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Lol this guy knows more than you, regardless of how much you hate old and black people.

Iran has already said it has the capability, Israel has admitted it and is begging US to fight Iran because of it...but because it's underground the IAEA has no access to it (lol).

Worry about learning to swim with your newly developed webbed feet.
Ask our nukes if they care about whether Iran's nuclear sites are underground or not lmao

In wet dream Pakistan will do nothing and sit idle because if you nuke Iran radiation effect Pakistan province of baluchistan you cockroach terrorist
We don't give a shit and Pakistan isn't going to do anything lol
Missiles aren't faster than Mach 3 at their terminal stage, most of them are flying at Mach 1 or 2 at most.

Iran don't have nukes lol, and will never have, because we will nuke it far before it could ever get one

Pakistan ain't gonna do shit lol

Hey dumbass, Iran will be sending hypersonic missiles which will be flying at far greater speeds than just some "missiles". You're not fighting Gaza here, but go ahead and underestimate the enemy.

You will never know what Iran is developing underground until its too late. Youre literally the only poor bastards that says Iran cant develop nukes. Iran doesn't develop BMs just for conventional warheads. Don't be such a simpleton bagel fetcher.
And you're also nuked by our shaheen 3BMs
Nah lol, your nukes aren't going to do shit but sit idle in their launchers like the good boys you are

Hey dumbass, Iran will be sending hypersonic missiles which will be flying at far greater speeds than just some "missiles". You're not fighting Gaza here, but go ahead and underestimate the enemy.

You will never know what Iran is developing underground until its too late. Youre literally the only poor bastards that says Iran cant develop nukes. Iran doesn't develop BMs just for conventional warheads. Don't be such a simpleton bagel fetcher.
Iran won't be doing shit because it will be just a lump of radioactive glass before it could manage to do something lmao
Ask our nukes if they care about whether Iran's nuclear sites are underground or not lmao

At which point it will be too late, since Iran would have launched its nukes at you as well. Iran has early warning systems in place and not just from within Iran. You're in the dark now, you had your chance to wipe us off the map, but that window has closed.
Nah lol, your nukes aren't going to do shit but sit idle in their launchers like the good boys you are

Iran won't be doing shit because it will be just a lump of radioactive glass before it could manage to do something lmao

And your tel aviv will be burning rock somewhere in the med, with Palestinian flags raised everywhere.
At which point it will be too late, since Iran would have launched its nukes at you as well. Iran has early warning systems in place and not just from within Iran. You're in the dark now, you had your chance to wipe us off the map, but that window has closed.
Nah, they won't, cuz Iran has no nukes, and will never have nukes, because they'll be nuked before they ever have them.
If Israel decides to nuke Iran right now, what will Iran do, launch the nukes they don't have?

What a joke. You're a nukable joke.
The amount you have will never be a threat because of our air defense systems.

Also you'll kill all Palestinians so good luck with that lol

We wont target Palestinian areas or cities, thankfully your apartheid state has segregated the Palestinian and kikes. You have made it easy.
Nah lol, your nukes aren't going to do shit but sit idle in their launchers like the good boys you are
Haha we will see then how your israhell will get destroyed by our BMs your false ego not accepting the fact

Yeah because Palestinians would magically survive the nuke right?

Lmfao. Iran will be nuked.
You will be nuke also you cockroach terrorist
We wont target Palestinian areas or cities, thankfully your apartheid state has segregated the Palestinian and kikes. You have made it easy.
Oh you won't? How do you propose nuking Jerusalem without taking out Al Aqsa and the Palestinians in East Jerusalem?

My city is right next to Nazereth, a Muslim city, how do you propose on taking out my city? How about Haifa, how do you propose on nuking Haifa without nuking the thousands of Palestinians there?

Doesn't matter anyway though. Because you'll never have nukes, because you'll be nuked before that lol
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