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IRIAF F-14 Tomcat in Combat


Dec 13, 2008
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Guys this is a highly interesting documentary in English about some F-14 engagements during the Iran-Iraq war. It's well narrated and has nice videos, as well as interviews with the pilots involved in the engagements. They also interview Tom Cooper, the Austrian researcher and author of many books and articles regarding the Iran-Iraq war.

Living in Shiraz for most of the war, I saw F-14s flying overhead many times. But they usually flew way high in altitude. But once I remember, Iraqis had hit I believe the airport and we were just released from the school (on Zand street) and there was a plume of smoke going up. We saw one F-14 rushing past us toward the West. We all jumped up and down and we so badly wanted it to go kick the a$$ of the Iraqi mig... lol

All credit goes to FulcrumPilot for posting the video. Thank you!

Unfortunately he has disabled embedding, so you have to follow the link to YouTube to view it.

IRIAF F-14 Tomcat in Combat(Part 1) - YouTube
IRIAF F-14 Tomcat in Combat(Part 2) - YouTube
IRIAF F-14 Tomcat in Combat(Part 3) - YouTube
sweet bro more then 11 hours of fly 8 air-refueling nice record

4 to 5 hours of fly every time and some 9 hours more

that is really very stress full

the Documentary is amazing

it showed the positive side of Iran Air force which was also shocking for the Iraq and its allies back then
sweet bro more then 11 hours of fly 8 air-refueling nice record

4 to 5 hours of fly every time and some 9 hours more

that is really very stress full

the Documentary is amazing

it showed the positive side of Iran Air force which was also shocking for the Iraq and its allies back then

Brother the truly amazing thing is that these people quietly carried out their duties going on missions with defective aircrafts and missing parts and risked their lives and lost colleagues and friends day-in-day-out for 8 long years without any fanfare or recognition or tangible reward of any kind. They decimated the Iraqi airforce many times over while everybody had written them. And to see them and hear them talk, they're so humble and unpretentious. I bow to them and I thank them and kiss their hands from a far.
Brother the truly amazing thing is that these people quietly carried out their duties going on missions with defective aircrafts and missing parts and risked their lives and lost colleagues and friends day-in-day-out for 8 long years without any fanfare or recognition or tangible reward of any kind. They decimated the Iraqi airforce many times over while everybody had written them. And to see them and hear them talk, they're so humble and unpretentious. I bow to them and I thank them and kiss their hands from a far.
It's so humbling to hear them talk so relaxed about such heavy things. For example I kept hearing in the doc that "we didn't engage because we wanted to save our missiles since we only had so much and couldn't get more" or "we couldn't go over 60K feet b/c we didn't have pressurized suits" etc...
Iran should have reverse engineered this beast and produced in good numbers them.

bozorgmehr jan, thank you for making the thread. it is crazy how one of these great men flew for 11 hours non stop, I doubt anyone will ever beat his record.

shuma hamon bozorgmehr tooye IMF hastin? man ID unja farbod hast :D
amazing ... and is it me or some of the scenarios they described were exactly portrayed in the movie Top Gun? like the barrel roll on top of the enemy leader's plane, single blip turning out to be three planes flying in close formation?
i always heard about USA USA ISRAEL bla bla
never of other

IRAN AIR FORCE at last now i am happy i saw the whole documentary and want to extended my appreciation and thanks to the
PRESS tv it was a excellent program

now i want more about Iran airforce during the war the F4 F5

1 Missile Destroy 3 Iraqi Aircraft by F14
this record will never be broken

PLEASE IRAN MAKE AND COPY F14 if you can i believe you can do it as far as i know it wont be hard for you guy
i always heard about USA USA ISRAEL bla bla
never of other

IRAN AIR FORCE at last now i am happy i saw the whole documentary and want to extended my appreciation and thanks to the
PRESS tv it was a excellent program

now i want more about Iran airforce during the war the F4 F5

1 Missile Destroy 3 Iraqi Aircraft by F14
this record will never be broken

if you can i believe you can do it as far as i know it wont be hard for you guy
Honestly, we could do it, but we have money issues.
We don't like to spend much on arms and defence (health and education are always priotorized) and what we have has to be divided up between the navy, missiles, nuclear program etc...

I mean we could technically go on a massive spending spree and make jet engines (not the best engines either), but is it worth it for us?? I don't think so. Our enemy (USA) will always destroy our airforce so what's the point? The money can go towards more and better missiles, nuclear program and more subs to counter the American navy (quantity over quality).
Simply one word 'AMAZING'. This shows the skill and courage of the Iranian pilots, especially when the whole world is against you due to the wrong reasons.. hats off to them.
I am sure iF IRAN could get the best version of F14 still they can kick the F16 F18 F15 :)
Agha in videoha injaa chizter e. Yeki jaaye dige upload kone mamnun misham.
Brother the truly amazing thing is that these people quietly carried out their duties going on missions with defective aircrafts and missing parts and risked their lives and lost colleagues and friends day-in-day-out for 8 long years without any fanfare or recognition or tangible reward of any kind. They decimated the Iraqi airforce many times over while everybody had written them. And to see them and hear them talk, they're so humble and unpretentious. I bow to them and I thank them and kiss their hands from a far.

Most of these officers were in jail and beaten/some tortured after the revolution but they were approached by the leadership to save Iran after the Iraqi invasion.....they did it for Iran.

Much respect to their patriotism and aviator skills.
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