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my guess is that they had to remove the other cannon to make room for KLJ-7A . but it has a mechanical steering plate and that take space something that f-5 lack unless you go with the one with side panels and that require even more modification to the nose section

This is why radar companies always have a modular and flexible system to offer to potential clients. For example, Selex produced one Grifo type and kept changing its dimensions to fit in with the nosecones of Mirage, F-5, F-4, and MIG-21/23 with the almost similar performance and weight/wattage.

Saeghe 3-7370 testbed's enlarged radome and lack of twin cannon were probably to fit in some larger NRIET KLJ radar in it and later Kowsar's unveiling confirmed NRIET origin. If CATIC and IAMI cooperation can fit KLJ-7A into that radome on Kowsar mated with PL-12 and R-73E/M, that would be a fierce machine. Kowsar's current avionics package itself is not bad for a stop-gap fighter but probably IRIAF wants something better.
Yes, these options are there but going with the rationale that Kowsar originates from the cooperation between IAMI Iran and CATIC China and the fact that the current radar for Kowsar is TOT'ed KLJ-6F from NREIT China, the highest possible chances exist that the next derivative of this series will have a KLJ series AESA to mate with PL-12 ARH.


This can easily fit in the composite nosecone of this Saeqeh demonstrator no. 3-7370. The weight and wattage are not high either. If this nosecone is installed on Kowsar, it can house KLJ-7A AESA easily. Highly likely it will happen.


The problem is that stronger radar need stronger power supply , I think J-85 cant create enough power for stronger Radar , and all new EW system ...

if you have exprience in assembling pc , you know sometimes you can't fit new Graphic card without chanhing Power supply ...

one of Kowsar main problem is landing gear , it is on the wing and make best part of wing useless for carrying any weapon ...

If we can build Turbofan version of Owj with additional 10-20% thrush , we can revert back to Saegheh design and make some modification on it like changing landing gear , and make it nose slightly bigger , make it one sit air craft and add some Electronic sight to it and we will have our 4/4.5 fighter jet which can support our Anti Air Defense network and conduct some aerial support with help of Smart bomb and Guided missiles ...
well thats a solution but don't forget it has 60 degree deadzone in front and back and only see 120 degree on each side
According to janes its 150° and it has some detection ability in the 30° sectors fore and aft as well.

One way to deal with the lack of coverage fore and aft,would be to follow the approach of the israeli el/w-2085 .This uses 2 side facing arrays like the erieye,but also has radomes in the nose and tail.The advantage here is that it allows the possibility of using 2 different radar bands on the one platform.
The problem is that stronger radar need stronger power supply , I think J-85 cant create enough power for stronger Radar , and all new EW system ...

if you have exprience in assembling pc , you know sometimes you can't fit new Graphic card without chanhing Power supply ...

one of Kowsar main problem is landing gear , it is on the wing and make best part of wing useless for carrying any weapon ...

If we can build Turbofan version of Owj with additional 10-20% thrush , we can revert back to Saegheh design and make some modification on it like changing landing gear , and make it nose slightly bigger , make it one sit air craft and add some Electronic sight to it and we will have our 4/4.5 fighter jet which can support our Anti Air Defense network and conduct some aerial support with help of Smart bomb and Guided missiles ...

Current Kowsar's radar weighs 85 Kg and while KLJ-7A AESA is 120-125 KG so I am not sure if they have some MASSIVE weight gap. The antenna size is 550 mm so that is quite fittable too. I am not sure what you are trying to say? in a fighter jet, a 40 kg difference does not matter much. And Radars are not powered by engines, they are powered by batteries.

Saeqeh was a testbed to test the following physical enhancements :

New elongated radome to house a larger radar (Extremely Useful)
Verticle twin stabilizers (Failed due to drag)
Squared Intakes (Failed because they were changed back in 3-7370)
Composite body parts like wings and stabilizers (Very Useful)
Experience to create the entire body of an F-5 inside Iran (Very Useful)

Saegheh has served its purpose and we moved on to Kowsar-I which itself is a tech demo. The real deal will be the next generation of Kowsar which will come later maybe in 2 years to replace the entire circus of F-7N, Mirage F1EQ, F-5E/F/Azarakhsh/Saeghe.
PThat's what I scream here for years.

