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thats c-802

I doubt that

Nasr is C-704

and you can doubt as much as you like. This is happening, Su-25 are kicked out, Su-22 has been rejected by IRIAF, and many airframes went to Syria. F-4E/D and SU-24 will see the same fate.
and you can doubt as much as you like. This is happening, Su-25 are kicked out, Su-22 has been rejected by IRIAF, and many airframes went to Syria. F-4E/D and SU-24 will see the same fate.
sure no doubt it'll happen after IRIAF find replacement for them otherwise , they will remain there,
Su-22 and Su-25 were in IRGC hand .and Su-25 never was a strike airplane to begin with and can easily be replaced by drones

Nasr is C-704
well , maybe I'm wrong but there was nothing mentioned about Nasr in the original post, it was Noor
Not sure what you mean by new cell?

The aircraft in your picture is a famous IACI "Dowran' upgraded F-4E (also included D) with Chinese CATIC assistance, that was shown in Kish airshow years back. This was IRIAF's attempt at having a 60-70 x strong fleet of JH-7 equivalent heavy A2G and AShCM attack fighters. I dont know if they officially called F-4SM or not but the following details came out in the Airshow and later in some aviation magazines:

- New Multimode Pulse Doppler Radar with strong resemblance to JL-10A based upon T/R element count. 150 km Search range with strong SAR mode for ground attack, what JH-7 of PLAAF fly with.

- Installation of IEI TACAN, INS, (Tacan antenna noticeable in the rib)
- Mutliple LCD
- IEI U/VHF radios
- Installation of Chaff/Flare Dispenser (Noticeable in Pics)

- New Armaments
Noor (Local C-704 TOT) Tested
Ghader AShCM (Further derivation of C-803) Tested
PL-12 (Never been seen)

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No info exists on whether this plan was for the entire fleet of 64 aircraft or just the stationed at Bandar Abbas, Bushehr, and Chabahar were upgraded. With IRGC's missiles getting more sophisticated and accurate, these attack aircraft will lose their value with time.
New cell means new new cell. And you forget a few important things, the new engine, the one that will be in the new heavy hunter officially starts in 2020. This F4 SM (super improved) is a new 50 % hunter

The new cell allows Iran to experience to build cells of this size. You have not answered my question: how can we build a new heavy hunter without an engine? Why redo a new cell for the F4 SM? What does that mean ?

On which combat aircraft would have been tested the new heavy engine? And why announce the construction of a new heavy hunter if Iran does not have its engine? That does not make sense

And qader 313? He seems to be stealing my secrets for the moment. All this is exciting to discover
Nasr is C-704

and you can doubt as much as you like. This is happening, Su-25 are kicked out, Su-22 has been rejected by IRIAF, and many airframes went to Syria. F-4E/D and SU-24 will see the same fate.

The F4 will stay for a long time and Iran is doing many improved while waiting for the arrival of a new heavy hunter! In a defense integrated into the sky, the F-4 becomes essential with its powerful missiles and its radar. And when the spare parts were made then it takes less time to repair them. It takes a long time to copy and redo a new room and improve the performance but when it is done, it saves time. Redoing a new part takes much more time than replaced a room with an already built room.
And LORA can also use TV guidance so the operator can drop it in front of shelter and blast will immobilize the aircraft. Don’t even need to completely destroy.

-Raad-500/Dezful can do the same with thermobaric munition warhead at Ramat David Airfield (from where they attack mostly)? They are deadly accurate, quasi-depressed trajectory missiles that can't be intercepted because of separating GRV. Kheibar Shikan uses a glide trajectory and comes at you at ~hypersonic speed. IRGC can easily take out Ramat David.

You are counting Israeli weaponry and discounting the Iranian side. What kind of logic is that?

Hundreds (if not thousands) of air strikes on Iranian sites in syria including drone base at T4 that lead to deaths of IRGC and Iran never struck a single Israeli airbase in return. So yes Iran has assets to strike Israeli bases, but political reality is different story.

