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15 year of troll.

Ridiculous commentary on the kowsar and full of demagoguery. After 15 years, it's time to retire and quickly .. what delirium here !!
15 year of troll.

Ridiculous commentary on the kowsar and full of demagoguery. After 15 years, it's time to retire and quickly .. what delirium here !!
Saegheh was introduced in 1380 .... 21 years ago ....
Saegheh was introduced in 1380 .... 21 years ago ....
Saeqeh , increased the drag but didn't increase the power to compensate that, that's why it failed
Saeqeh , increased the drag but didn't increase the power to compensate that, that's why it failed
That doesn't change the fact that it "FAILED"

Azeraksh was introduced in 1999 ...

The problem is the outcome of all our projects from Azeraksh to Saegheh to Kowsar weren't even a standardized upgrade package for our F5s ...

I smell serious corruption in all of these fruitless projects ...

I'm sure the useless management even didn't bother to documented all few knowledge we gain in all these money wasting projects ...

Pakistan start JF-17 project after us and now they are testing prototype of block-3 with AESA radar ...
Pakistan start JF-17 project after us and now they are testing prototype of block-3 with AESA radar ...

I agree with most of your claims about F-5 test bed projects. But the Pakistan comparison is a poor one.

Pakistan was gifted the JF-17 with China supplying most (if not all) of the tech. Pakistan is basically bankrupt, you think they have the funds for a fighter jet r&d program? “Joint” project might as well be propaganda. It’s a license build basically.

No one will give Iran such tech or assistance. That’s why they are tinkering with the relatively easy F-5.
I agree with most of your claims about F-5 test bed projects. But the Pakistan comparison is a poor one.

Pakistan was gifted the JF-17 with China supplying most (if not all) of the tech. Pakistan is basically bankrupt, you think they have the funds for a fighter jet r&d program? “Joint” project might as well be propaganda. It’s a license build basically.

No one will give Iran such tech or assistance. That’s why they are tinkering with the relatively easy F-5.
They simply really didn't want to have joint fighter jet ...

they bought various tech like radars , anti ship missiles and eyc from both China and Russia ...
they could do same for air craft ...
They simply really didn't want to have joint fighter jet ...

they bought various tech like radars , anti ship missiles and eyc from both China and Russia ...
they could do same for air craft ...

This may be true. IRGC may be blocking a rejuvenation of the Air Force. Old stigma’s of Air Force being Shah Loyalist may remain. Or it could be the harsh sanctions draining the Republic’s coffers.

But Bagheri’s trip a few years ago made it clear Iran was interested in fighter jets. But the ones they get offered are purposely ment not to ruffle the feathers of Arabs and Israelis.

Also in case of China, it uses building up Pakistan as “mini Hezbollah” against India. So Pakistan is a much more strategic ally for China than Iran currently could ever hope for. When you are a strategic ally you get showered in weapons and tech. Also USA, Arabs, and Israeli’s don’t care if Pakistan gets shiny new weapons. Same can’t be said for Iran.

A pencil sent to Iran will be claimed to be a magical sword capable of immense damage.
This may be true. IRGC may be blocking a rejuvenation of the Air Force. Old stigma’s of Air Force being Shah Loyalist may remain. Or it could be the harsh sanctions draining the Republic’s coffers.

But Bagheri’s trip a few years ago made it clear Iran was interested in fighter jets. But the ones they get offered are purposely ment not to ruffle the feathers of Arabs and Israelis.

Also in case of China, it uses building up Pakistan as “mini Hezbollah” against India. So Pakistan is a much more strategic ally for China than Iran currently could ever hope for. When you are a strategic ally you get showered in weapons and tech. Also USA, Arabs, and Israeli’s don’t care if Pakistan gets shiny new weapons. Same can’t be said for Iran.