Current Kowsar's radar weighs 85 Kg and while KLJ-7A AESA is 120-125 KG so I am not sure if they have some MASSIVE weight gap. The antenna size is 550 mm so that is quite fittable too. I am not sure what you are trying to say? in a fighter jet, a 40 kg difference does not matter much. And Radars are not powered by engines, they are powered by batteries.

Saeqeh was a testbed to test the following physical enhancements :

New elongated radome to house a larger radar (Extremely Useful)
Verticle twin stabilizers (Failed due to drag)
Squared Intakes (Failed because they were changed back in 3-7370)
Composite body parts like wings and stabilizers (Very Useful)
Experience to create the entire body of an F-5 inside Iran (Very Useful)

Saegheh has served its purpose and we moved on to Kowsar-I which itself is a tech demo. The real deal will be the next generation of Kowsar which will come later maybe in 2 years to replace the entire circus of F-7N, Mirage F1EQ, F-5E/F/Azarakhsh/Saeghe.
Who told you that Radar is powered with batteries, that is not the case My friend, some missiles have batteries but not fighters, Fighter has at least two power generators, one AC and one DC, and radar is powered by generator
Who told you that Radar is powered with batteries, that is not the case My friend, some missiles have batteries but not fighters, Fighter has at least two power generators, one AC and one DC, and radar is powered by generator

and generator are powered by engines ... so even for adding electronic components , you are restricted by output power of engine ...

This is why radar companies always have a modular and flexible system to offer to potential clients. For example, Selex produced one Grifo type and kept changing its dimensions to fit in with the nosecones of Mirage, F-5, F-4, and MIG-21/23 with the almost similar performance and weight/wattage.

Saeghe 3-7370 testbed's enlarged radome and lack of twin cannon were probably to fit in some larger NRIET KLJ radar in it and later Kowsar's unveiling confirmed NRIET origin. If CATIC and IAMI cooperation can fit KLJ-7A into that radome on Kowsar mated with PL-12 and R-73E/M, that would be a fierce machine. Kowsar's current avionics package itself is not bad for a stop-gap fighter but probably IRIAF wants something better.
i doubt about R-73 as we already have varius missile in that class based on Sidewinder.

According to janes its 150° and it has some detection ability in the 30° sectors fore and aft as well.

One way to deal with the lack of coverage fore and aft,would be to follow the approach of the israeli el/w-2085 .This uses 2 side facing arrays like the erieye,but also has radomes in the nose and tail.The advantage here is that it allows the possibility of using 2 different radar bands on the one platform.
we were talking about Argos not its successor Erieye
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The Iranian army have already shown once a new radar for their combat planes, I have the image in the head. If I find it I will deposit here.
I did not know that, I always thought the generator to power radar was independent of Engine

Which year was that ?
Some airplane have independent generators usually big ones but they don't use it to power radars. It's a backup for the time both engine fails so they don't loose hydraulic too in the time the airplane is gliding and give it a chance to land.
But that generator is powered by wind not batteries.
See, this annoys me. As great as this achievement is until we get an 100% indigenous engine then there is always the chance we could be exploited. Nonetheless, Simorgh is a great leap forward for our aviation industry.

Agha Sattari is a great manager (VP for Science & Technology since Rouhani era - Raisi kept him in his position)
Well, I don't consider it great in anyway, not after a decade long time frame.
Well, I don't consider it great in anyway, not after a decade long time frame.
I would say they can try a miniature AWACS aircraft design based off this platform. If I'm not wrong, there was such a plan involving the HESA IrAn-140 before the design bombed.
I don't think it was the design that bombed so much as issues with the engines. If they can resolve the engine problems or replace them then this plane can be viable since currently there are a dozen or so grounded in storage.

Anyways I'll believe it when I see the plane fly.

I would say they can try a miniature AWACS aircraft design based off this platform. If I'm not wrong, there was such a plan involving the HESA IrAn-140 before the design bombed.
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