Most of these airstrikes are wartime propoganda stories by Haaretz/Jpost/Jerusalem/Times of Israel and nothing else. I am not saying real strikes do not happen, they do and cause damage as well. But the damage claims and stories of how 500 men die every night in Syria because of the mighty IAF are nothing but wartime propoganda by the world's most famous ethnicity for lying and deception. I did some research on these claims. Literally, not a single non-israeli source gives the story, or even if they do the origin of the story, the damage etc comes from Tel-Aviv and nowhere else. Ask yourself this, if there have been some 300 strikes as Tel Aviv claims in which S-300, S-200, Tor, SyAAF assets, and ammunition depots, etc. are all gone, why have not FSA+ISIS just run over Assad's destroyed forces because of these strikes? Instead what we are seeing is that Assad is getting more and more entrenched in Syria with zero resistance now, and Hezbollah is receiving arms from Iran in Lebanon. Who is lying here?

There you go, find me a single non-Israeli source for these damages. They come at night, drop a bomb here or there according to them, and then within an hour they give the details of how many missile sites, airbases, and men (their names too lol) have died.


It is called WAR TIME PROPOGANDA! everyone does it, Israel is no exception. They want to maintain the perception of dominance in the Levant. Useful strategy for inner politics but even according to their own former authority figures these stories are doing nothing. I can post an article here if anyone wants. One of them even accused Netanyahu's government of using these victory lies for political gains within Israel before the elections, and how real action against the Iranian alliance would literally mean Hezbollah mauling IDF again like in 2006 only they are more battle-hardened and 10 x more equipped now.

Militaries do not respond to propoganda easily. Even if one side claims that they have exploded a nuclear device over another country in which 50000 people died, the target of the propoganda military won't respond to it unless they have been "actually" challenged. Iran's goal is the entrenchment of Assad in Syria, Hezbollah in Lebanon, and Hamas in Gaza. IRGC planners do not give two shits about Jpost's fake stories as long as their goals are not challenged which is actually happening. When they get challenged we know what Iran does to its enemy. It's a country that has fired more Ballistic missiles on foreign soil in the last 2 decades than anyone else including at the Bases of the world's top superpower. It's a country that is fighting proxy wars in 4-5 countries without losing ground in a single theatre. Do you think they will be scared of 2 x F-16?

All during these very real "strikes", Iran has done the following on its foreign allied soil in the last 10 years

- Made bases in Syria
- Removed any resistance against Assad
- Armed Hezbollah with accurate BM/CM/AShCM/UCAVS. The same force that almost took the war against IDF in 2006.
- Attacked Saudis/UAE from Yemen

Who is lying here?

You aren’t hiding all 90 aircraft + 20 drone in sheltered bases. That would be a massive airbase, most airbases don’t have nearly that many sheltered bunkers (12-36).

Most are parked in open with some distance put in between them.

Large Military Installation : 2 x TABs (All aircrafts + UCAVS) + Airdefence/Electronic warfare compound for GWACS + 1 x Missile base

Large military bases/installations like Incirlik have ~60 x Hardened shelters for aircraft and we know Iran's new strategy for underground bases. When there is a threat, there is a solution. If they make such a base they won't keep the aircraft in open for them to be targeted.

SyAAF is ancient with soviet era planes that lack basic armaments. They never even received the Yak-130’s they ordered from Russia. (Russian unreliability)

SyAAF just doesn’t have the capacity to fight F-16’s of Israeli airforce. And it’s air defense has fired many times on jets, but when S-200 and Buk-M1 are your main long range air defenses than you aren’t gonna do much. Syrian S-300 is operated under Russian leadership and they won’t allow firing on Israeli planes.

SyAAF has 30 x MIG-29SMT strong fleet that is more than capable of engaging any F-16 or F-15 at BVR/WVR domains. These aircraft were not even used for anything in the war.

