEs if you are lacking some areas of technology. DO NOT GIVE YOUR MONEY TO foreign suppliers. Some people find 1000 reason why we have to buy because they never worked in an actual aviation industry...IRAN's problem in aviation is not technical it is MONEY and mullahs do release that money to airforce (They hate airforce ...historical reasons)

I wished Iranian airforce generals had some balls and make up their fu*king minds and continoue with Kowsar II and transition to higher Gen platforms....Turkey which never made any indigenous aircraft other than f-16 assembly jumped from Zero generation to 5th...Iran is way ahead if they decide to do the jump (Money is the only issue with stupid mullahs if they stop giving our money to outside actors).
you mean the war that occurred 40 years ago? f18 is large , have higher payload, range, stronger ew equipment and much larger radar dome, only similarity with f5 is twin engine :)
both are based on Northrop's N-156
and by the way radar and electric technology also advanced from those times .
f-20 of 40years ago had radar comparable to f-16
Brazil's latest F5 upgrade.

Leonardo Grifo F radar, an advanced mechanically-scanned pulse-Doppler radar with multi-aircraft targeting capability, as well as a data link developed domestically by Embraer that allows information to be exchanged with other F-5Ms within the same formation.

Revised cockpit together with new avionics, including inertial/GPS navigation, three liquid-crystal displays, a new head-up display (HUD), and the “hands-on throttle and stick” (HOTAS) controls concept. The new glass cockpit is compatible with night-vision goggles (NVGs) and the pilot is also provided with an Elbit/AEL Targo helmet-mounted display, allowing off-boresight target designation.

New self-protection systems include chaff/flare launchers, a new radar warning receiver, and wiring for the use of Rafael’s Sky Shield electronic warfare pod.

airframes underwent repairs intended to add another 15 years of service life

F-5M can employ the Israeli-made Rafael Derby beyond-visual-range air-to-air missile (BVRAAM) and the same company’s short-range Python 4 and 5 infrared-guided AAMs

jet can now be armed with laser-guided bombs for air-to-ground

long-range air-launched cruise missile, the MICLA-BR, carried under the F-5’s fuselage. This is an air-launched version of the MTC-300 (or AV-TM 300) surface-to-surface missile, with a range of 186 miles and inertial/GPS guidance plus an image correlation system for terminal navigation

Brazil's latest F5 upgrade.

Leonardo Grifo F radar, an advanced mechanically-scanned pulse-Doppler radar with multi-aircraft targeting capability, as well as a data link developed domestically by Embraer that allows information to be exchanged with other F-5Ms within the same formation.

Revised cockpit together with new avionics, including inertial/GPS navigation, three liquid-crystal displays, a new head-up display (HUD), and the “hands-on throttle and stick” (HOTAS) controls concept. The new glass cockpit is compatible with night-vision goggles (NVGs) and the pilot is also provided with an Elbit/AEL Targo helmet-mounted display, allowing off-boresight target designation.

New self-protection systems include chaff/flare launchers, a new radar warning receiver, and wiring for the use of Rafael’s Sky Shield electronic warfare pod.

airframes underwent repairs intended to add another 15 years of service life

F-5M can employ the Israeli-made Rafael Derby beyond-visual-range air-to-air missile (BVRAAM) and the same company’s short-range Python 4 and 5 infrared-guided AAMs

jet can now be armed with laser-guided bombs for air-to-ground

long-range air-launched cruise missile, the MICLA-BR, carried under the F-5’s fuselage. This is an air-launched version of the MTC-300 (or AV-TM 300) surface-to-surface missile, with a range of 186 miles and inertial/GPS guidance plus an image correlation system for terminal navigation

basically waste of money nothing else
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