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during the early phases of cold was europeans also concluded that their airports will not be able to hold up against Soviet attacks and they decided to pursue VTOL planes.
might be with modern solutions we can solve the problems europeans faced those days and use that concept.

YOU Iranians have some great tactics regarding the asymetric fighting style which would happen if a strong force - Murricans, would fought you conventional.
The underground - CnC GLA like fortifications ...
MBTS, IFV, APC, Infantry Squads, Motorcycle AT-Squads etc.
Do the same, only longer/bigger tunnel networks with your planes lol.
BTW I really hope for SU-35 (and for best upgrades for your older Soviet/Russian planes)
5-7 bases scattered across the country housing Iran’s most important interceptors and embedded within multiple air defense rings. It would be costly for opponent to target them.

For 99% of nations in the world, this would be suitable, perhaps even 100%. But because our opponent is the USA with it's formidable arsenal of weapons, constructing our defenses with them in mind would have the positive side effect of basically rendering the capabilities of other neighboring nations null. No one in the region including Pakistan's tactical nukes could destroy such a facility.
Something not talked about, but there is a possibility the fighter jets Iran gets from Russia is even more modernised than standard versions. For example, an SU-30/35 with the 5th generation technologies of the SU-57 such as its AESA radars. Iran has been in talks over Russia about these purchases since 2016 when Dehghan first mentioned the issue. I suppose at this point it's just best to wait and see what the details of the deals are instead of these continuous theorisations.

depends if Iran prefers quicker delivery than Russia might give newer SU-30s from its own stock or ones being finished for Russian armed forces.

I am not sure how long it would take Russia (sukhoi) to deliver the first batch if built from scratch.
For 99% of nations in the world, this would be suitable, perhaps even 100%. But because our opponent is the USA with it's formidable arsenal of weapons, constructing our defenses with them in mind would have the positive side effect of basically rendering the capabilities of other neighboring nations null. No one in the region including Pakistan's tactical nukes could destroy such a facility.

It will be done.

China did it, NK did it, Taiwan did it.

Iran already has underground missile bases, air defense bases, Submarine bases, and command and control bases.

Only interceptors would be placed in underground Bases as they are the most important plane Iran needs to have survive in conflict.
Only countries with nuclear power can be assure that enemy won't devastated their air base and their infrastructure in first place in near future big war ....

so , even air force survivability is depend on having nukes ... or else even a regional power can start a war with more than 500 cruise missiles in first wave and at lease send 5-10 missiles against each air base ... super power can start war with more than 3000 cruise missiles and thousands guided air to ground missiles and bomb ... after that they will targer powerhouse and petrochemical and fuel storages ...

the only salvation is to have nuclear arsenal which you can use in all out war ...
I have always liked this Chinese aircraft, even more so in the latest version, but it has never been exported.
If exported it would certainly cost much less than the SU-30, but probably also the Mig-35.
With the Russian Lyulka-Saturn AL-31 FN engine, a re-export permit from Moscow would also be needed.
I have always liked this Chinese aircraft, even more so in the latest version, but it has never been exported.
If exported it would certainly cost much less than the SU-30, but probably also the Mig-35.
With the Russian Lyulka-Saturn AL-31 FN engine, a re-export permit from Moscow would also be needed.

Which J-10 variant is this one?
Only countries with nuclear power can be assure that enemy won't devastated their air base and their infrastructure in first place in near future big war ....

so , even air force survivability is depend on having nukes ... or else even a regional power can start a war with more than 500 cruise missiles in first wave and at lease send 5-10 missiles against each air base ... super power can start war with more than 3000 cruise missiles and thousands guided air to ground missiles and bomb ... after that they will targer powerhouse and petrochemical and fuel storages ...

the only salvation is to have nuclear arsenal which you can use in all out war ...

If Iran goes (officially) Nuclear and Trump is reelected you will hear: "Iran is a great country, I swear, we will make the best deal in the World, good, intelligent guys these iranians." :cheesy:
(NO other option left except total destruction)
Look, with thicc Kimmi Boi it happened too.
Now you could say but the "Zionists".
Well, what can they do THEN? NOTHING.
The best would be THEN a FAIR (forced because of the circumstances) PEACE.
Shall prosperity and new shine come for (Shia version) of Persian Empire.
Couldn't harm the world as a counterbalance to so many others ... I like a multipolar world, in balance, rather unpleasant when ONE (and his followers) can decide how the world has to function.
If Iran goes (officially) Nuclear and Trump is reelected you will hear: "Iran is a great country, I swear, we will make the best deal in the World, good, intelligent guys these iranians." :cheesy:
(NO other option left except total destruction)
Look, with thicc Kimmi Boi it happened too.
Now you could say but the "Zionists".
Well, what can they do THEN? NOTHING.
The best would be THEN a FAIR (forced because of the circumstances) PEACE.
Shall prosperity and new shine come for (Shia version) of Persian Empire.
Couldn't harm the world as a counterbalance to so many others ... I like a multipolar world, in balance, rather unpleasant when ONE (and his followers) can decide how the world has to function.