Very long shot but in the future Iran should provide SyAAF with 50-60 x Kowsar-I/II + 15 x KAMAN-22 ELINT to replace their aging good-for-nothing fleet of MIG-21/23. A SyAAF with MIG-29M+ Kowsar-I/II + ELINT will mean a threatening air domain for intruders in which some 100 fighters can engage the enemy in BVR ranges and e-warfare while cant be defeated easily in WVR ranges. Compared to rust tubes like MIG-21/23 without anything in them, that will be a blessing.
-Raad-500/Dezful can do the same with thermobaric munition warhead at Ramat David Airfield (from where they attack mostly)? They are deadly accurate, quasi-depressed trajectory missiles that can't be intercepted because of separating GRV. Kheibar Shikan uses a glide trajectory and comes at you at ~hypersonic speed. IRGC can easily take out Ramat David.

You are counting Israeli weaponry and discounting the Iranian side. What kind of logic is that?
there is a problem with them they don't have Kheybar-Shekan reentry vehicle so they are susceptible to air defense , last time Syria fired its copy of Fateh-110 toward Israel they intercepted.
SyAAF has 30 x MIG-29SMT strong fleet that is more than capable of engaging any F-16 or F-15 at BVR/WVR domains. These aircraft were not even used for anything in the war.
Syrian Mig-29 SMT vs Israel F-15 and F-16 , thats a no brainer specially if you consider the difference in number and existence of satellite and radars in area
mig-29 SMT upgrade more geared toward air to ground attack and longer flight time specially as I'm not aware of Syria received any R-77 but I'm sure Israel received latest variants of AIM-120
and for short range Python is a very dangerous weapon
there is a problem with them they don't have Kheybar-Shekan reentry vehicle so they are susceptible to air defense , last time Syria fired its copy of Fateh-110 toward Israel they intercepted.

It's a hypothetical base. They dont have Bavar-373 or Kowsar either.

I dont know of any Fateh-110 being shot down by Israeli AD.

Syrian Mig-29 SMT vs Israel F-15 and F-16 , thats a no brainer specially if you consider the difference in number and existence of satellite and radars in area
mig-29 SMT upgrade more geared toward air to ground attack and longer flight time specially as I'm not aware of Syria received any R-77 but I'm sure Israel received latest variants of AIM-120
and for short range Python is a very dangerous weapon

The planes that breach or vector towards the Syrian airspace come with additional fuel tanks or pylons heavy with munitions, So the RCS (15 m2 in case of F-15) and the air drag compromised. Imagine a scenario of 2 x F-16i + 2 SOW loaded F-15 of IAF show the blip in long-range Search radars of SyAAF and a pair of 2 x MIG-29SMT (fully e-warfare suite) and 4 x Kowsar (Fully operationalized, HMD slaved HOBS +PL12, Data linked with ELINT+GWACS) go up for engagement. What happens?

I will tell you. It's a fight!
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Yasin's cockpit

It's a hypothetical base. They dont have Bavar-373 or Kowsar either.

I dont know of any Fateh-110 being shot down by Israeli AD.
two or three years ago when Israel bombed (I guess it was T4 don't recall exactly syria fired a dozen of their Fateh-110 copy) toward israel. and as the missile is slow they got intercepted.
now the long range versions of the family have 2-3 time the speed of fateh-110 when near the target and it make them harder to intercept, but they still lack the capabilities of kheybar-shekan
in evading anti missile defense
It's a hypothetical base. They dont have Bavar-373 or Kowsar either.

I dont know of any Fateh-110 being shot down by Israeli AD.

The planes that breach or vector towards the Syrian airspace come with additional fuel tanks or pylons heavy with munitions, So the RCS (15 m2 in case of F-15) and the air drag compromised. Imagine a scenario of 2 x F-16i + 2 SOW loaded F-15 of IAF show the blip in long-range Search radars of SyAAF and a pair of 2 x MIG-29SMT (fully e-warfare suite) and 4 x Kowsar (Fully operationalized, HMD slaved HOBS +PL12, Data linked with ELINT+GWACS) go up for engagement. What happens?