A pencil sent to Iran will be claimed to be a magical sword capable of immense damage.
I wonder, if Bagheri would procure aircraft/helicopters for the IRGC or for the IRAIF. That's the question that makes me wonder, who will be operating any future platform.
It’s a license build basically.
There was a time when we were not able to even incorporate some radio antennas in our Mirages on our own.

But with experience in JF 17 project,we are aiming for AESA radars.Not only integration but development of AESA radars in house for UAVs, JF 17 and AirBorne early warning and control aircrafts.

This project increased our structural engineering capabilities by many folds.


There was a time when we were not able to even incorporate some radio antennas in our Mirages on our own.

But with experience in JF 17 project,we are aiming for AESA radars.Not only integration but development of AESA radars in house for UAVs, JF 17 and AirBorne early warning and control aircrafts.

This project increased our structural engineering capabilities by many folds.

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You should aim to get yourself out of bankruptcy. A war machine is only as strong as its war chest, not the toys it employs.

Pakistan has a war chest less than $15B! Compare that Russia’s 650B in preparation for Ukraine war.

War is expensive and unless the Saudi‘s will bankroll a conventional skirmish with India, then Pakistan cannot sustain any major skirmish with 15B, it wouldn’t even last a month!

Cannot expect every war will be nuclear. Look at Russia right now, all the nukes in the world and it doesn’t mean anything.
You should aim to get yourself out of bankruptcy. A war machine is only as strong as its war chest, not the toys it employs.

Pakistan has a war chest less than $15B! Compare that Russia’s 650B in preparation for Ukraine war.

War is expensive and unless the Saudi‘s will bankroll a conventional skirmish with India, then Pakistan cannot sustain any major skirmish with 15B, it wouldn’t even last a month!

Cannot expect every war will be nuclear. Look at Russia right now, all the nukes in the world and it doesn’t mean anything.
Unfortunately we suck at economy.

Actually corporate and enterpreneurship culture can give a boost to our Military industry but again military controls all major defence organizations.

Military will want to do things in shortest way (obviously due to economic constraints and inherent mindset of getting the things done quickly) but this is not always good from R&D perspective.

Again due to our ties with Turkey,we hope for some change in mindset of military leadership (that they will separate military and military industry from each other to some extent so that private and civilian owned weapons Industry can flourish.

Kamra Aviation City is the project to separate military from weapons R&D.if it succeeded,we will become another Turkey for defence production,if it failed then military will become burden on economy and hence it will directly affect our war fighting capabilities.
You should aim to get yourself out of bankruptcy. A war machine is only as strong as its war chest, not the toys it employs.

Pakistan has a war chest less than $15B! Compare that Russia’s 650B in preparation for Ukraine war.

War is expensive and unless the Saudi‘s will bankroll a conventional skirmish with India, then Pakistan cannot sustain any major skirmish with 15B, it wouldn’t even last a month!

Cannot expect every war will be nuclear. Look at Russia right now, all the nukes in the world and it doesn’t mean anything.
We had just around 1 billion dollars when we tested our nuclear capability. With sanctions placed before and after it, we already had turbulent times both politically and economically. We survived before, and we shall survive In Sha Allah!

The less we have, the less we have to lose when fighting!
That's not the way war works. Soldiers need ammunition, food, supplies. Military equipment require spare parts, fuel, etc.

Napoleon once said "The amateurs discuss tactics, the professionals discuss logistics"
He also said "An army marches on its stomach"

A demoralized, hungry soldiers, out of ammunition is very likely to surrender if he believes that the enemy will feed him, treat his wounds and if he believes that the war is lost anyways.

Without the funding to sustain a war, it's simply impossible. Luckily for Pakistan, you have China as an ally. If the Chinese can break the Indian chickens neck (Siliguri corridor), which is right by the Chinese border and no more than a dozen km wide, then the Indians are finished, the war is over.

We had just around 1 billion dollars when we tested our nuclear capability. With sanctions placed before and after it, we already had turbulent times both politically and economically. We survived before, and we shall survive In Sha Allah!

The less we have, the less we have to lose when fighting!
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