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Not a real fighter
You have to check whether his father has left anything for you!
tanx i forget to check my e mail of course he send her num .when one jew without ball can fu ....we iranian perfectly can .and she has greatest fun in her life dont forget that
In case of Iran, almost all war estimates by Pentagon call for land force up to 500,000-650,000 soldiers to do land invasion of Iran. I assume the planners of Pentagon know much more than you in regards to what to expect from Iran.

Let’s say a total of 750,000 soldiers for just securing Iran. That would mean all able soldiers along with reserves and even a draft.

On top of that, US would likely need another 250,000 soldiers to deploy to Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq and Afghanistan to stem the militia attacks.

So you want to know why Iran hasn’t been attacked? Because no politician will call for draft let alone a mobilization of million man army.

And if you go the route of limited air strikes and “hope” that it doesn’t escalate then all you do is guarantee an Iran with a nuclear bomb and potentially a global economic crisis as Iran sets fire to every major oil installation in the Middle East.

So again, this is well known by Pentagon planners. There is no scenario where US enters war and exits smelling like roses. This is why there will never be war.

The US could “afford” WWI and WW2. It could afford the Cold War. It could afford Vietnam. It can not afford an Iran war, the world can not afford it. Times have changed.

Devil is in the details.

Yeah, so Iran can't afford a war with the U.S. unless you believe Iran's claims they can wipe the U.S. carrier group with just one missile.

Right because Saddam had a vast stock of domestically produced precision guided missiles and ability to strike aircraft bunkers 100's of KM from his own boarders! And 85% of his Naval capabilities hadn't already been sunk by Iran and his Air Force and Helo fleet weren't fully dependent on imported parts, weapons & even foreign maintenance professionals and he wasn't living in a country where the vast majority of men within fighting age wanted him & his government gone because they were being oppressed by a minority group.
Yea sure that sound a lot like Iran! LOL!

And lets not forget in the 1st Gulf War the U.S. didn't actually hold any significant portions of Iraq but rather carpet bombed Iraqi armored battalions near the boarder so they can simply drive their Tanks all over Iraq rather quickly to scare Saddam and get him to withdraw from Kuwait and it worked. But the actual invasion happened over a decade later and only after the U.S. spent over a decade bombing Iraqi Air Defenses, Weapons factories and depots.

Now if your asking me if I think the U.S. has the capability to drive it's Tanks a few hundred kilometers inside Iranian territory from various sides and then hull a and get out my answer to that would be of course they do but that's not really an invasion is it! AND unlike Saddam Iran has the retaliatory capabilities to strike back at Airforce bases that the U.S. would need to provide Air Support and Iran wouldn't need fighter jets to do it so disabling Iran's ability to launch fighter from every single Iranian Air Force Base would have no effect on Iran's retaliatory capabilities

Saddam tried to retaliate with ballistic missiles, just similar to what Iran is trying to do. Remember that you have to fire many and I mean many missiles to take out the bases that large and considered the defenses as well as countermeasures against such missiles. You would need airplanes to defend your airspace otherwise we have air superiority over Iran. Makes it harder for Iran. You know that otherwise you wouldn't have an air force in the first place.

right now ur president beging for talk he send his phone number .but if he send her doghter number i pesonally call her bic she is good thing to f.....

Your leaders are the ones who sent their phone numbers to his daughter. Not the other way around.
Yeah, so Iran can't afford a war with the U.S. unless you believe Iran's claims they can wipe the U.S. carrier group with just one missile.

Saddam tried to retaliate with ballistic missiles, just similar to what Iran is trying to do. Remember that you have to fire many and I mean many missiles to take out the bases that large and considered the defenses as well as countermeasures against such missiles. You would need airplanes to defend your airspace otherwise we have air superiority over Iran. Makes it harder for Iran. You know that otherwise you wouldn't have an air force in the first place.

Your leaders are the ones who sent their phone numbers to his daughter. Not the other way around.
You need to change your name from Oldman to Senile!
Saddam tried to retaliate with ballistic missiles, just similar to what Iran is trying to do. Remember that you have to fire many and I mean many missiles to take out the bases that large and considered the defenses as well as countermeasures against such missiles. You would need airplanes to defend your airspace otherwise we have air superiority over Iran. Makes it harder for Iran. You know that otherwise you wouldn't have an air force in the first place.
How long it take to made Scud ready and how accurate it is . then compare it with the accuracy of a missile from Fateh family and how long it take to launch it.
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Yeah, so Iran can't afford a war with the U.S. unless you believe Iran's claims they can wipe the U.S. carrier group with just one missile.

Saddam tried to retaliate with ballistic missiles, just similar to what Iran is trying to do. Remember that you have to fire many and I mean many missiles to take out the bases that large and considered the defenses as well as countermeasures against such missiles. You would need airplanes to defend your airspace otherwise we have air superiority over Iran. Makes it harder for Iran. You know that otherwise you wouldn't have an air force in the first place.

Your leaders are the ones who sent their phone numbers to his daughter. Not the other way around.

Your the one that's deluded enough to think that a country that has more than 3 times as many large known Missile Bases than Air Force Bases can only afford to fire 1 missile or even 1 type of missile at your ships.
And missiles aren't Iran's only means of striking at U.S. fleet as the U.S. learned in it's Millennial Challenge where it lost 16 ships in a matter of day's and that was against Iran's capabilities back in 2002 which was NOTHING compared to Iran's capabilities today.

And comparing Saddam's Missile capabilities in the 90's with Iran's today is rather absurd! And is as absurd as me equating Saddam's Air Force with the U.S. Air Force simply because they both use fighter jets.
So equating the two simply because they both used fighter jets with no regards to the quantity, quality, the various types and capabilities of the fighter jets...… is as absurd as equating Saddam's Missiles with Iran's Missiles simply because Iran will use missiles as a means of delivery.

Missiles like fighter jet are simply a means of delivering ordinances and Iran is NOT Iraq! Iran has spent the better part of the past 2 decades transferring the countries main retaliatory capabilities from it's Air Force to it's Missile Forces with the express purpose of confronting the U.S. because the U.S. has spent the better part of the past 2 decades threatening Iran with military action! And unlike with the U.S. for Iran it's a matter of survival so in response to the constant U.S. threats you think a long list of Iranian military commanders, think tanks & military planners from various branches haven't spent the better part of the past 2 decades in coming with the means of fighting off the U.S. by producing various types of weapons that are within Iran's capabilities to produce and not just missiles! Or are you truly deluded enough that you think that the U.S. has been threatening Iran and building military bases around Iran for the past 2 decades & in response Iranian military planners simply decided to stand around scratching their heads? HOW DELUSIONAL ARE YOU?
Yeah, so Iran can't afford a war with the U.S. unless you believe Iran's claims they can wipe the U.S. carrier group with just one missile.

Saddam tried to retaliate with ballistic missiles, just similar to what Iran is trying to do. Remember that you have to fire many and I mean many missiles to take out the bases that large and considered the defenses as well as countermeasures against such missiles. You would need airplanes to defend your airspace otherwise we have air superiority over Iran. Makes it harder for Iran. You know that otherwise you wouldn't have an air force in the first place.

Your leaders are the ones who sent their phone numbers to his daughter. Not the other way around.
lol , why dont you go and wear a MAGA cap and relax since you love Ivanca so much , no disrespect but you sound like a angry imbecile trying to justify America as the righteous Defender of the free world ,the horse sh**t you`v been fed by Uncle SAM is what you believe in and you are entitel to it , have a nice day
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