Usa become 2nd economy of world for first time in past ww ii , they won't start war with regional nuclear power country , except they will to have accept it or having a pyhric victory which ultimately ruin them ...

in their arrogance ,they spend so much from their pocket and credit to stay on top ... but for same reason , they failed ... the moment USSR failed , USA empire fall was inevitable ... they picked Islam and Iran as their number one enemy after fall of USSR , it was wrong .... Islam is an ideology , a religion and Iran wasn't strong enough to replacing USSR , wrong choice ....

USA and whole western capitalism , in their pursuit of more wealth , make china strong enough , so the little dragon slowly but steadily grown by using western power ...

Trump , understand it , he is last America's hope for containing China , but USA has limited power and resource , they spending so much on Iran and ME .... and in fact like all other empires , USA in her decline is suffering from internal power struggle ... Democrat and Liberal Media are biting the value and certain groups which make USA a super power ...

Their fall is inevitable , but maybe for one of last attempt to unify their people , they just start a war with one of their enemies ... China and Russia are atomic power , so the only remaining viable option for USA politicians is Iran because they can assure military victory over her ...

we should become nuclear power so the cost of war with us and uncertainty become too much for the west to attack us ...
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Usa become 2nd economy of world for first time in past ww ii , they won't start war with regional nuclear power country , except they will to have accept it or having a pyhric victory which ultimately ruin them ...
Because they CAN'T anymore.
I mean, they are pushing the "liberal" narrative (which weakens in the sense of masculinity, NOT making babies anymore, become decadent/weak) and they destroy themselfs with it, Israelis too (all "Western" societies).
Even in WW2, where Murricans had modus operandi - all or nothing they couldn't have bear losses in 2 million high. And back then they were MUCH harder/tougher.
For Jews the same.
Hadn't the balls to take more losses in Lebanon 2006.
126 dead Israelis = big mimimimi, Hezbollah (as defender) 250-500.
But the "will" (spirit) isn't there anymore.
Israelis were, from the point of fighting spirit - broken in Occupation of Lebanon 1982-2000.
Today they wanna make party, live decadent lifestyle.
The religious one you can forget, only important for democratic elections with their voting voice. But in the same time these guys will ruin short lived Israel. :D
Make only babies, DON'T work, no military service, cost social welfare, trying to impose their "values" on secular, hard working Israelis.
Iran is doing MUCH better than both, even there is, sadly (where is not in the world) corruption/internal fighting. Murricans and Israelis are on the path downwards.
Congrats to the Iranian nation for the hard way they went through, respect where it is due. (I would say that as an (honest) Israeli too! :p:
"...USA and whole western capitalism , in their pursuit of more wealth , make china strong enough , so the little dragon slowly but steadily grown by using western power ...

Trump , understand it , he is last USA hope for containing China , but USA has limited power and resource , they spending so much on Iran and ME .... and in fact like all other empires , USA in her decline is suffering from internal power struggle ... Democrat and Liberal Media are biting the value and certain groups which make USA a super power ... ..."
Sir, this is the best short text passage I read in a long time, I'm sorry my English has become very rusty so I can't express myself so fine tuned like you or the others but yes, ONLY here alone EVERYTHING important is called out, thank you for that. (Y)
I have always liked this Chinese aircraft, even more so in the latest version, but it has never been exported.
If exported it would certainly cost much less than the SU-30, but probably also the Mig-35.
With the Russian Lyulka-Saturn AL-31 FN engine, a re-export permit from Moscow would also be needed.

What a beauty this J10C is. If Iran had 250 of these, and license to build it, wow that would be great. Add to this 80 J11s, and now Iran has an airforce.
J-11 at an air base in Iran with Iranian pilot standing next to it

View attachment 681928

Caption adds: Wait for very interesting news

I was wondering when this was going to come out. Still it is not all done. Keep fingers crossed. Two aspects of this will make lots of you in this forum pretty unhappy. But hey, it is what it is.
J-11 at an air base in Iran with Iranian pilot standing next to it

View attachment 681928

Caption adds: Wait for very interesting news
Interesting hypothesis, but if the J-11 has an AL-31 turbofan it needs the re-export license from Russia, if it has the Chinese WS-10 turbofan it would be appropriate if it has reached an operational maturity similar to the AL-31

But I see it's a two-seater, so it's either a J-11BS, or it's a J-16
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i don't have alot of information on IRIAF so if some of you brothers help me it will be great.

is this Karar which was Bavar-373 target carrying fuel tank or a jamming pod ?

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