I will tell you. It's a fight!
i don't imagine as those Mig-29 will be toast and those kowsar sadly yet to have long range air to air missile . and israel don't use that little number of airplanes when it attack in case you forget they have
9 x F-35
175 x F-16
100 x F-15
Not sure what you mean by new cell?

The user is writing in French and utilizing a translator to convert posts into English. That's why instead of "fighter" their comments will feature the term "hunter", for that's how a fighter jet is called in French ("chasseur").
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two or three years ago when Israel bombed (I guess it was T4 don't recall exactly syria fired a dozen of their Fateh-110 copy) toward israel. and as the missile is slow they got intercepted.
now the long range versions of the family have 2-3 time the speed of fateh-110 when near the target and it make them harder to intercept, but they still lack the capabilities of kheybar-shekan
in evading anti missile defense

Can you post a link to Fateh being fired towards Israel because I can't find it?

Fateh was a product of Late 90s R&D, retired now. Iran has extensively changed its GRV's in last two decades. Dezful or Raad-500 can easily penetrate through any air defense if fired within the Lag-time of TWS of tracking radars of AD batteries. This is why I listed them in the hypothetical base. Israeli AD has let Palestinian unguided rockets pass through so what will happen against some 20 GRV's dancing down at their airbases at supersonic speeds?

Kheibar Shikan is a different monster.
i don't imagine as those Mig-29 will be toast and those kowsar sadly yet to have long range air to air missile . and israel don't use that little number of airplanes when it attack in case you forget they have
9 x F-35
175 x F-16
100 x F-15

Syrian problem is not lack of equipment, it's the battle integration that has been their major issue. They have S-300, S-200 and BUK systems along with MIG-29SMT etc but there is zero integration of these systems. Compare that to Iranian air defense where OTHR searches + Tracking from SHORAD/LORADS + Interceptors + UCAVS all are being run by the same centralized network at Khatam-Al-Anbiya. So there are layers and a team action to deal with threats. Put Iran in place of Syria bordering Israel and then imagine 6 x F-15 and 4 x F-16 vectoring towards Iran with SOWS. You know interceptors won't even need to turn their radars on in the sky for illumination because they will be getting track data from the central network. Israel is extremely worried about Iranian designs in Syria which is why they keep on trying to disturb any Iranian supply or establishment of AD network in Syria. They know if Iran successfully integrates this layered system that it uses at its home now in Syria and Iraq, IAF dominance in those skies will be history. Instead of free rides you now have a fight at your hand.

Best solution for Iran is to train Syrians, Iraqis inside Iran to the point that they can build these layers themselves in their countries.


Kowsar is not operationalized yet so we dont know what it will have or what it won't. I believe that current Kowsar-I production will stop at 60-70 aircraft in 2026/27. They already have shown 18-24 airframes being worked upon so around 35-40 % of production is already underway by pictorial evidence (why are 5 x F-5E/F/A not grounded already?)

Operationalization will start when at least 2 squadrons will be there. Currently, we just have four evaluation aircraft at TAB-2, while 7 may be delivered in 2023 then 7 more in 2024. That will give three strong mixed interception squadrons of F-14AM+Kowsar+ Squadron. They might test the following for full operationalization: Already confirmed activities are underlined.

- WVR Fatter All aspect attack integration
- BVR (procurement maybe???) We have heard of PL-12/15 during the Dowran upgrade and SRII project but to me seeing is believing
- SDB-1 clones, Balaban/Yasin Glide PGMs
- Maybe some ALCM like Heydar-1 or Ya-Ali
- E-warfare suite test against jamming from IRIAF Falcons and AD jammer stations (Taha-1400)
- Flying with DATAlLINK with GWACS + F-14 AM + KAMAN-22
- FBW (Aerial Manuvering)
- BVR (procurement maybe???) We have heard of PL-12/15 during the Dowran upgrade and SRII project but to me seeing is believing
Mr. Azarmehr stated that kowsar can deploy the Fakour 90, though much of the missile's potential would be held back because of the limited radar compared to the awg9
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